Is this on purpose? Why do all top female celebrities date Black guys. Taylor Swift, Billie Eillish, Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian, etc... all of them date Black guys almost exclusively. Why?
Celebrities and Black Boyfriends
Do you really expect celebrities not to be the most degenerate people in the world? You can’t be a celebrity (especially a female celebrity) without constantly drowning in ridiculous, degenerate behavior.
Because the majority of women have been made to believe men are trying subjugate them. So they go for "undesirable" because they are safe and easier to manipulate. Celebrities and their relationships that get written about tend to be marketing and advertising and reflect the demographic they're trying to sell to.
Black men are only "undesirable" to weak white males with no marketable skills or advantages, because they see them as threats to their livelihoods.
>Taylor Swift
I dunno about the rest, but Taylor Swift definitely hates niggers.
>"We need you to date black guys."
>"For extra diversity-points."
because they have huge cocks and can use them better than white boys
They don't have all have huge cocks though otherwise they would have already enslaved white boys. You need to let go of this cope and leave average dick black men with white girlfriends alone.
>Taylor Swift
Since when? Every bf she has ever has been white.
billie eilish is a tranny with a fridge body
Billie Eilish is joining the club 27 in the future
Their kike handlers push it on them and threaten their careers if they refuse
celebrities, like niggers, are a dime a dozen
Black people are threats to my livelihood though. That's why I avoid certain neighbourhoods at night.
Jewish women love black men
Most problems relating to sexual depravity can be blamed on the Cezch Republic and her people. Why does Kylie Jenner sell her ass herself to blacks? The answer to this question is in Prague.
I'll describe something that occurs in the music industry especially (though in Hollywood as well I'm sure) that is basically common knowledge but many people do not know the full extent of. I am an insider and have first hand experience with people who have experienced what I am describing.
>being raped and passed around at a young age changes girls mentally
>in extreme cases they develop dissociative identity disorder (DID)
>essentially what happens to them is that they behave like men during sexual encounters and stressful situations
>it's a sort of survival mechanism to make men ejaculate before the situation escalates to violence (many sick men get off to being violent to young girls)
>eventually they start to build a personality, or multiple, around their most violent abuser's kinks and likes/dislikes
>strangely this bonds them to their abuser creating a weird Stockholm syndrome like effect where she "loves" her abuser/trafficker
>the abuser will live out his fantasies via her this way because she will do anything he asks
>she grows addicted to the constant attention
>the fantasies turn into an addiction for the abuser and once he's done everything he can to her he finally starts pimping her out once he's tired of it
>this turns into a cuckold fetish because he's so attached to her by now
>the victim usually turns into a size-queen for nigger dick
In the industry these alternate personalities that the victim dissociates to during stressful situations are actually really useful to women for making art. You need a high level of confidence to sing/dance in such a way and the victim literally gives 0 fucks about her wellbeing during these dissociative episodes. She has no shame, no fear, basically - no ego. Most performers are not artists, they are just performers for other people's work. They get attention out of it so that's why they like it, and it gives them leverage (money, power) to escape their abusers.
Billie Eilish's brother is likely her original pimp
haha stupid bitches
Taylor swift was with a part-Latino bvll. Rest is trash.
The cuck tries to use reverse psychology but fails.
Black males are one of the least desired race/gender combos.
This is a nice fantasy you have made up for yourself.
Who was the Latino bull she dated?
This vagina user needs redpill or useless?
>Why do all top female celebrities date Black guys. Taylor Swift, Billie Eillish, Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian, etc... all of them date Black guys almost exclusively.
niggers are a threat to any human.
most of niggers cant even get hard boners. poor blood flow cuz nigger genetics suck
>tfw no asian male
>Why do all top female celebrities date Black guys.
They are more masculine compared to the white boys in their circles who are all atheist sissies.