>Be you >From Bunkerchan or leddit >decide raiding Zig Forums is a good use of your precious time >don't familiarize yourself with the rules before posting >think that trolling the drumpfkins is having any effect on people that spend all day trolling each other >you end up getting reported by some random user >you get a warning >you ignore the warning with a devious smile and continue shitposting and trolling and providing posts with no quality whatsoever. >Obviously the mods are on your side or they would have banned you already! PRAISE MARX! >You fuck around and find out too much >Those warning turn into multiple day long bans >You come back and keep shitposting >Keep getting banned >haha why are these drumpfykins so triggered >you tell yourself choking back tears >JOE BIDEN IS THE WINNER! >You tell some poster to take meds for the 50th time >You get banned again >You go back to your safespace on bunkerchan >WHY DO THEY KEEP SAYING I CAN'T SNEED >I DON'T UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE >WHY ARE THEY ALLOWED TO SAY THESE THINGS TO ME?
You will never be a woman. Cope. Seethe. Dilate. Repeat.
>So not bothered by trolling he posts a wall of text about how not bothered by trolling he is.
Thomas Brooks
Coping tranny detected You will never be a woman.
Evan Mitchell
>haha i'm not mad while i point out how mad op is >sages the thread yea u mad AF
Blake Gray
Alexander Cruz
TLDR faggot.
But hey guess what? Drumfy lost hahahahahahahahahhahahahahaa. But I thought you retarded faggots had so much proof? I thought the courts ? But you got repeating Digits and dragonball z energy? What happened. Imagine getting BTFO this BIGLY. SAD! Now leave the board tourist.
>he thinks that we aren't just from other boards >he thinks that even people who hate niggers and jews wouldn't want to troll Zig Forums on election night >he thinks that everyone is some cuckservative zionist >he joined Zig Forums during 2016
BASED checked and based I am totally cool with never being a woman ausfren so mad he saged the thread KEK >We're not from bunkerchan >We're from other boards! >WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE US? Because I CAN'T FUCKING SNEED
Lincoln Baker
Yummy peepeepoopoocummie
Gabriel Myers
They require heavy moderation and deleted posts to maintain their narrative. Any dissenting opinions result in a ban or are dismissed as a troll.
I admire your sneedposting but you're still a retard with paranoid delusions. Don't let this board psychologically influence you that much buddy. Have a good day kang.