Whats stopping them from becoming first world?
South America
Jew, niggers, aztec blood, abo blood, pajeet.
Med dna
Being full of violent lazy indios
Your fucking country, that's what happened, if your glowies just fucking let us alone, we could've been so much better. Not to mention that the same glowniggers are responsible for the drug cartels, this shit could end tomorrow but, they profit from it, so it goes on.
Your country unironically fucked mine
genetics. theyd rather mutliate animals with battery drills, and kill each other.
Drugs, crime, and despots...
Was doing some research on Brazil. Did you know that for the entire population 80% of the maternal DNA comes from non white (Indian or Black) women. That the entire population from the blacks to the pardos to the whites comes from a baseline of non white women being fucked by White men. That even the white Brazilians are a product of this, just generations upon generations of bleaching
>Not to mention that the same glowniggers are responsible for the drug cartels
How is the FBI, CIA and NSA responsible for drug cartels in South America and Mexico?
Educación señor !
New generation is finally going to Uni. Invest in a terrain there. Wait few years, price always go up, they ceased being apes. You always have a place to go in case of major worldwide conflict too
1. IQ
2. Socialism
Look, I won't say this is entirely the US fault but if whitoids weren't such junkie degenerates we wouldn't have this narco bullshit. Without narcos we'd be like any other SEA irrelevant shithole full of trannies, but without the niggish violence.
Agree with you, Brasil bro
>Does a forced coup in my country
>Basically throws us against a commie puppet for no fucking reason
>Privatize our companies, basically giving away our shit to the pockets of the Americans instead of Nationalizing it
>CIA literally funds drug cartels, when they weren't that common decades ago
>Economy goes down to shit
Americans are fucking ignorant, I fucking hate when they try and lecture me on the country I FUCKING LIVE in.
>he doesn't know it
Are you serious? You people would get cocaine enemas if they existed. Local drug consumption is just weed and designer drugs, cocaine is quite weird and reserved only for spoiled kids like you coddled fucks up there.
these countries can be very easily derailed
every thing that can go wrong, goes wrong in these shitholes
rural poverty reproducing too much
sellout leaders
niggers and indios
drug plantations
foreign intervention
leftist radicals
its too much
is it your first day? i swear leafs are so fucking dumb. What is in the water up there. Fuck me.
Where do you think the CIA gets all its blackbag cash from, that literally no one else in the entire government even knows where it comes from?
Even the pentagon dont know where the money comes from. Now, where do you think theyre getting trillions of dollars from?
Not clicking on that link. Just post info here, glownigger
>responsible for the drug cartels
I almost forgot of DEA. Are they still relevant or just another waste of taxes?
Their inability to hold corrupt politicians accountable + low IQ.
You kidding me? I was born in that hell hole, in Venezuela. The leftism took over most of the South. It's all fucked up, all the way from Mexico to Chile, which even changed its constitution and it's filled with filthy commies. Most of their economies are close to be in the gutter. It's impossible to come down from that but with a good red cleansing.
Forsooth, here is another detective novel, my good Canadian sir!
corruption and gangs
I don't do drugs and i'm not rich. But i have to say whenever i see a colombian flag on Zig Forums, i feel like i'm talking to a drug dealer
Yeah and I feel like I'm talking to a chink tranny cuck when I see a fucking leaf.
What a retard
jews and freemasons infighting
south americans