>just found out the guy who plays gandalf is gay
Just found out the guy who plays gandalf is gay
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hes not a fag faggot he is flamboyant! flamboyant man!
who cares
read the books you fucking millennial
Dude how old are you
When did you realize he was good guy?
LOTR a shit
Read Conan
He's a stereotypical fag too. He got in trouble for fucking 13 year old boys.
Wait til you realize the woman who wrote the books hate transgenders,
Ummmm movies are gay
Grow up faggot.
Destroying nature and racemixing is akin to being a good guy?
Hahahaha hahaha hahaha haahhhaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaa
He also admitted to ripping out anti-gay pages from hotel Bibles. He will burn in hell nicely while JRR Tolkien laughs from heaven.
stop watching hollywood faggotry, faggot
gandolf the gay lol
every single time. rope the fags
he's just bewitched by a dark curse desu
Frodos a faggot too. Overall poor casting choice imo, he's got a real faggot look to him compared to Gandalf.
>Destroying nature and racemixing is akin to being a good guy?
He does look kinda Jewish.
He did nothing good
i thought he fit the role pretty well imo
>just found out OP is gay
You do know that Frodo is canonically gay, right?
yeah most wizards are gay
Wait.. arent you mixing up Gandalf with Dumbledore?
Yeah, who could forget when the devout Christian J. R. R. Tolkien wrote
>and in that hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit , he be gay as fuck.
>In 2016, Wood discussed his belief that organized child sexual abuse happens in Hollywood.
>In 2019, Wood and Danish film producer Mette-Marie Kongsved had their first child together.