Giuliani just said on Crowder I can donate to help Trump pay his legal fees to win the election...

Giuliani just said on Crowder I can donate to help Trump pay his legal fees to win the election. Does anyone know where I can donate?

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Other urls found in this thread:

keep your money you jackass these people have unlimited funds

winred. And they're very annoying. Be careful not to be suckered into giving more than you can afford or making recurring payments.
Of course, AOC will put you on her list of subversives so President Harris can hunt you down.

>giving money to a rich kike

Remember: NO REFUNDS

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Unironically not a good idea, democrats are going to call everyone on the list a terrorist.

1 800 cope

Just donate through four seasons landscaping

> help a billionaire pay for legal fees
you kike pedophiles are literally the worst subhumans in existence.

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Buddy, the fine print has at least 50% of it go to paying off campaign debt. This the last scam.

>Sets up a "legal fund" on his way out of office
A true con man to the end.

I'm donating my cum filled socks, match me.

How do you feel now, trumpo’s?

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> 50% of each contribution, up to a maximum of $2,800 ($5,000), to be designated toward DJTFP’s 2020 general election account for general election debt retirement until such debt is retired. 50% of each contribution, up to a maximum of $2,800 ($5,000), to be designated toward DJTFP’s Recount Account. Any amount that exceeds the applicable contribution limit for 2020 general election debt retirement, including any amounts donated to DJTFP after such debt has been retired, will be designated in full toward DJFTP’s Recount Account, up to a maximum of $2,800 ($5,000).


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>How many levels of cucked are you on?
>Dunno, raising my wife's black son
>Haha! Pathetic! Whatch me donate my live savings to supposedly pay a billionaire's legal fees!

it's great to see a "billionaire" can't even pay his own fucking debts. what a useless pedophile.

I have chickens, how do I send?
I also have carrots for Tiff.

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watch this video
You can donate on trump's campaign website.

At least with the Qtards on the streets broke won't be able to vote

>1 Post by this ID
>literally a trump campaign employee trying to bait Zig Forums into donating
you lost, kill yourself you subhuman muttskin. i wanna see you get beheaded

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get back into the oven, subhuman kike.

No they don't. They are having to retain thousands of lawyers to fight the evil kikes who have unlimited money.


White man here, you haven't won shit Goldberg.

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how's he gonna win?

Yes at gookmoot@Zig

it's your money do what you want, may be better donating to your community though.

die in a fire leftnigger

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> white man here
jews aren't white. they're subhuman sand niggers like muslims. cope harder, rabbi.

Why the duck would I need to donate when it’s a federal matter? My taxes go to this shjt

Lmao, debt collectors are going to bust their asses

> donate to help Trump pay his legal fees
isn't trump a billionaire?

>Donating to a billionare
Are you fucking stupid

TalmudVision doesn't control who the president is, although they erroneously represent themselves as being the authority who selects who the president is. All of the elections in swing states have legislatures controlled by republicans, who are rejecting this soft coup. The republican legislatures are auditing the elections. SCOTUS can remedy this. The republican legislatures haven't certified any of the elections. The election isn't even close to over.

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You can help pay off his debt you mean lol. Read the fine print.

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Trust the Giu
but not with your teenage daughter

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-2 billionaire

Oy Vey, just accept our voter fraud that we call a "glitch"

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>donating to a billionaire

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You can reach Tiffany through the mailing address for

I just donated my house. Match me.

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>donating to a “billionaire”

This meme again. Didn't know you commies trusted kikes so much

>The Billionaire needs donations to fight a case

Let me repeat that


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Weird, I just watched the same show as you, and I didn't hear him say anything about donating, he said if anyone had anything that could contribute to the investigation and the case, they should send it to their local republican representative.

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>not donating to a guy fighting the face of the western kike banking oligarchy

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>believing anything that comes from (((the federalist)))
it's fake kike news, user. just give up, please.


and AOC was just threatening donors to trump with reeducation camps or something on twitter. meanwhile biden organizes his own legal fund.

they are trying heavily to discourage donation to trumps legal defense. they are afraid of the courts.

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Ahh another cooooooper. Feels good to cooope. Are you coooooooping??

>Does anyone know where I can donate?

Lots of people lost all they had by betting on Trump winning. We have nothing left.

This. Trumps entire campaign was build on "I'm so rich lol". People that donate to him need to get shot.

Trumpkins throwing their money into the black hole of Trump Inc. is the penultimate fuck you to everything they've believed these past 4 years.

Lmao yes keep donating and removing yourself from the economy

Trump and his idiot lawyers are now 0-10 in court. But yes keep giving them your money

>literally giving money to a billionaire
nigga what are you doing


>oy vey, only adopt the opinions of (((approved sources)))

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I believe Steve Bannon is responsible for holding on to the donation funds once collected.

>Donating to a billionaire

Why would any sane person give money to two old assholes who are already rich?

Oh god here we go again. Has Zig Forums finally transitioned into r/BernieSanders?

Same fucking retards who would give money to a Kardashian so she can become the youngest "self made" billionaire. MAGAtards are so fucking delusional.

Ya'll fucking spastics just wasted thousands of dollars on Trump bet and now you're going to start personally sending him money?

Feels good to call out kikery where I see it, and Bill Cooper was right.

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Eat shit kike pawn.

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