Why did so many Hispanics vote for Republicans in the 2020 elections?

Why did so many Hispanics vote for Republicans in the 2020 elections?

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>crop out her feet


Because they want jobs and not riots

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blm, less Ice than obama harrasing you, more jobs, less police harrasing you under trump than obama.

We hate niggers and commies too.
>t. Cuban

There are black latinos. Never heard about Pele?? And there are mulattos too, like domenicans

>Being a footfag
Also, please stay on topic.

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probably don't want feral niggers burning down their home and workplace

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Hispanics tend to be christian, some very christian, like conservatives. They also come from places like venezuela or some central american place, where corruption and bad economics fucked up everything, so they hate big government like conservatives. And the ones from mexico want to keep mexican bullshit the fuck in mexico


True but let's be real people mean mestizos. White Spanish speakers are White and Black Spanish speakers are Black. Indigenous Spanish speakers are Indigenous. 'Hispanic' means mestizo.

No they don't, fuck off spic shill.

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gotta give them the capital letter too

Even black latinos hate American niggers.

Spics hate niggers, and the Democrats are the party of niggers first and foremost. Do the math.

Cause I fucking hate niggers

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They’re so unappealing. I look at that face and just see someone picking corn and making tortillas.


This, pablo's on this board are so desperate for white men to fuck their women that it's really sad desu.

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Dios mío.

Checked and wtf I love beaners now?

Because even mestizos and Indios prefer whites to blacks, since blacks be ugly.


lol this

Cubans and Venezuelians know where socialism leads.

>mestizos and Indios
Bruh they're both injun aztecs lmao.

How many did vote Republican this time around? You are making a assumptions when you showed no actual data even though Hispanics vote majority Democrat in every election.

You are gay

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Many did