HAPPENING Trump tweet


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Say nigger shill

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Just remember when you go for the politicians to end the corruption. you also knock on the door of dorsey and zuckerburg.

Bump for entertainment purposes

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kek roll for the champ.

You sound worried.

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Go Caesar or shut the fuck up.

Everyone knows Trump is a bitchmade kike slave, so slink away early.

Check emmmmmmmmmmm


Serious question;
When he's out of office and they inevitably ban him to appease the leftist horde does twitter just die?


Lmao this orange faggot will sit on Twitter for months and then quietly leave the White House in the middle of the night. What a useless fucking sack of garbage.

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I'm all in for Trump but it just doesn't matter what he tweets at this point, the masses have been brainwashed to not believe anything he says, if he claimed the sky was blue then they would disagree with him because he is Trump

if he somehow pulls this one off he needs to either get rid of the MSM or un-brainwash people

You are in for a rough week

The establishment decides the election, Mr. President. Media is their voice.


>Lamestream media

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wow shocker hes complaining that he lost for the 5th day in a row how is this news

What a cuck, is this the best he's got?

Did they replace Trump's twitter with an AI?

Libtards are the girl in the boat

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Sick digits sir

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>Lamestream media
He’s fucking lost it, huh?

I voted for him but this shit is embarrassing. We knew Dems would dominate the mail in ballots and they'd be counted later. It's not fraud, it's just big cities having easier access to voting and them being in mass hysteria against Trump. He lost, we won the Senate, it wont be that bad.

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Lmao! What a pathetic subhuman.

Fuck yeah

ohnonono this nigger need sme copium
smdh fat fucking nigger loser sucking down my turds

We havent won the senate yet

It would be funny to see him being dragged out of the White House yelling "I won!"....unless of course his legal team manages to get voter/election fraud to SCOTUS. Still, I feel even then SCOTUS will betray him.

Why does he continue to embarass himself even more? Is he really this retarded?


Basically the only chances of Republicans losing the runoff elections in Georgia are Trump going full nuclear and telling everyone not to vote. Democrats historically do badly at runoffs because their base only cares about presidential elections.

Oh my God

This is actually the timeline where we will get to see trump get dragged out of the white house livestream.

Its afraid

cope harder cucks

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What can he do? Seriously guys, I'm fucking worried.

Because jews aren’t as smart as they think they are. He’s proof of that.