Have you taken the Islam pill yet?

Have you taken the Islam pill yet?

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Islam is satanic heresy tho

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kek get fucked sandnigger

>tfw you realize that islam is unironically the patricians choice
killing trannies and faggots, making women our bitches. this is literally our final destination Zig Forums

This is a shit meme. We can just look at the behaviour of muslims to judge the religion, and in the UK they are the most degenerate, soulless, low IQ people here - somalis, pakistanis, etc, no Westerner can look up to them.

you forgot to change your memeflag
it's called the piss pill

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>having sex with boys and men
>being the most effeminate religion on earth
I don't think so

Islam is a religion of pieces.

Yes - all Islamists and Muslims are liars. In your Q'Ran is says to lie to infidels. How can anyone believe a word after that from a dirty liar.
Have you taken the Christianity pill yet Muzzy?

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I sincerely hope no mudslime becomes Christian. They need to take the lead pill instead.

Yes. I hope the Christians and Pagans of Zig Forums see the error in their ways before it's too late. It is not wise to set deities beside God.

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>having sex with boys and men
>being the most effeminate religion on earth
yes christianity is indeed a bluepilled religion

I'm not about to follow some greasy sand nigger theology just because they keep their women in line

Pulling lies out of your ass to make place for your beloved BBC?

Checked those digits, God has set a straight path for the Christians, but it is up to them to follow it.

digits confirm

>they keep their women in line
they gave them the right to get drivers licence, its over

Christianity used to do that aswell not even 50 years ago

Why would you hope they don't become Christian? Denying your enemies the kingdom of heaven? Sounds 4d, but its 1d.

Christianity is the red pill, user.

because they're inbred shitskins and I want no fellowship with them, but instead wipe them off the face of the earth

I see we're playing jeopardy.
>what is the catholic church?

I was always of the opinion that Woden paganism and Islam could be synchronised. They are both warrior religion's that regularly BTFO'd the Christian world despite often being less advanced. In Islam, there is a special place in heaven for warriors where you're rewarded with beautiful women and wine, the Hall of Valour is for warrior men to drink and feast all day where Valkyries pour men drinks. The religions of the Book tend to win, which is why I think Islam would have taken off really well in the Chad Germanic nations had it reached us before the weak Christian religion.

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that's false, the Catholic church has always been a haven for the homosexual

Literally a lie. Show me one (life-death situations don;t count btw, low iq fag)

I hate the sand nigger desert religions.
All three suck ass.

Or you're just a bong.

Christianity is a fellowship. Of the spirit. If an Arab was a Christian I'd treat him like I'd like to be treated.
Lol Why do you want them wiped off the face of the earth?

Christ Jesus is the only way one can atone for their sins. If you hate Him, then you also hate the life that He offers. You should instead repent and confess Jesus Christ as Lord.

What does the Church have to do with this?
Im talking about christian people in general.

What do you mean by that?

>If someone burns your house down, turn the other cheek


of course, pic related

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If you want to join something larger than yourself, go to your local Catholic Church and start serving the Lord. The Catholic Church needs more strong men to restore its glory.

>but they fuck kids i hate kid fuckers

The (((satanists))) who infiltrated it fuck kids and their reckoning is coming soon, as more strong men are returning to the way of the Lord. Join us, brother. We will restore God's Holy Kingdom and we would love nothing more than to have you play a part in the glory to come.

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>There came a Bedouin to prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from Banu Fazara and said: "My wife gave birth to a black child. I want to reject this child" the Bedouin said.
>Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked: "Do you have camels?" "Yes" "What color are those camels?" "Red" "Are there any white, black or grey camels among these?" "Yes, of course. There are grey camels among them." "Well, where do you think these grey camels came from?" "O Prophet, that is in their blood; they take after the ancestors."
>"Perhaps this boy has taken after someone in his ancestry (he resembles them)."

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The priesthood was always filled with gays, and currently the Christians are always encouraging gays to stay in the closet and get married to a woman. That sounds wonderful, as long as it's not your daughter or sister who ends up married to a man who is secretly gay, and who actually doesn't love them. So the Christians de facto want their own daughters to marry gay men and be their cover up. Muslims on the other hand, force gay men to get castrated and turned into women, and they die without children.

111. And they say, “None will enter Heaven unless he is a Jew or a Christian.” These are their wishes. Say, “Produce your proof, if you are truthful.”

112. In fact, whoever submits himself to Allah, and is a doer of good, will have his reward with his Lord—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.

What do you mean by this;
>If someone burns your house down, turn the other cheek

Seriously considering it. If a religion were to be true it would be Islam. Islam's pure monotheism is pure and simple.

>The priesthood was always filled with gays, and currently the Christians are always encouraging gays to stay in the closet and get married to a woman
Anyone can say they are Christian user. You believing in lies.


i have vomited my islampill long ago, have you vomited you christpill yet?

It's not the fact that gays in the catholic church exist, and they abuse children that's the problem, the real problem is that the church covered these things up, probably because they sympathised with them

Muslim is a religion. So is social media, class, education. Virtually everything is based on fundamental beliefs we have. Youre already part of many collective identities UKAnon - don't go ahead and do another stupid. The quran says to lie to infidels, Muhammad was a BETA angry paedophile. He was weak

Read this passage and tell me what it means to you:
>Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
>But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
>And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.
>And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
>Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
>Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
>But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
>That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
>For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
Read carefully and ask yourself what Jesus Christ is really trying to say, or what you believe he means. Ask yourself why the Lord Jesus Christ offers forgiveness and yet asks the same of those who are forgiven. Ask yourself why God offers peace to those who show peace. Ask yourself why He gives mercy to those who have shown mercy.
If you can understand this teaching, then you understand salvation, but if it alludes you, then wrath will forever be at your door. Think carefully and ponder all of these sayings of Christ. God bless, user.

Tahki 3arbi ? Mouslem ?ma tkoun ken ihoudi mnayek weld 9ahba.

Yes - we agree - the church is evil. What does that have to do with being a Son of God?

Why bother when we know globohomo intends to wipe out islam entirely?

Allah and the Allfather - Woden, are the same God.

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