I know only one thing for certain right now.......if somehow someway Trump is given back the election, it will be the biggest Happening of our time, bigger than 911, 2008 financial crisis, and coronavirus. I neither want this to happen, nor not want it to happen. it is simply the objective truth. that is all, thank you
I know only one thing for certain right now.......if somehow someway Trump is given back the election...
William Ward
Jayden Howard
not really this exact same thing happened 20 years ago. Media called the election for Al Gore, he lost the recount.
Andrew Smith
yeah the only problem is that there is about a .3% chance of that happening.
Hunter Morgan
John Edwards
Zachary Roberts
Evan Bennett
It was nowhere even close to the same thing. That election came down to a few hundred votes in a single state, and was literally too close to call.
Biden is ahead by more than 4 million votes and is 39 electoral votes over 270. He could lose a couple of states called for him and still win.
You don't just get to run to the Supreme Court if you don't like the election results and ask them to pick.
Nolan Myers
Ethan Price
That's why they'll never allow it to happen. Nothing ever happens
Jack Richardson