If you had the chance, how would you fix Zig Forums?
If you had the chance, how would you fix Zig Forums?
kill ALL trannies, that is all.
Range ban Canadians and permaban anyone who uses a memeflag. I’d still leave the option to use a memeflag for lulz
No memeflags
No filling out 200 captchas for using Opera browser.
That's quite an extreme measure, don't you think?
Pol is perfect how it is. Suicidal shills and everything.
do to jannitors mods and admins what pol pot did to his enemies
Not really, they do it to themselves all the time.
all posts are auto-sent to postees parents
Just ban all the political content.
not a single mention of killing Jannies or niggers
props to you though
Remove all tranny jannies. Spam their email with
I’d make OP live in a pod and eat bugs
Ban anyone who holds extreme partisan positions.
Then Zig Forums would be a light in the darkness as opposed to the toxic morass that it is.
Remove flags, remove IDs. Telling everyone what country you're from makes trolling boring because the victim can always fire back by insulting your flag, IDs make it too difficult to samefag which is boring as hell.
You know... I hadn't considered what this place will look like when shills actually, literally, finally btfo. We operate on a meta. The one characteristic that separates a true scottsman from the rest is that fascination with reading the meta and uncovering truth. We're here because there's a puzzle to solve and a world to save. When this puzzle is gone... Damn man.. Damn.
>galaxy brained centrist meme
that’s so 2015
I'd make it more racist, also push fascism a little more.
Then what's the point?
Turn it into the next Zig Forums
IQ next to id and no memeflags
I kind of do that, already.
All posts must contain an anime character or pony
As the supreme tranny janny I will implament no restrictions on posting, however, I would use machine learning to try and identify posts that are made by shills or bots
Implement an AI that autobans trannyposters, JIDF, shareblue, redditors, and especially sudanese
permaban anyone who hadn't posted prior to 2013
How funny is it that the shills are actually trannies. I thought you guys were meming about that until I saw literal screenshots of their messages amongst each other and videos of them reacting to Zig Forums posts.
allow gore
I'd up you one better. Fire all the current mods and hire our best shitposters and then make a mega thread and sticky it. Inside it will be the doxx info and picture of every faggot on here that's ever spouted leftist rhetoric.
>censorship is light
how orwellian
I'm not interested in that domain, thank you.
They already post it. Don't you pay attention?
>No free speech: Ban spammers, commies, shitposters
>Post IP and other known information of the worst shitposters
Honestly I’m pretty happy with Zig Forums right now all things considered. Many regrettable things had to happen but it could be far worse
Stormfags get sent back, we go back to having fun.