Trust the plan. The FBI and Barr got this. Patriots are in control. Sealed indictments are coming out soon. Stand down, disarm, and wait for the signal. The storm is brewing.
Shut up you faggot kike. Reality people is they're all against you and you were not supposed to catch them cheating. What they fear is you hitting the streets armed to the teeth and not in the mood for pilpul excuses. You fail this and your grandchildren will deface your grave in hate, if they are not first aborted by dr tryone for being a descendant of trump supporters
Aiden Rogers
Alexander Hill
I think he's looking for whistle-blowers with evidence only they can provide, not stuff you can get on the internet
i was wonder what that was be about. on an authority level, the CIA director is like 20 rungs above the senate majority leader , what would he be able to do that she can not? that woman has access to all information, no matter how secret, and every computer on earth on a whim
Xavier Reed
>relax don't do anything >miss me with that shit CONSNEEEEEEEEEED
Mena Lee Grebin has a dream a week before the election, around October 28th, 2020. In the dream, she sees President Trump writing a letter to the nation in blue ink. In the letter, President Trump is addressing the nation on the election that just occurred and that something wrong happened with the ballots. Trump is writing to the people saying: "I will give you the official numbers of the election..." Trump writes his name and next to his name the number of votes he got. In the next line, Trump writes Biden's name, and the number of votes Biden got. In the letter, Trump has significantly more votes than Biden. Trump then states he will be president for the next four years. As Trump signs his name, in the background an enormous amount of noise erupts. The noise is a mixture of crashing, burning, yelling, gunshots, total chaos and confusion. End of dream.
>And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions (Joel 2:28)
So I’m hearing Hannity was shit which is a really bad sign IMO I know fraud happened but if it can’t be proven that’s basically the same as nothing, and Trump telling people to watch Boomer Central who has nothing doesn’t bode well
Because her bosses saw yesterday’s ratings and plotzed themselves
Ethan Rivera
he'll be retired next now that judge jeannie is free
Gabriel Turner
Pastor Dana Coverstone
Prophetic Dream: August 17th, 2020
On Monday night August 17, I dreamt that I saw the calendar month of November and it was bent and torn and dirty. I also saw trees in the background that were leafless yet a few trees that still had a scarce amount of leaves had them turned as if rain was coming. The sky was a dull gray with extreme cloud cover. I saw the finger appear and it circled November 3 continuously in a clock-wise direction, but changed to counter-clockwise before the images appeared. There were cities on fire and headlines read “Trump’s Victory Challenged Everywhere” on digital marquees in big cities. There were protestors in the streets who were weary and asleep, and they appeared dirty and dingy as if they had not slept or showered in weeks. Suddenly a bell rang loud and clear and the protestors woke and started salivating like a dog, big buckets of saliva that seemed to stain their shirts. I saw people screaming and getting violent over the election results to the point of firing weapons randomly in all directions.
I saw a person with a sign that read “The Obvious Winner Is Not So Obvious,” and he held his head in shame. But the crowd was in a frenzy of hatred and even hitting each other in their wrath. I saw more big cities with pillars of smoke over them like the wild firestorms in CA. I saw crumbled and burned out buildings in Washington, DC, not monuments but businesses and commercial real estate. Headlines declared that rebuilding would take time and trust would take even longer and government could not do it in a timely fashion.
>If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Jackson Gonzalez
>Although Chinese in South East Asian countries consist of a very small percentage of the population, they control a large percentage of these southeast Asian countries. For example, ethnic Chinese in Indonesia estimated at 3 percent of the population controlled 70 percent of the Indonesian economy. jews and chinese are the same, they are both black africns, but the light skinned ones pretend that the blacks of their race don't exist. Most of the jews are black africans living in Ethiopia, but every jew, regardless of skin tone, is a black african, just like the chinese. Just like the jews, the chinese originate in deepest darkest blackest central africa. chinese are called "the jews of asia" and it is true-- they are!