NSA user here. There's something you anons really need to know. Surely you've seen the following pasta and are thrilled that Trump gave a rose garden speech today:
>CIA user here
>I was in a couple threads yesterday. Basically TRUMP won and right now we are in the deal making process. Essentially a small group of upper elites will be left alone but all the smaller fish getting thrown under the bus. Big people coming out of conference rooms in tears and freaking out. Lots of deals being made as people who previously thought themselves as immune are discovering they are not. Boss is also getting “disappeared” so I can post this and no one will care. Right now I’m on bathroom duty (code).
>Look out for mentions of Roses flowers in the news in the next few days, it’s a signal that key elites have vanished. Roses is not intended to inform anyone in the MIC, but rather confirm their knowledge through their own medium in case of false intel. Don't get demoralized we are winning.
This is what you don't know: CIA was intentionally given disinfo as it can't be trusted (Gina has completely sold out to the chicoms) That said, the general gist of the pasta is true - EXCEPT that the "rose" signal indicates that the primary honeypot operation failed, and that the NSA needs to start working on contingency plans.
Don't worry anons. Not all is lost, but god damn we would've had them for sure had the microfilm drop happened.
But if not a larp, can you tell us the next big piece of news to look for?
Parker Hughes
bitch nigger there was never a plan to be trusted
Joseph Wood
ok keep me posted
Nathaniel Flores
I think there is a plan and things in motion, but I can't tell more without compromising their game plan, the media or the board hasn't made the connection between the points yet but both are already known
Robert Gutierrez
All you niggers can tongue my anus
Asher Flores
>microfilm drop
Goddamn is this the 80s? At least try to sound plausible lol
Still struggling to achieve enough confidence in our situational awareness to decide which contingency to follow. Stay tuned.
They're making a comeback. Electronic media is far too easy to compromise. Hammer and Scorecard is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to CIA's EW capabilities.
Sebastian Campbell
>NSA user here
this is where the larp starts
Joseph Hernandez
well half of this board believed the first one and all the ones before that so why not this one?
Josiah Price
where is VCAT user
Sebastian Myers
Which secret agency is going to do global vegan propaganda?
Last one was released by a real patriot, but it was disinfo as outlined above. Again, Gina Miller is all but openly working for the Chicoms at this point. We who showed the evidence to Trump which is causing him to keep her away from intel briefings.
Jacob Johnson
you will never be a woman.
Ayden Rogers
Well so when will Trump be announced as the new president?
What are the challenges currently?
Ethan Taylor
Why aren’t you releasing forensic evidence of voter fraud?
Luis Harris
cope larp
Leo Rivera
So Trump lost? It doesn't matter if there was rigging if he can't prove it. And it doesn't matter if the cabal and all this evil stuff is real if he can't take them down. So...why should anyone care anymore?
Carson Brooks
kys shill
Adam Myers
all feds should be gassed (with fart machines)
Brandon Russell
is this the new Q larp?
Julian Clark
Most of the truly evil "Glowie" shit is from CIA. Under Obama FBI became a shitshow as well.
Basically Venezuelan double agent gave us extremely well manufactured data. We're suspecting Chicom involvement as they're the only ones with enough cyber security expertise to pull this off. It's thought that public can't handle it. They're going for a slow drip to acclimate normies to the idea of how compromised our voting system is.
>Trump lost Far from it. It's just that our primary operation failed. CIA is still fucked though, but not as badly as we hoped.
Christopher Torres
>It's thought that public can't handle it. Why wouldn't the public be able to handle something? Also prove ur NSA