You privileged homemaid !!!

German banking giant Deutsche Bank is calling for a “privilege tax” to be imposed on people who work from home, to erase their savings from not having to commute or pay for food on their lunch breaks.

Writing in a paper for the bank titled What Must We Do to Rebuild? analyst Luke Templeman lamented the fact that “remote workers are contributing less to the infrastructure of the economy whilst still receiving its benefits.”

“That is a big problem for the economy,” he complained — as if spending much of one’s pay on commuting, dry-cleaning work clothes, and so on to boost the GDP is something of a civic duty — and proposed a 5 per cent “privilege tax” to recoup the economy’s imagined “loss”.

“Working from home will be part of the ‘new normal’ well after the pandemic has passed,” explained Jim Reid, Global Head of Fundamental Credit Strategy and Thematic Research at the German banking corporation.

“Our calculations suggest the amounts raised [from taxing home workers] could fund material income subsidies for low-income earners who are unable to work remotely and thus assume more ‘old economy’ and health risks,” he suggested.

Their estimated tax take from the scheme in Britain stands is £7 billion, with the potential to grab €20 billion (£17.8 billion) in Germany and $49 billion (£37 billion) in America.

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Wow. Fuck that.

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I thought telework was good for the environment like electric cars? But now governments want to tax electric cars to make up for the lost gas-tax $. It's almost as if the government just wants to extract as much as possible from the public and specializes in concocting high-minded excuses for doing so...

> Hey, that guy isn't suffering!! GET HIM!!

Someone want to explain why a bank is demanding taxes? Sounds like they’re openly stating they are the government, which I know they are, but wtf

lmao at the ECB being this desperate


we're going to unironically have to murder all the globalists aren't we?

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you can't murder an idea

The people want a "Predator Tax" imposed on bankers who suck our blood.

The fact that these fucks are even allowed to have any policymaking opinions at all and arbt confidened to their conference rooms is testament of the utter state of "democracy"

>I just wanted to grill.

>privilege of ethots

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>being this mad at a portion of wagecucks experiencing an improvement in their working condition
BTW, wasn't Deutsche bank on the verge of collapsing something like 2 years ago?

>“remote workers are contributing less to the infrastructure of the economy whilst still receiving its benefits.”
time to start taxing women and migrants more, then?

Should have long ago.

>you can't murder an idea
Space aliens, either biological or electro-mechanical, can be killed or destroyed

Housemaids dont work from home retard. They go to other peoples homes.
Fuck, I hate Americans so much

No, you can't....
But you can murder everyone who blindly follows that idea

Are these people retarded? If one works from home one spends more on bills than if I would go to the office. Then on top of that they want to add a tax? rofl

So, what about outsourcing labour? Or moving manufacturing out of country? That is not considered robbing by these bankers...

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>or pay for food

Oh, that's right. I forgot that my food grows inside the fridge. Silly me.

Fucking jews.

>Hungarian flag
I know your culture is built on drunken shitposting, but you have much to learn, Padawan.

>save money on bureau space
>call those workers privileged
>want to take money from them for saving you money
Bunch of cutthroat assholes. LMAO

nope...there are still marxists

Capital to professionals 50 years ago: fuck over the workers and you'll get rich with us
Professionals: Awesome, financialize the economy and bring in the immigrants, fuck you poors
Capital to professionals now: Actually we're squeezing you dry too lol, thanks for betraying your co-ethnics out of greed and arrogance

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I don’t even need to see the early life section

>additional tax for white privilege
It's coming, boys.

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How Deutsche Bank are able to lecture anyone on priviledge idk
I hope they collapse already, retards

Every "bank" or "business" that proposes laws and taxes should themselves be fined for having the privilege of being in such a position to advise. What hypocrites!

This I will not tolerate.

It's a train that doesn't stop until you stop it.

And why shouldn't it? You've had 400 years of oppressing people for economic gain,

>“Working from home will be part of the ‘new normal’ well after the pandemic has passed,”

And then people say that Covid wasnt just a tool to push their agenda baka

And what of their flock?


Yeah I know its the Hungarian flag.
I was just saying I hate Americans.

goy goy pay up, the social benefits aint gonna pay for themselves, ooh and also, remember to pay your own electricity, your own wifi and your own equipment ahhahaha goyy

They literally are unable to collapse as the government always gives them emergency funds when they're about to.

>Privilege tax
This WILL NOT END HERE. Mark my words, this will only be the first of systematic oppression against those they deem to be "privileged."

You're good, then. Me, too. I'll have your fresh shipment of culture shipped tomorrow btw.

Why does a BANK get to ask the government to steal money from working people on their behalf???

not even surprised

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you will never be your preferred gender or color

Also, why the fuck don't you just give away 7-20 billion yourself, bank? These unintelligent autonomous corporations are sickening! They will be damned and cursed for their "suggestion".

..don't let things get so bad that the first born son of each of these banks leaders will be cursed to perish.

German wagies paying 'privilege tax' to bail out billion dollar multinational bankers.

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What a fucked up, topsy turvy world we live in.

People who work from home should be given tax rebates. They are not commuting. They are not contributing to "climate change." They are not taking up space which could go to housing other human beings.

Good. Fuck programmers and similar "workers".

Its a slippery slope when they mix “privledge” in with the word “tax”. That could become a bottomless pit.

It was a paper by an analyst. They put them out all the time to get discussions started. This one got traction because it suits people's arguments. The banks only real position is a bigger economy, more people and more debt because these things make the bank money.

Cheers, my weekly dose of feminism and nigger culture was running low. The world is lucky to have a country that exports it so much

Absurd premise. People still eat lunch at home. Dry cleaning? What, maybe 10% of the workforce has clothes that need it. The only real change is the lack of a commute, which I thought was supposed to be a good thing because muh environment.

Fuck banks.

>Oil mafia makes less moneys 9001% profit instead of 6 million % a day
>Public transport mafia makes less money but still 9001% Profit instead of 6 million % a day
>Car mafia makes less money but still 9001% Profit instead of 6 million % a day


I am not surprised

We should bomb them harder next time.

Ironically demand for programmers further increased in germany this year. There is probably no job as demanded currently as IT specialists.

You people just don't understand anything.
When I export your job to a third-world country massively lowering my expenses it is good for the economy and you need to stop complaining about it.
But when you work from home massively lowering your expenses it is bad for the economy and you need to pay for it.

It's just that simple. Now get back in the cagie or pay the freedom tax.

They know whats coming. When the city economy collapses all these kikes with their urban property will go broke

Wow OnlyFans is gonna take a hit from this

politicians and bankers would serve mankind better as fertilizer

>bank calling for taxes
This is your world on jews

No problem, goy. How are you enjoying the "surf and barbeque" package? It's about time to renew.

Jewish ran bank punishing the germans again for the holohoax. It will never end.

I'm not sure i buy into this great reset shit but the phrase 'old economy' is a bit alarming that they've named our current economy that


and they don't have to pay coffee, water/amenities, furniture, computer and could potentially use the offices for other things. They should be the ones paying for the privilege

OY vey you nazi

can we just exterminate germans already. they are a failed experiemtn