Free speech means I can say N word whenever I want

Prove me wrong
Pro tip: you can't

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This is why too much free speech is problematic. Hate speech is not free speech, as freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom from consequences

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I've got digits you don't.
>Free speech is not free speech
Get your dick ripped off, you'll never be a woman

Yes, hate speech laws for Israel! You've verbally abused Muslims and Goyim for the last time you fucking white supremacist.


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hate speech isn't real
it's definition can be whatever the state decides. as soon as you give them power to ban any speech they don't like as long as they can say its hate speech, they use it to silence people.

meanwhile any speech that is a felony is clearly defined already so you don't need hate speech laws. they only protect your feelings at a far greater cost

now if the airline wants to kick you off a plane for screaming nigger, by all means. id kick him off too hes clearly unstable

No Rabbi. There should be no consequences for speech. Ever. You hear me Jew? You understand yet Kike. There will be no consequences for me. shalom


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hate speech is a social construct

The Holocaust didn’t happen and you’re a nigger

forgot your vpn?

call me the n word if you want to.
free speech won't save you from me beating your ass


What a dogshit point rabbi, get back to posting bait threads with a memeflag on.

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>free speech won't save you from me beating your ass

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this. the hate speech idea is bullshit used to control what people can/can't say using bullshit morals as a smokescreen. libel/slander/threats are not protected for good reason, hate speech would not be a good reason for draconian laws for the purpose of control.

try me motherfucker
guarantee I'll break your shit
and dare you to say something about it

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Leftists be like "I'm pro free speech unless you have different opinion than me"

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You can, just be prepared to get beaten then shot and/or stabbed for saying it by a group of us.

>inb4 nigger

Once your resort to racial slurs a fair fight becomes your problem, not ours.

>inb4 dbl nigger

Don't give a shit.

real tuff through a screen there boy.

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Nah, this is a (((sandnigger))) theocracy and it isn't halal.

oh wow
you call me the n word
but your hiding behind a internet connection

You sure can. Now, how people respond to you saying that is another matter, and one you have no control over. Such is the way of frees peach.

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I imagine you saying this with a high pitch girly voice

Yep, and you can also lose thousands of dollars when you get kicked of planes and get banned for life from airlines. I'm sure you're OK with this.

call me the n word if you want to.
free speech won't save you from me beating your ass


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>try me motherfucker
>guarantee I'll break your shit
>and dare you to say something about it
Double nigger

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trust me you'll get knocked the fuck out

fuck off with your bait go back to plebbit for your daily dose of attention after talking about beating your girlfriend nigger

You are literally a wild animal.

you are free to say what you want

others are free to react as they see fit

>"owning the libs" in exchange for a permanent record that makes you unhireable

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What if I call the police and they just shoot you instead nigger?


My fucking sides. Zig Forums bitching about intolerance.

free speech just means the government can't arrest you for saying the N word.

private businesses are free to fire you, throw you out and people are free to not be friends with you because you're a judgemental prick

I will go bare motherfucking knuckles to your face LOL

Yes. You can.
You can also get your jaw broken and get stuck with the medical bills because you said it too.

it is definitely in poor taste to go around shouting nigger, same as wap or chink etc. The difference is that half of america thinks you should be killed for the poor taste of saying nigger but not be killed for the same poor taste like spic, dago, feathernigger, etc. Niggers need to get over themselves or go back to africa, simple as.

Monkeys belong in the zoo, OO OO AH AH

Lel fucking niggers

I once worked for a startup where everyone called each other niggers. Free speech can be cool.

talk shit and I'll fucking wreck you
if you don't want to get fucked up by a black person then I suggest you keep your mouth shut

>I will go bare motherfucking knuckles to your face LOL

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Go back to Africa you slave

>talk shit and I'll fucking wreck you
>if you don't want to get fucked up by a black person then I suggest you keep your mouth shut
Kek niggers are all scrawny effeminate pussies in my experience

>freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom from consequences

I’m curious as to what your going to recommend when it comes to the law regarding speech? Jail? Fined? What’s the punishment for saying words you don’t like?

monkey no logic
>attacks someone for saying word
>they get the bill
thats not how it works, you get the bill because you attacked them, doubt you'd even be able to afford it nigger. also you will do the time just like all the other chimpouts or get shot for resisting simple commands.

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This is what happens to racists when they think they can say the n word to a black person and not think they won't get knocked the fuck out

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i dont care about niggers in general, but when someone tells me not to do something i kinda wanna do it more NIGGER

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You can. Being free to say something means that you won't get prosecuted for it. However it doesn't mean some melanin enriched individual won't bash your head in if he hears you.

Fpwp checks out

no shit, zoomer faggot

>Hate speech
Words, has no physical action.
Physical action.

If I say I'm going to give you a million dollars you are none the richer, nothing has changed in the world it as though it was never said at all. But if you steal from me a million dollars for saying that, well, who is the bad guy here?

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Forgot your memeflag kike

Yes you can say whatever you want. Therefore I can threaten your family that I will kill them and tell your mom I will rape her. I love free speech
God your mom's pussy is so full of disgusting nigger cum

>rivate businesses are free to fire you, throw you out and people are free to not be friends with you because you're a judgemental prick
>because you're a judgemental prick
Yeah and they're not, right?

Want me to throw on the Fury v Wilder tape? That stupid nigger came out dressed like a tranny and got smacked around by an Irish traveller. I bet wilder got a whiff of his BWC on the way down to the mat

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We get it, you are a pussy who gets violent at the slightest provocation. Now kindly fuck off.

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