>''getting this vaccine to every suburb, and every australian, will be a challenge but it's one the australian government has been preparing for months''
You believe in a vaccine? Are you going to jab your self with something that magically appears after they try to push Biden in? Your DNA will belong to pfizer its a RNA vaccine
Jaxson Brown
The ZOG plans to sterilize white males and replace us with a more loyal group of goyim.
Nathaniel Miller
Will African countries get the sterilization vaccine too? Or is the vaccine only for majority white countries with low but recovering white birthrates.
Parker Stewart
No I'm not, but I'm asking how would they go about distributing the vaccine? You probably won't be allowed into stores without it right?
Noah Reed
Costs 30 bucks to make a modern clone, a couple months from test tube
Wish they were delivering clone cuties instead
Oh wait, THEY WANT TO KILL YOU That sucks...
Ryder Cruz
But why the RNAm though? If the spike protein would be enough just inject that. Going the RNAm route seems a desperate hack for a slightly improved longer term immunity. For about two weeks max.