Book Reccomendation Thread. I need some Ideas

I banned the internet and social media from my house because of the degenerate/negative physical and psychological effects it was having on my family, especially my three children. I'm building a custom book case out of oak and stocking it with books for myself and my family. I'm straight white Christian, so I don't want any faggotry, feminism or white guilt garbage infecting my home. That being said what are some good books I should order from Amazon?

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where the red fern grows.

You're a psycho. You're abusing your family.

Thanks. Just ordered it!

Meditations by marcus aurelius
the screwtape letters by cs lewis
The republic by plato
complete chronicles of narnia
complete lotr, hobbit, silmarillion
moby dick by herman melville
the brothers karamazov by fyodor dosoevsky
crime and punishment by dostoevsky
notes from undergrounf by dostoevsky

Fuck you. My family will not be poisoned by homosexuality and chimp culture.

Excellent. I already have LotR and Hobbit (Who doesn't0 and Moby Dick but I'll check out the rest of your list.

> I do not wish to exit my echo chamber because I'm afraid of other opinions.
Man up and read about all opinions, all religions. My bookshelf is filled to the brim with books ranging from Das Kapital to Mein Kampf. From the Talmud to the Quran.I'm not telling you to change your opinion. Keep it as long as you like. But only reading what you wanna read in order to circlejerk yourself into the ideology that you currently hold is weakness at best.

The Russians by Hedrick Smith

That’s a pretty gay move since, here you sit, shitposting away. Force your wife and kids to fester in ignorance while you line Bezos’ pockets for alt-right self-help books