This needs to be discussed because it kills many people of good stock too. Especially in the NA opioids like fentanyl have been devastating.
What seem to be the common approaches in Cities alll around th world:
Government and Police: >contain it in a certain area >leave druggies and gangs free reign in that area
effects: >most of the City is clean >ghetto is lawless >the problem doesn't shrink or stop >people die in droves
help formt he inside and ex druggies: >hand out syringes and essentials >drugs are bad mkay
effects: >mitegates spread of bloodborne pathogens >potentially makes drugs better available and driving use? >problem doesn't shrink or stop >people die in droves
is there a better way to do it?
>inb4 just enforce it ruthlessly that isn't being done because the capacity to do that isn't there. I'm asking if there's a smarter way to get a hold of it
>This needs to be discussed because it kills many people of good stock too. Mother nature disagrees.
Luke Jones
Drugs should be more deadly, so if you're retarded enough to do them we won't have to deal with you and people like you setting up tent cities under a bridge and asking me for some spare change
Juan Flores
Shoot any drug bums. If they work a job, I don't give a fuck what they do, if they are shitbag useless fucks, shoot them in the head and move on.
Christian Robinson
no I'm serious. We all know things are fucked up and people are depressed. I'm convinced that many people that would be all around good people have their lives desreoyed and are killed by opioids (see opioid epidemic in rural towns in the US) I mentioned fentanyl, which is relatively new and already far more deadly than even heroin. this stuff just spreads no matter how many die
Connor Reed
Only reason drug trafficking exists is because governments allows it and profits from it.
Lincoln Foster
Unironically legalizing but it has to be nationally. Oregon will get all the bad a none of the good. With legalization we could have safer production and start working on reducing the negative sides
Andrew Myers
>This needs to be discussed because it kills many people of good stock too. No it does not, and also you're completely missing the point of why drugs exist in the first place.
The reason they exist and circulate on the black market is precisely to kill people who are of *bad stock*. If you are susceptible to drug addiction, it is not because you're a normal person with a "sickness". It's because you are inherently impulsive, have massively high time-preference, and extremely limited forethought.
Civilization requires the participation of people who can sacrifice immediate benefit for the betterment of both their individual life down the road and of society in general. If you manage to get yourself into a position where you spend all day every day chasing a chemical high and let every other aspect of your life lapse into complete shit, then you decidedly do not belong to this group.
Joseph Hernandez
>no I'm serious. We all know things are fucked up and people are depressed. I'm convinced that many people that would be all around good people have their lives desreoyed and are killed by opioids (see opioid epidemic in rural towns in the US) They deserve to die. Their parents were warned for decades about where this country was headed and they were too short-sighted, too timid, and above all too greedy and selfish to do anything about it. If european people can be made submissive out of fear of being called racist or anti-semites, then they deserve all the pain and suffering awaiting them. Mother nature has decided that such a people do not merit the gift of life.
Cameron Flores
Decades of empirical evidence from around the world shows that reducing and eliminating criminal penalties for drug possession does not increase rates of drug use or crime – while drastically reducing addiction, overdose and HIV/AIDS.
Criminalizing drug use hurts families and communities, compounds social and economic inequalities, and unfairly denies millions of people the opportunity to support themselves and their families.
Several countries have successful experience with decriminalization, most notably Portugal. In 2001, Portugal enacted one of the most extensive drug law reforms in the world when it decriminalized low-level possession and use of all illegal drugs. Today in Portugal, no one is arrested or incarcerated for drug possession, many more people are receiving treatment, and addiction, HIV/AIDS and drug overdose have drastically decreased.
The Portuguese experience demonstrates that ending drug criminalization – alongside a serious investment in treatment and harm reduction services – can significantly improve public safety and health.
Easton Gomez
Decriminalisation it cant be fully stooped
Levi Campbell
most people start so young tho. I think they just happen to do it because it's in their vicinity and easy to get. They'd be normal kids otherwise, they'd still take risks like kids should but not fuck up their whole life
James Johnson
the death penalty
Jordan Perry
Death penalty for drug dealers of highly addictive substances. I sold drugs cause the penalties werent severe enough because I saw it as a stepping stone to where I wanted to be in life. Little did I know that I would become the addict and end up behind everyone else by the time I got clean.
Henry Price
Problem with just decriminalization is it does nothing on the production/research side. We need some tegrity
Nolan Hall
i thought the Kush solved this problem?
Adrian Anderson
Ban neck tattoos so everyone can have a high paying union job
this is the true right-wing mindset. If you have even a shred of the ability to imagine yourself in another person's shoes, then you should be on the left. A strong healthy country and society requires people to have empathy and belief in their neighbors and countrymen.
If that's true then it's because their parents either weren't involved in their lives or failed to prevent them from getting into that situation, which means their parents are of bad stock, which means...they are of bad stock.
This is the cancer that is killing western civilization. Your statement is inherently contradictory.
Justin Young
it's a Nietzschean/Anarchist mindest. a right wing elite like Evola would envision it would recognise the flaws and weaknesses of their folk but still work out a way to enable their best potential. Compassion for your kin is right-wing to the core
Julian Morales
What's your point?
Isaiah Mitchell
Kill both drug dealers and addicts. There is no such thing as rehabilitation. They just have to die.
Hunter Ward
>so everyone can have a high paying union job Leftists are the only people supporting unions now.
>nuke mexico, colombia, and bolivia >kill all junkies and hang them from street lamps boom i solved america's drug crisis
Isaiah Morgan
Poison the drug supply like that kingsmen movie , and let them die
William Cruz
Make them all legal and easy to obtain, but provide no assistance for OD. Let them die.
Nolan Rivera
Legalization with heavy regulation. Pharmacy grade drugs aren't completely harmful if taken responsibly, it's the fentanyl and bacteria from 3rd world asshole smuggling that's killing everyone.
Julian Hill
workers function better on opiates and amphetamines give them out for 1cent per pill please
Xavier Robinson
Legal but strongly discouraged by the culture, at least the heavy drugs
Brayden Gray
legalize all drugs mislabels and disputes are settled in courts no more people die from variable amounts of Chinese fentanyl in what they think is a different drug. Its a tough pill to swallow but full legalization is the only way to reduce harm.
Charles Smith
drugs should be legalized
Dylan Evans
Legalize them all. The prices will crash and people will be able to function with a drug habit just the same as alcoholism. Organized crime will lose its lifeblood.
How Iceland eradicated drinking and drug use among youths?
"In 1992, 14-, 15- and 16-year-olds in every school in Iceland filled in a questionnaire with these kinds of questions. This process was then repeated in 1995 and 1997.
The results of these surveys were alarming. Nationally, almost 25 percent were smoking every day, over 40 percent had got drunk in the past month. But when the team drilled right down into the data, they could identify precisely which schools had the worst problems—and which had the least. Their analysis revealed clear differences between the lives of kids who took up drinking, smoking and other drugs, and those who didn’t. A few factors emerged as strongly protective: participation in organized activities—especially sport—three or four times a week, total time spent with parents during the week, feeling cared about at school, and not being outdoors in the late evenings.
“At that time, there had been all kinds of substance prevention efforts and programs,” says Inga Dóra, who was a research assistant on the surveys. “Mostly they were built on education.” Kids were being warned about the dangers of drink and drugs, but, as Milkman had observed in the U.S., these programs were not working. “We wanted to come up with a different approach.”
The mayor of Reykjavik, too, was interested in trying something new, and many parents felt the same, adds Jón Sigfússon, Inga Dóra’s colleague and brother. Jón had young daughters at the time and joined her new Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis when it was set up in 1999. “The situation was bad,” he says. “It was obvious something had to be done.”
Liam Flores
Forced sterilization of addicts. Everything else is retarded.
"Using the survey data and insights from research including Milkman’s, a new national plan was gradually introduced. It was called Youth in Iceland.
Laws were changed. It became illegal to buy tobacco under the age of 18 and alcohol under the age of 20, and tobacco and alcohol advertising was banned. Links between parents and school were strengthened through parental organizations which by law had to be established in every school, along with school councils with parent representatives. Parents were encouraged to attend talks on the importance of spending a quantity of time with their children rather than occasional “quality time”, on talking to their kids about their lives, on knowing who their kids were friends with, and on keeping their children home in the evenings.
A law was also passed prohibiting children aged between 13 and 16 from being outside after 10 p.m. in winter and midnight in summer. It’s still in effect today.
Home and School, the national umbrella body for parental organizations, introduced agreements for parents to sign. The content varies depending on the age group, and individual organizations can decide what they want to include. For kids aged 13 and up, parents can pledge to follow all the recommendations, and also, for example, not to allow their kids to have unsupervised parties, not to buy alcohol for minors, and to keep an eye on the wellbeing of other children.
These agreements educate parents but also help to strengthen their authority in the home, argues Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir, director of Home and School. “Then it becomes harder to use the oldest excuse in the book: ‘But everybody else can!’”
Zachary Roberts
This , and ban any drug user to access public services , welfare , and college , and legalize drug user homicide
Zachary Allen
"State funding was increased for organized sport, music, art, dance and other clubs, to give kids alternative ways to feel part of a group, and to feel good, rather than through using alcohol and drugs, and kids from low-income families received help to take part. In Reykjavik, for instance, where more than a third of the country’s population lives, a Leisure Card gives families 35,000 krona (£250) per year per child to pay for recreational activities.
Crucially, the surveys have continued. Each year, almost every child in Iceland completes one. This means up-to-date, reliable data is always available.
Between 1997 and 2012, the percentage of kids aged 15 and 16 who reported often or almost always spending time with their parents on weekdays doubled—from 23 percent to 46 percent—and the percentage who participated in organized sports at least four times a week increased from 24 percent to 42 percent. Meanwhile, cigarette smoking, drinking and cannabis use in this age group plummeted. ""
Easton Martin
You cant really discourage anything in america. You'll always get close to 50% that will do it just because you told them not to
Andrew Campbell
And that lifeblood will filter into taxes
Michael Gray
Take a look of how China solved the opium problem.
There you have it.
Michael Ross
Shut down the jewish mafia first:
Jewish Freemasonry & HSBC Created The Opium Drug Trade
" Today, Iceland tops the European table for the cleanest-living teens. The percentage of 15- and 16-year-olds who had been drunk in the previous month plummeted from 42 percent in 1998 to 5 percent in 2016. The percentage who have ever used cannabis is down from 17 percent to 7 percent. Those smoking cigarettes every day fell from 23 percent to just 3 percent."
Jackson James
white people won't tolerate this type of government. that's why they are replacing us
Ethan Butler
kill the dealers, suppliers, makers, and users of all banned and degenerate substances. Problem solved
Tyler Davis
do you even know what the drug laws were in the memeflag you have?
Ryder Gonzalez
By calling them addicts, crackheads, marginalisation, public humiliation and ultimately giving them rope.
Jack Hughes
>The percentage of 15- and 16-year-olds who had been drunk in the previous month plummeted from 42 percent in 1998 to 5 percent in 2016 I bet that the amount of sex has plummeted about the same
Robert Gutierrez
Just say no OP
Joshua Sullivan
This can actually work.
Joshua Perez
But Marriages and births from non single mothers probably went up
Justin Wood
kind of hard when there's no hegemony, and your country is touted as a melting pot.
Luke Sanchez
They already tried that. The reaction was junkies started specifically looking for those batches because they took it as a sign of was stronger and then we got fentanyl floyd
Joshua Murphy
I dont fucking care retard.
Jayden Cooper
they have more healthy couples, and more steady couples are on average more sex, also because people are sexier, feel sexier, look sexier and spend time together. you just don't need constant drinking for sex or to talk to girls, you just need to be together. that's just a finnish cope myth that never was true that drinking part. i know it most as a fin. its our crutch. it must be exterminated and replaced by making super social chads and hot girls, like iceland did.
Connor Flores
Simply based. That's what I'm talking about. I wasn't aware of it so thanks for posting. >Tfw Iceland is basically a giant lab to produce Aryan Übermenschen with the advances is statistical technique
Carson Baker
Wow I can smell the reddit coming off of this post. Its so clear you have no idea what you're talking about
William Perry
LOL kys untermensch
Joseph Morgan
unironically poison it at the source. all intravenous drugs are laced with poison that kills a user after it metabolizes 30 days later. Release it, let it spread throughout the drugfaggot population, and watch the problem get solved within a month