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Congratulations to President Biden and all of his voters.
it was over a week ago, Zig Forums is just full of slowies
this has been debunked
>still thinking the tv man decides who wins
ok, retard
Keked at this
>MSM opinion matters.. at all
see you in the electrical collage nigger
>called by the media
News agencies have no constitutional authority to decide elections you double digit IQ morons
All 7 of them.
>US networks
>I voted for Biden in Pennsylvania.
The Networks don’t vote in the electoral college.
>by the US networks
So good. The healing of America begins now and my faith in my fellow Americans has been restored
! This claim is disputed.
Thanks we earned it also congrats to Trump voters you tried your best both teams played hard
Dangerously based, good job user
Again? How is Biden called now? Office president elected elected?
So did i
its good to know that television is the officiating branch of government that can do such things as decide elections
>us networks
Do you actually believe that they're going to vote for Trump?
Funny how they have to call it twice.
Isn't that the same amount of EC votes that Trump beat Hillary with in 2016? Is this some kind of last fuck you to Trump?
Listen shill, no one is buying your shit.
I was just at the grocery store 30 mins ago in PA. A crowd of about 2 dozen people were hanging out near the exit all talking about the election fraud. These weren't maga-fags or Zig Forumstards, these were average working folks 30-55 years old. They saw through the bull shit clearly.
And it still won't matter.
nothing can stop what is coming
It's 2020 bro, you really think things aren't going to be wild? There's the better part of a month between now and then, all kinds of shit could happen. Let's just see what happens, eh, leafy-boi?
I moved to Pennsylvania and voted for Joe Biden. Worked out nicely.
Fact check: Biden didn't win and OP will never be a woman.
>but m-muh s-silent majority
>but m-muh l-legal votes
>but m-muh e-electoral college
>but m-muh s-supreme court
>but m-muh c-coup
Only a perfect genius can reverse this!
I would've voted for Biden because Hunter has a massive cock and probably takes after his father. Trump's tiny peepee doesn't deserve to go tinkle in the presidential bathroom
lol you've got nothing
2 scoops
0 fraud
232 electoral votes
1 term
Seethe. Cope. Beat your wife.
so they were all retarded then, got it
>called by the US networks
by all US networks huh?
jews always lie
Trump won
1 post by this id.
>he thinks 'average working folks' actually know what's going on in this election
if that's what convinces you, your standards are trash
lol networks
it's scared
Did they lie in 2016?
You've got so much nothing and it's fucking glorious
Also, you'll never be a real man.
>Let's just see what happens
Yes of course but surely you can see how banking on faithless electors and saying "JUST WAIT AND SEE" sounds kind of... cope-y, right?
24 average working folk
Hanging out at a grocery store gossiping
I am pretty sure that the process isn't over in most states before the 14th of December. While Biden may have a comfortable lead and is most likely the next president of the US, there is still processes that can happen, which could invalidate this call.
The US is different from a lot of European countries in this regard.
God bless President Biden!
God bless America!
nah I think I'll just load some more ammo
see you on the 'battlefield'
Well yeah, if they don't make a large group they will never keep the US's #1 spot in covid. U! S! A! U! S! A!
I voted by mail
>Hurray! We replaced the guy we accused falsely of colluding with China and Russia, and replaced him with the guy ACTUALLY colluding with China and Russia!
Enjoy your lack of affordable healthcare, housing, higher taxes, war, and lockdowns, and famine.
Hi Shill,
Thank you for playing. Unlike you, most people here are smart enough to not open up their mouth to the MSM, close their eyes and say 'yum'.
The Signal - 13 NOV 2020 17:22:51 GMT
1. The election is still underway and will continue for at least 30 days and as long as 60 days and may eventually be decided on by the House if the Safe Harbor Date of 8 December is not met.
2. The US election process has not been completed as per US election law, which is very precise.
3. There is evidence of fraud in many key states and hundreds of thousands of ballots will be contested for being contaminated (exspoiliation) and now the Windows-based Dominion voting software is under scrutiny.
4. The American people have a right to see this election investigated and adjudicated.
5. If Biden and the DNC were genuine in their desire to help America, they too would want to see the truth of this election fraud and support voter fraud investigations.
6. Joe Biden is not president elect - that is a technically and legally incorrect term as no state ballots have been certified nor has the Electoral College has yet voted and that may or may not occur on 14 DEC 2020
7. Each day this election continues, Joe Biden’s odds exponentially go down as we move towards the Electoral College Vote day of 14 DEC 20.
8. The Current Recount in Georgia is a shit show. Send an email to the Sec of State for GA telling him you feel the recount does not have enough auditors and you feel like you are a disenfranchised voter. This will go into the public record and be used during discovery in following litigation to prove the election is illegitimate
Also, start learning Mandarin. You'll need that for the re-education camps.
I stood around and listened a bit, it seemed like a small group started talking, then people kept joining and leaving. It was about 2 dozen when I left. Just average people, bringing up things like dominan voting and 40K votes jumping from Jo to Biden.
These didn't look like pol fags or maga tards, the average people are seeing through the charade. This wasn't the "Obummer stole the election" shit either, they were talking about explicit examples of fraud in PA. They were pissed.
You don't even live in a real country
I'm not banking on shit, if there's no recount or supreme court rulings, there will be violence.
Based and gentlemanpilled. You fought hard lads, but only one candidate can win. Hold your head high because you did your best. Here's to the future of America.
CAN A CIVIL WAR HAPPEN NOW? PLEASE? for fuck sake someone shoot someone! this is boring! its all ¨legal procedures this¨ ¨recounts that¨ just fucking shoot eachother god damm it!
what does the 2 scoops mean?
user i got the vibe that q was hinting trump would have to throw the election to save the integrity of the republic.
what future? you fags literaly putted a democrat in power you doomed your country...your country will become brazil
>m'uh patriot civil war
>m'uh 1776 will commence again
You and your castrated southern friends won't do a damn thing. When the MIGAcaust comes you're in the first train back to r*ddit.
"CALLED BY THE MEDIA" fucking idiot this is a non post. support whoever you want but this is retarded
The fact he said that is how you know that poster is actually from PA.
holy fucking btfo
The Fag Tater Index
Reminder that cute and funny means of reproduction will be seized for the people party and shared among the people
> pixels on twitter call the election.
Electors do. 14th of December.
>called by the U.S. networks
TV doesn't get to decide, dick
Kinda glade actually. Biden will do the magic lockdown that stops covid and we can all go back to work/school. Mfw it was always about getting trump out of office.
COPE and SEETHE harder chuds
holy shit all this massive cope