Attached: 1.png (540x110, 7.37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>le cue face

>10 days of silence
oh shit

Attached: TheAbsoluteBestClarenceThomasMeme.jpg (810x770, 84.04K)


If Q turns out to be legit, I will post a pic of myself everyday on here for a a year and declare myself to be a faggot. That's 365 pics of me being a faggot.

>good thing for me Q is a larp



Attached: qanon - rip first copycat.jpg (1857x718, 272.19K)

we already know your a faggot without the pics but go for it.

Attached: jtfebkfyopy51.png (1368x1789, 1.35M)

>just wait 2 more weeks



S A L A D ?

No point. We already know you're a faggot.

Pence is Q

why is that not a good thing?

>only 3 posts after nov 3rd
Q was almost posting daily prior to nov 3rd lmao
poor larper cant cope

Pence is a sleeper.´
wont be VP next term

I think it’s Ezra Cohen WatNick, Flynn’s protege.

>end of the line
>Trump lost
>literally nothing happened
oh no no no no

So tranny shills said Austin steinbart was Q, then that was fake. Then some guy in the Philippines was Q, that was fake as well. Then Ezra is Q.

Why are the dilators flipping out over a larp?

I wouldn't be surprised if Q turns out to be a kike

Attached: 1dchess.png (1000x400, 118.5K)

Yeah his wife got an envelope

Attached: 20201112_200714.jpg (1048x1902, 381.34K)

Because it's fucking hilarious watching you fags fall for it every time.

Thats pretty easy to figure out. DOJ has to wait 10 days after the election to get involved. You could figure that out by looking up the laws on this if you even suspected a chance of voter fraud investigations happening, which people have been talking about since 2016.

i noticed something today, all the red trump ads has "TRUMP" 2020

The blue ones contains "Pence" as VP.

You will never be a faggot



Fuck off retard. Take this shit to your containment zone

This. For god sake follow anything, anything other than this empty time sink of disappointment known as Q.

Flat earths, aliens, interdimensional energy vampires, whatever, but this? Come on, man!

The decision to incarnate in this life is to experience soul growth through our heart underneath the stars, Through time we have let our birth right of soul growth disappear as we are born into a corrupt pre constructed society made by mans personal greed and stimulation of primal senses to control human thought through hermetic laws.
The jew is deceived into an inescapable fake religion at birth when forcibly indoctrinated into a satanic cult by having a piece of their pure body and gods creation mutilated, this disgusting animalistic act of mutilation was put upon their retarded elders for mind control (religion ) long long ago.
The hermetic people at the top of your reality who print fake money and use all religion as deception... they allow the jews to down buildings to have fake war and allow a 20 year occupation for personal defense of the fake country in exchange for permanent bases and trillions $ in poppy fields and oil to corrupt every tier of the western worlds goverment soulless puppets. The soulless jew does not have god in their heart and will forever cause destruction with zero compassion- all because the life scar of satan cock mutilation and they must try and find salvation in a fake book not knowing the truth of god and spirit in the heart just as their hermetic masters who created religions did.
Above them are the filth empty hearted human trash who control your perception of reality by creating money/school/tax/ tv/media/celebritys, all mind perversion using the kabbalah teachings.
The current soulless degenerates behind the walls of our system are using an old framework of control because only an enlightend being can read the true knowledge of Egyptian hermetic teachings.
I am comfortable out of my body and assure you eternal horrors await those who deceive in short this life.
All religions lead to one. Self enlightenment through heart growth is true purpose. All humans have the potential of synchronization and unlocking your true potential