Why do burgers toss out their kids on the street as soon as they turn 18?

Why do burgers toss out their kids on the street as soon as they turn 18?

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Because boomers think it's as easy for their kids to succeed as it was for them.
Back when they were kids yea you could kick him out of the house.
Minimum wage adjusted for inflation back in 1950 was 20 dollars an hour.
No problem. Also school was cheap as hell a bachelors degree cost only about 500 bucks. Total.
So they think they can kick their kids out and they'll do great because America is still the same land of opportunity and ease that they had.
WRONG. But oh well.

He has a job and thousands saved, his words. Retard should quit bitching on reddit and find a roommate online asap.

>few thousand saved up with stable employment
>don't know how to get a roommate in the age of the internet
>don't know how to look up biking laws in the age of the internet
These people are doomed to failure, keep your reddit shit away from here

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Niggers do because they have 8 other "chillren" from 20 different "men" to take care of.

Back in their day there was a SOCIETY who helped raise children. If you slept in the street a kind woman would take you in and let you paint her roof for a few spare dollars and a meal.

I fully believe that parents are not aware beings. Their soul drains out into the child to be recycled. They're just automatons.

Because they have been demoralised by the Jews into choosing blind consoomerism over the sake of their own children.

TV tells white people this is how its supposed to be. It tells them they've done their job as parents and now their child needs to become a bigger player in the economy. $$$

Better than ending up with decrepit NEET coomer living in their basement.

>bachelors degree cost only about 500 bucks. Total.
from where you ignoramous? the median price of tuition in 1969 was $9,689 per year.

Guys I need help pls idk wtf to do
>younger sister starts attending highschool
>in her second year
>starts dating a nigger because its mostly full of niggers and constant niggers are shilled everywhere in media and outside
>I tell her to stop it's disgusting
>she doesn't listen says he's different from the others
>she starts always coming home late
>notice a bruise on her shoulder and confront her
>she says its nothing, admits hes abusive but she can change him
>I'm in rage now
>one day when I come back early I notice someone else is in the house (parent comes back super late)
>she brought the fucking nigger home
>they're sitting in the couch in the living room and hes fucking molesting her right there
>I confront him about the bruises and staying away from her
>escalates to a fight
>nigger is huge, 6'5 and weighs like a gorilla
>overpowers me and starts beating me in the kitchen
>sisters runs and begs him from probably killing me
>he slaps her
>I'm still in a fucking daze entire head is spinning and face is numb
>slowly come to a realisation after about 15 mins that they're having sex in her bedroom
>later leaves like nothing happened and she avoids me

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Uh. Did you call the cops?

Why do you think we have guns? This is one of those times when you would kill him, use the bruises on your sister to claim she was attacked and that he was attacking you

Instead the scenario you described is exactly what is happening to your country

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I didn't fall for the 18 and you're out meme.

For my family we all live together, saving up quickly.

I've easily saved over 50k over the past 5 years. And because all of our jobs do more than cover expenses, all together we can afford a bigger house, larger property (10+ acres).

There's no point in kicking everyone out on their ass so they end up poor or barely scraping by.

Family matters.

Why not, USA still has 3x salary house prices whilst rest of world is on 10+. You cunts can afford it.

Why do you retards always fall for obvious bait?


Why are you in denial?

>the median price of tuition in 1969 was $9,689 per year
I said 1950. That's around the time my dad got his Bachelors from Lousiana Tech. He said it was 500 bucks.

You dont have a sister

Jews trained baby boomers to focus their money on Recreational Vehicle, Boat, Motorcycle and remodelling (in addition to vacations). Boomers are the Beautiful Ones from the Mouse Utopia Experiment

>the median price
You're also including all schools with that.
Like Yale and Harvard and Princeton and all that.
Some schools were more expensive back then but most were not.

Noooo goyim! You each have to rent your own place from us!!!!

because how else are jewish landlords going to fill all their properties goy? breaking up the family unit means more shekels for mr landlord

They don’t, I’m 38 and still stay with my
Mom. And now I’m sure I’ll be able to get insurance. And then maybe, in 4 years we may be able to get back on track for eliminating college debt

Alot of these kids on reddit are probably drug addicts or flamboyant faggots, thats why they get kicked out. Imagine raising a kid to do good in life only for him to later backstab you by wanting reassignment surgery.

Why have all these redundant shill threads started being spammed again when there is election fraud still going on?

Boomers are selfish pricks

>Parents are soulless servants to their children

Wtf kek as if whites didn't already have enough reason to not have kids.

Why do you post your shitty fapfics on Zig Forums? Does pretending to be a natzee XD fulfill you?

Don't deny us, KEK

>Why do burgers toss out their kids on the street as soon as they turn 18?
So they understand and appreciate everything their parents have been providing for them throughout childhood. Although I wouldn't kick my kid out on his 18th if they were still in high school, you better believe the day after they graduate they're fucking out on their own. Let them wake up to the economic reality of being independent, and come to appreciate everything you did for them. If they want to come back and apologize and appreciative, than maybe I'll help them figure out how to get into a STEM college program or go to a technical school to learn to weld or plumb or something.

mix of white guilt HATE for their spawn, and delusional nostalgia view of the world as still being the 80%-white sole-superpower utopia they grew up in.

Whatever you do, do not do this to your kids
>have a friend who had this happen to him at 18
>struggled for a bit but is doing well now
>due to wuhan flu, his parents are forced to move back in with him
>treats them like a burden and makes them sleep in the living room couch because "muh homegym needs a room"
>tells me how good it feels to have them completely reliant on him
Don't throw out your kids bros

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>Why do burgers toss out their kids on the street as soon as they turn 18?

It's part of series 'Just white American people things', no other race does this.


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My parents just looked at me as an accessory and not an independent human. I didn’t do exactly what they wanted me to, so they booted me out. Hell I was working night shift to save money and my mom kicked me out because “night shift is for lazy people who want to sleep all day”. I went and lived in the woods behind the store I worked at. Didn’t sleep for almost two months, I would get a nap in after the sun went down. Didn’t have a shower so I had to go swim in a pool at a hotel nearby.

She said it was good for me to suffer. I think she just liked watching me struggle because I didn’t want to be on the tennis team. I don’t speak to my parents anymore.

This is completely alien to us here, Now most people tend to move out around 20-23 here on their own accord but i have never heard of anyone getting kicked out like wtf.

>the median price of tuition in 1969 was $9,689 per year
Thats out of state tuition, which nowadays is something like 32k to 100k a year. In-state tuition is now about what out of state tuition used to be. How much will in state tuition be in 2069?