What did the President of the United States of America mean by this?

what did the President of the United States of America mean by this?

Attached: IMG_20201111_012042.jpg (1034x637, 134.1K)

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based joe

Take the knee, kiss the ring and bend over, post-haste lubed for America getting fucked inside, out once more. Clinton style. TTP/NAFTA 2.0. happening. Enjoy your temp jobs going overseas. Fast-food included to AUTOMATONS.

>i'm telling them: america is back in china's pocket, we're back in the game to sell out america

>I'm in violation of the Logan act please rape my face

The globohomo agenda is now 140%, instead of 80%.

We are back and ready to bow down to the EU and engage in more pointless conflicts in the ME for Israel.

yeah back in the game where Joe sends them foreign aid and the distribute it through their shell companies where Hunter is on every board collecting paychecks and fucking their 10 year olds in their shit hole capital city Holiday Inn... That's what the old faggot nigger means,...

Attached: 40B8D070-E610-4511-8591-AE3BAA43CFB5.jpg (700x462, 153.85K)

lol back in the game of what exactly? shipping all of their jobs overseas to china and the third world?

I believe he is publicly admitting to breaking the logan act, very similar to how he publicly admitted to threatening Ukraine into firing their lead investigator looking into burisma