Make fake twitter posts mocking the fucking ridiculous social media censorship we've been seeing lately. Make your own and share! Bonus points for especially funny or clever OC.
How To: 1. Go to 2. Right click on different elements and select 'Inspect' 3. Edit the elements individually (you can change everything but the profile pic) 4. Screencap and use the picture editor of your choice to change the profile pic 5. Post it
Even as ice those fucking kike (((icebergs))) have to ruin the great things whites have created.
Andrew Sanchez
This new meme format has a lot of potential. We can do so much with it.
Kayden Murphy
These are on the right track, but they are too intellectual. It might have more of an impact on the average Twitter user if you reference star wars, harry potter, etc.
Julian Perez
John Jones
I made 3 today. I'm sure there is an user lurking who could make them.
>four years of baseless claims of Russian collusion and numerous other slanderous attacks on the Trump administration >Jack Dorsey:..... >Democratic right to dispute an election process backed by hundreds of separate instances >Jack Dorsey: 'MARK THESE TWEETS AS DISPUTED REEEEEEEEEE!'
There's a possibility to track IPs on every website you fucking moron you cant connect without telling a website your IP thats what they're fucking for you absolute baboon
No need to get emotional user. Going on a random website meant only for pol and one like facebook or youtube seems like a completely different situation. I still remember people warning not to click on discord links.
Ian Rodriguez
Twitter doesn’t use that much text. Keep it to a line.
Alexander Nelson
Would've been funnier if it only had 2 retweats and likes