Reminder that there is no such thing as Based Black man

>Pic related
No such thing, ever. The ones who seem based, are just indiferent for the time being. Sooner or later they will turn on you.

Attached: 38478327894234.jpg (1200x794, 121.96K)

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no idea who that is

i never saw him as based, i remember he had a mental breakdown because he saw some white guy laughing and went to africa

It’s Chris Rock you no friends having faggot

Na, blacks can be decent people. On this hand with Chappelle, he told you who he was from day 1. Never pretended to be your buddy even if he made you laugh.

>like/dislike ratio
White people are masochists.

Italians are a shit subspecies of whites

Never considered Chappelle one. He had moments of honesty which the left could not comprehend, but his opinions are always gonna be leftist. There are absolutely based black people. In fact, as a partial redneck, I have more in common with them culturally and socially than a lot of white people. Try talking to them. I don't know much about whatever it is you guys are importing, boot, but the descendents former slaves and especially the ones in the South are more American than most of the whites on the coasts at this point.

Nobody thought he was based, he’s just funnier than most (((comedians)))