What did Q mean by this?

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>trust the larp

Q meant for his dumbass boomer followers to come up with a bunch of theories, one of which he will choose as 'what he meant' in a few days time. As he always does.

Are you telling me Sessions won't pull through?

>it had to be this way

This. This line right here sends an icy chill down my spine. What sense is this ment to mean? Past events? Current events? CIA glowie said we are in the dealing stage. What were the trade offs????? I haven't had anxiety this entire election cycle till these posts started coming true.

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I'm surprised Q pulled through, considering that his first two posts were proven wrong within 3 days of them being made.

Still, Q is a great example of how easily desperate people can slip into believing what they want to believe, to the exclusion of reality. Shame Zig Forums didn't learn that lesson.

It means nothing can stop Biden

He’s just a wh appointee trolling or a glow nigger giving dis info

what is this schizo shit

>Established by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in July 2010, the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) supports Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (SWIC) from the 56 states and territories, by developing products and services to assist them with leveraging their relationships, professional knowledge, and experience with public safety partners involved in interoperable communications at all levels of government.

>CISA is the lead coordination agency for the NCSWIC and recognizes the critical role the SWICs serve in organizing and executing the interoperability effort in all the states and territories.

>The Emergency Communications Advisory White Paper explains the difference between NCSWIC and organizations such as, SAFECOM, First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC), and National Public-Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC).


Trust the fucking plan you cunts

Compromise of 1877

>nothing can stop what is coming

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IF the plan and real, and thats a big if, then you can only get enough people fighting to fix our election system after it is shown to be terrible and easily corruptable. No normie would care about adding restrictions to voting because they would just see it as more hoops to jump through, and they would buy the medias excuse that its racist to make low income families need to get another id just to vote (dems know they are lazy pieces of shit already).
I still think q is a larp but i really hope its all real.

you will never be a woman

There's nothing to stop because nothing is coming.

so the Q shit is real?

probably talking about the NWO from the looks of shit, bud.

>What did Q mean by this?
absolutely nothing, just utter nosense as usual, Q is a larp.

go and smear you boyfriends shit over your face faggot

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When has Q ever been wrong?

Whatever that means

NC North carolina?
WI wisconsin?
C california?


Q is mike flynn's people, three of whom now occupy top spots at DoD. Ignore shills.

its a vague statement that could mean literally anything so that q boomers can say he predicted something after something inevitably happens.

Bezmenov Jujitsu, let them think they have won, they have done their job.
Now we sit back and chew the pop corn anons.


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If Trump had won outright no one would have cared about the fraud

Supreme court

as far as we know, the agency that was supposed to bring a big WIN in a big sting operation is the one that betrayed Trump and just rubbed it to his face. and that post is the ultimate cope.
but I could be wrong, we'll know soon

THIS is what Q meant.
Q is real
>Q is real
Q is real
>Q is real

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Everything is a shade of grey. I believe there is some truth to it


We have the scotus, nothing can stop us

If q is real, than what about the ayyy post?

Oh my

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W what's c coming bros!?

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you should check out the new George Magazine aka George.news the collectiveQ and what they have been publishing exclusively especially in relation to Biden's threats of using the chairforce.
shhh don't tell them, you'll ruin the psyop

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Unironically this. Q literally told us a long ago that he was gonna spew disinfo. "Trust X" was just as much to throw off the Cabal as it was to pacify Qoomers into not going Unibomber and fucking their plans up. The Cabal read the posts too. A lot of time he was just rustling the bushes to flush em out. Why would the media invest so much energy to debunk a LARP that they could just laugh off as easily as Flat Earth?

Oh there is, but it seems more like a network of well informed larpers, who don'
t want to even be more than that. The early posts were actually very telling and talked about corruption in Saudi Arabia. I was off the train by March 2018 (started I think in November 2017). What he's saying about it being wrong early alot is wrong.


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These people are too stupid to find anything super crazy. Settle down

That he was about to shit his pants.

Trust the Plan

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>it's real
wtf is this timeline i live in

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>Biden as president is part of the plan. Keep waiting goyim you'll see!