>President Trump Delivers Remarks from The Rose Garden on Operation Warp Speed 11/13/20



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> Operation Warp Speed
It's only about vaccine

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trump is not gonna go on stage and not talk about the election too

operation warp sneed

if biden wins it means china will go for world domination under an AI system you will all be cattle 1984 matrix style
there are chinese spies all over the world, you should know all the chinese in your colleges etc
trump wouldve bankrupted CCP and make it fail but biden has deals with them and supports them. the usa has been the last big block in their way.
if biden wins CCP chinese communist party will go for world domination under an AI system with drones, machines, robots, facial recognition, skeleton recognition, the way you move, your gaze, organ detection, skin detection, your biodigitalelectricfield-data, voice recognition
forced vaccinations with nano implants making you unable to resist the AI system under 5G, 6G systems connecting you to AI brain with quantum technology
your own thoughts will not be your own

all the tech has been given to them. it isnt such a smart idea after all to move all industry of the world to one single country just so greedy 'entrepreneurs' save some shekels.

you are already a cyborg, you and your smartphone form a symbiotic relationship. your smartphone and computer interconnects with your nervesystem and neurosysteme. it downloads all your information, you can literally be offed and cloned and nobody would know. some humans arent human anymore

CCP plans to surveille, control, scan every human being on the planet

he'll try and take credit for pfizer's work, even though the drug company refused funding for research and development from the US gov then cry hard like a fucking faggot about losing the election. screencap this.

ching chong chang ching, communist child molester.


its interesting that trump mentions operation warp speed this early.
look at this article articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/11/01/operation-warp-speed.aspx?cid_source=wnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art2HL&cid=20201102Z1&mid=DM699781&rid=1001715493

its interesting the article also makes remarks that the second wave will be a bioterror attack, maybe anthrax related, gates already mentioned it. habbening before april 2021

learn to read

Vaccine time goy

It’s confirmation.

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He's going to announce that he concedes to Joe Biden.

i could read it just fine, child molesting communist. cope harder, thanks.


we won

>bathroom duty=cleanup duty?
>bathroom duty=shilling on /pol?
>bathroom duty=ECW wetworks?
what is bathroom duty code for?

what even does this gematria mean?

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stinky poopy haha

Pas de stickers hors forom, c'est la règle.

>first trump speech since election
>rose garden

either the CIA poster is trolling us or its really happening

>trump has "winning energy", he definitely won
LMAO, conserv*tive reporting

This trump march they keep hyping up seems like the perfect honey pot for the deep state to set up some serious false flag faggotry. Digits will confirm I am wrong.

>your own thoughts will not be your own
But if they're not your own, they were never your own, no? So why worry?
>CCP plans to surveille, control, scan every human being on the planet
For the common good.

I will pick it up with a grain of salt. But thanks for the reminder.

It's funny to watch this election actually, Trump fucking with the media, all the big tech bias showing its colours...but if Biden wins, we get a cuck for a US president appeasing the EU once again, so it's not all bad. You amerifats will possibly go into a civil war and provide some more entertainment for us. I don't really give a fuck about the modern eugenics either, I'm white as they come and probably some jewish ancestor in there too. Then again, if Trump wins, the saltiness of the lefties will make up for his harsher policies towards the EU. He won't be bad to us, Ivanka has a lot of Czech blood in her. If all of the west crumbles, how convenient, we have post-soviet russian ties too, we will be just fine. Czechia is right in the middle between the west and the east (not just geographically, also the mentality of our people) and nobody really cares about taking over here. We have western freedoms while still having eastern sense of community not fucked up by amerifat degenerate culture. Damn it feels good to be born here. Let's go 2020, what can you throw at me? I'm not entertained enough!!!

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It's ''fat orange fuck'' time.


gonna get vaccinated amerimutt.. kekekke, or you will not be able to even buy anything


mutts destroyd

biden won by the way

Is it normal for faggots to have such a seething hatred for fats?

i think you didnt understand it. it means your brain is connected to an AI brain and thus your own thoughts will not be your own as they will come from the AI
you are not human if you think this is good

> We found the retards

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So it’s nothing like usual

who is this bald french provax faggot? DEPORT HIM NOW. Why did trump let this EU faggot subvert his team?

warpspeed is TRUST THE plllllllllllllapllllalalllnnaplanplan trust the plan!

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Only when fatty is literally Hitler.
If not, it's ok really, no one cares one way or the other.

apparently not, since the whole post is warning against CCP

Reminder that vaccination is a bullshit plot and if Warpspeed isn't some 4d chess move, if they start delivering mandatory vax, Trump will be first to hang no matter how useful he's been so far.