Uhm Bros, didn't some schizo say to look out for something about "Roses" on Friday..
WTF is going on bros.
I have a pit in my stomach.

Attached: Screenshot_20201113-113852.png (720x1280, 381.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I remember. Anyone have the thread link?


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what the heck is Operation Warp Speed?

He's only going to talk about how he's the one who made the "vaccine" possible in this amount of time to tote more accomplishments

I always screencap the larp posts just in case

Attached: C427C8D0-C042-47CB-AEAC-923FE786A192.jpg (824x1340, 342.41K)


Giving big pharma unlimited free shekels to create a vaccine

Also screenshotted this for truth pulled reference. .

Attached: Screenshot_20201110-112739_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 1.01M)

Oh fuck here we go

warp sneed

He will concede today.

H-how could he know that? G-guys?

Attached: 1399571127090.gif (125x125, 17.96K)

I also screencapped anons

Attached: 20201112_015628.jpg (1069x1968, 532.99K)

>its nothing as usual

many people in high position were replaced/ fired this week too. Ooooh I might take work off early for this.

Lmao get ready tranny

You will never be a woman, sir.

It's about vaccines you idiots.

>trump has done at least one press conference a week at the rose garden for the last 8 months
>roses are the most common fancy flower used in official activities

He's going to announce a mandatory vaccine plan and mobilize military units across the country to give them to you if you don't comply. Trump has been saying this ever since may. If he's smart he is going to make the deadline after inauguration day so biden gets blamed when a bunch of schizo rednecks get gunned down because of their nonexistent right to spread a (((deadly disease)))

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This cap is better

Attached: 82DB44E7-B183-4ADD-94A4-3E5A7D1E0227.gif (982x1974, 174.22K)


This seems like a gay larp.

>Zig Forums - Politically Incorrect » Thread #289786473
>Zig Forums - Politically Incorrect » Thread #289604655

>in b4 the real operation warp speed is an operational warp speed drive
>trump lands a space force one starship on the rose garden
>under the weight of this massive flex the biden campaign consneeds and dilates
>everyone claps

>He's only going to talk about how he's the one who made the "vaccine" possible in this amount of time to tote more accomplishments
Trust but verify any of his claims about an election victory on the horizon.


Attached: Screenshot_20201113-140958_Twitter.jpg (1079x1447, 423.47K)

>Trust but verify

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this is what's gonna happen, unlike what delusional schizoids believe

Attached: silencebigot.jpg (1912x996, 309.12K)

Who's Durham

Good luck

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What’s the meaning of roses again? Forgot what the CIA glowie said

>WTF is going on bros.
You have developed brain damage from excessive use of digital media
You have become a gullible retard who will believe anything posted online

Durham Nc is a shit hole full of joggers lmao

Mr. Riker,

JFK rose from the dead

the roses are real?


You have developed normalicy bias.
The cure is to let me blind you for life with a laser rifle.

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>have become

holy lord, the right are literally children lol. I remember dressing up in camo and running around the neighborhood, thinking everyone was some kind of foreign spy. I had hella names for all the "operations" I would undertake. That was twenty years ago though

Any schizos here that can give me a QRD?

Attached: tifa.jpg (723x1023, 104.23K)

He's opposite of Bolton, balances to mustache scale of good vs evil

how could you possibly have a large enough hardrive?

Guys this is it the fucking happening of the year holy shit

Attached: right-time.png (1372x1404, 1.92M)

No that's you, not owning horrible next generation energy weapons.

Attached: IMG_20201109_114257.jpg (4160x3120, 288.58K)

>Good job Pfizer, God bless america
Wow it's nothing

It's gunna be the CEO of some medical company or Bill Gates. The whole thing'll be about the COVID vaccine

>g2g gotta go get an asset
Big larp. Glowies don't talk like this when they talk to pol. CIA doesn't use the phrase "asset" internally, for one.

Is an obvious gay larp, seen many like it

Attached: IMG-20201113-WA0039.jpg (480x360, 12.77K)

>I have a pit in my stomach.
coward tranny

It'll be about the vaccines.
>How fucking stupid do you think the people that run the world are?
Pic very related

Attached: 1605216397521.png (1033x9404, 2.46M)

Didnt some glowanon say to watch for mentions of "Roses" and he is going to give a speech in the Rose Garden?

Attached: 1605201268466.gif (300x168, 1.6M)

I prefer hilldawg memes they felt more organic
you will never be white

Attached: hilldawg.jpg (624x434, 113.6K)

Did you even read your own image? It says right there. It's more bullshit covid trash. It's a nothing burger.

it was a bullshit copypasta which did not specify friday, just 'over the next week or so', and trolls kept changing the type of flower specified every time it was reposted. it was supposed to be a signal IN THE MSM, that key ZOG/MIC shadow-elites were going missing (as they were finally being mass arrested).

stop falling for total bullshit larps.

were about to accelerate, buckle up

Attached: 382.gif (320x213, 602.45K)

You will never be a woman

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