See, unlike the skinhead untouchables who inhabit this site, I grew up and became a normal human being with healthy relationships and a good career.
I don't have a problem with gay people. I don't have a problem with brown people. I don't have a problem with Muslims. I don't have a problem with Jews. I kinda sorta respect the holyfuckinghell out of modern women.
In other words, I'm not a pea brained toddler repeating history as farce with an orange fucktard who puts children into LITERAL concentration camps.
I'm not pissing my pants scared at the idea of women having more voices, more votes, and - GASP - more control over worldly affairs.
I'm not cucked to the cruel, nonsensical, evil ideas cooked up by shitty white men a hundred fucking years ago, or the shitty sexist morals all but beaten into us by our shitty fucking forefathers.
I'm free of toxic masculinity. Fuck yes, you will be hearing that phrase a whole fucking lot over the next ten years, and it will become law.
So suck my asshole, you fucking cowards. Go real deep and suck like I know you secretly want to.
Fascism is so fucking dead after 2020 you won't even be able to smell its oozing corpse.
Your world is thrashing around on its deathbed as we speak.
It's gone for fucking forever as soon as the rotten Cheetoh is gone.
Here, have a look inside my crystal ball.
I see a whole fucking lot of bold, pissed off, beautiful women tap dancing on your skull for the HELL you inflicted on them the past four years.
And men like me will be right there at their sides just laughing. Mocking. Drowning you in heaps upon heaps of your own shitty shit.
They have everything, dumb motherfuckers shouldn't have been arrogant.
Xavier Evans
This better be good, Mr. President.
Nathan Morales
>S-SHUT IT DOOOOOOOOOOOOOWNNNNNNNNNNNN Kikes are so scared that you failed.
Zachary Russell
Trump plans tomorrow at 7pm to hold a conference to consneed.
Joseph Diaz
>in these situations it's common for people to Crack under pressure so I'm going to put a little bit of pressure on you to see if you'll be okay to take the stand >REEEEEE COERCION, INTIMIDATION, DEEP STATE SATANIST INCESTUOUS PEDOPHILE CULT HUNTER'S PENIS
David Phillips
There's no actual way the Republicans came within a cunt hair of flipping the House, held the Senate, and Biden got enough votes to be numerically superior in the same states. Fuck off.
The USPS guy conducting the interrogation is using hypnosis. He is obviously a trained agent of some sort. A plant from some agency? Russel Strasser. WHO IS HE?
>120,000 ballots magically appear for Biden, 100% BLUE, from a singe county, erasing Trump’s 112,000 vote lead in the state "Oy vey, that's suspicious, are we live?”
I'll have a two-factor authentication voter ID, a number nine large with handmarked paper ballots, a number six with open-source dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives, one with election auditing, one with cheese, and an archived e-ballot soda
Trump lost to Sleepy Joe, the worst candidate in decades.
>loses elections >loses court cases >loses dignity not conceding >loses white house >loses Melania thru divorce >family already hate him >DOJ opens the cases on his businesses >one-term ex-president Trump found dead in Trump Towers, naked in a bathtub, death by pills
Apparently he used to get popular memes printed out and delivered with clippings of Trump-related news articles to his oval office desk by Bannon, Gorka, Miller and other aides.
Yes really.
Owen Williams
So did the guy recant or not?
Samuel Baker
Is it true he's going to consneed?
Joseph Martin
Fuck the media son, look at the MATH.
Sleepy Joe won by thousands of votes, the gig is up, get real nigga.
He recanted on the record but still wants his 15 minutes of fame so he'll lie and say he didn't
Eli Fisher
This man - is 74 years old - is severely overweight - eats nothing but fast food - drinks nothing but Diet Coke - beat the "modern plague" COVID-19 in a weekend
Logan Gomez
Why the fuck you think whatever the guys says becomes true? It aint happening nigga, get over it.
if this shit keeps piling on , trump wont need the SC, or even to play the rigged game at all, so long as it gets dragged out long enough and delays the EC long enough. if republicans keep winning state legeslatures, they will just end up giving trump every embattled state when it comes to the EC, or house reps, which ever one happens first
Parker Howard
Today, the Attorney Generals from 10 states, AL, ARK, FL, KY, MISS, SC, SD, MO, and TX filed a brief in the Pennsylvania election case before SCOTUS arguing that voting by mail creates unique risks of fraud.
What happens if Biden and Harris die today? Who will be president if Biden gets the majority of votes from the voters (not the electors, of course, I know they will vote later)?
Austin Hughes
It better not be your dick
Michael Watson
Whaddup mah nigga!?, i'm one of those men.
see, unlike da skinhead untouchables who inhabit this site, i grew up an' became a normal human bein' wit healthy relationships an' a bitchin' careah.
i don' gots a problem wit gay people. i don' gots a problem wit brown people. i don' gots a problem wit muslims. i don' gots a problem wit jews. i kinda sorta respect da holyfuckinghell out of modern bitches.
in othah words, i'm not a pea brained toddlah repeatin' history as farce wit an orange fucktard who puts children into literal concentration camps.
i'm not pissin' mah motha fuckin' pants scared at da idea of bitches havin' more voices, more votes, an' - gasp - more control ovah worldly affairs.
i'm not cucked to da cruel, nonsensical, evil ideas cooked up by shitty white men a hundred fuckin' years ago, or da shitty sexist morals all but beaten into us by our shitty fuckin' forefathaz.
i'm free of toxic masculinity. Fuck word, choo will be hearin' dat phrase a whole fuckin' lot ovah da next ten years, an' it will become law.
so suck mah motha fuckin' asshole, choo fuckin' cowards. Go real deep an' suck like i know choo secretly want to.
fascism be so fuckin' dead aftah 2020 choo won't even be able to smell its oozin' corpse.
yo world be thrashin' aroun' on its deathbed as me n' mah niggahs speak.
it's gone fo fuckin' forevah as soon as da rotten cheetoh be gone.
here, gots a look inside mah motha fuckin' crystal ball.
i see a whole fuckin' lot of bold, pissed off, beautiful bitches tap dancin' on yo skull fo da hell choo inflicted on them da past four years.
an' men like meh will be right derr at their sides just laughin'. Mockin'. Drownin' choo in heaps upon heaps of yo own shitty Sheiit.
Jackson Bennett
CNN just had Erin Burnett and John King saying it was mathematically impossible for Trump to flip 150k votes in Michigan OR flip Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona to win the EC.
Even though it is mathematically possible. They're either lying or have bought into the delusion that those state's results are in any way finalised.
>Apparently he used to get popular memes printed out and delivered with clippings of Trump-related news articles to his oval office desk by Bannon, Gorka, Miller and other aides. I wish I could have a custom framed Trump signed rare Pepe
Girls name was pissed off with McCabe & all the BS of the FISA court, all the excuses. He may well be lukewarm on Trump & finds Biden an easier person to deal with due to him being weak, but he knows that cheating has happened & that it is wrong.
Ian Gonzalez
What do the def dpt firings mean?
Christopher Ward
Sorry MAGAfags, apparently this election was stolen this all the republican house gains are invalid
Jack Wright
No he's not. "Morbidly" obese is a medical term meaning you are incapable of exercising, which becomes a vicious cycle of eating for nutrients and not being able to shed those gained calories. Trump is no where near that point.
Colton Gray
thanks love. i know it hard ive almost done it myself. we all know he is here but he is not here
Christian King
Under Joe Biden's rule, yeah I will, in the ways that matter at least.
Hunter Jones
Zig Forums >”noooooo, you can’t defund the police. That would lead to anarchy. Look at what these rioters are doing. They’re destroying the cities”
Also Zig Forums >”Based Trump will start the civil war”
user, if the Trump team is all over Dominion, and Trump just now hinted that the team IS all over Dominion, then the election map is gonna get a lot fucking redder.
Brayden King
It's not just possible. It's likely.
Leo Davis
I live in Wyoming. Screaming nigger in public would at most generate a chuckle.
Everyone is throwing their weight behind Trump, except Romney and 2xBush and Bill Kristol. They must have seen something devastating. Otherwise they would be much more cautious.
Ryder Mitchell
We will control everything. Three branches become one. The purge in the executive branch has been happening for the past 48 hours. Snakes removed, loyalists in place. We will control the Legislature, the Judicial, the Executive, majority State Legislatures, majority Governorships.
The source is the same official source that's causing you retards to flip the fuck out over this latest project veritas nothingburger you third world retard
they already are, even if trump loses (which becomes more unlikely as mid-december approaches) GOP has take massive amounts of ground, even without trump, they have flipped a shit ton of seats and nearly retook the house
Christopher Nguyen
>tucc shitting on the left >YEAH BUT NOT ON THE RIGHT SUBJECT IN THE RIGHT WAY stifle yesself
>tucker completely abandoning the trump grift train >leading with muh nigger lives matter >not talking about voter fraud >not talking about the veritas nothingburger #93747
Its time to realize MAGA is over. But we can always rebuild in 2024
Are you retarded or just illiterate? It says in the fucking tweet that he's being questioned by federal agents
Landon Smith
What happens if Biden and Harris die today? Who will be president if Biden gets the majority of votes from the voters (not the electors, of course, I know they will vote later)?
The PA lawsuit is much more significant than people realize it is, and the entire media is downplaying its significance. There are MAJOR constitutional and civil right violations that are a major crux of the lawsuit, which is why so many other states are putting their weight behind it. If PA cheated, and those electors go to the EC, then the rest of the Union has been disenfranchised.
Kayden Flores
That text almost looks like a soonpost
Jayden Murphy
Yeah sorry I meant to say he did NOT recant, that video is from the original Tweet (the Tweet got deleted but the video file is still on the server)
it is neveda, which would not supirse me if biden won fair, lots of spics and CA transplants
Carter Baker
Wyoming is full of nice and polite people who nod at you as you pass and hold doors open for you.
Jonathan Lewis
Liam Torres
The disproportionate lack of down-ticket votes is a sure sign of election/vote tampering. I'm fine with a recount... why aren't you?
Christian Martin
So this is the power of TUCC you guys shill all the time. >riots bad >thanks for your fox news subscription Hopefully he's just saving it for boomer hour next.