Grift cuck

What a faggot lmao

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Only trannies use discord faggot, fuck off

>he did
and you uploaded it you bald cunt fuck you

Did you know that you will never be more than a disgusting rancid smelling hole that needs to eternally dilate that wound until you have the balls to kill yourself and be eternally deadnamed?

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>which he did
Timmy Tool defends YT!!!!!

hahahahah the grift never ends!

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What exactly did he do?

When Zig Forums wasn’t a bunch of pussies his comments section would have been raided

Watch / download here:

>which he did
What did he do exactly?

I love Alex "I penetrated Bohemian Grove" Jones, but dude did say shit that we know YT bans people for.



do it yourself

What did he say?

Fuck youtube

Tim wanted the episode pulled because he looked like such a beta faggot

I unsubbed long ago but this just makes me feel better.

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Why don't edit it out

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he said something like "bill gates needs the firing squad" or "i hope bill gates gets the firing squad"
but said he was just joking after

Tim Pool is a normie retarded faggot.

Tim pool is a massive faggot and has no charisma how the fuck do retards watch that shit.

This guy is grifter supreme, why is anyone still listening to him..... what amazing insights is he providing......

What did Alex do wrong exactly?

It’s afraid. The Jews have cornered the white man too quickly and know we are itching for an excuse or reasonable call for violence to re-assert our hegemony

Tim said it’s dangerous because people would act on it. What the fuck ever happened to personal responsibility? If someone does what Alex jokes about it’s not Alex’s fault. This country is full blown faggy

F To Pay Respects Squad for a particular medical tyrant.

Can we go through beanie cuck's video history for shit to mass flag so that this parasite gets demonetized or b&



Firing squads implies a JUDGMENT being rendered after COURT. Not vigalante justice. Tim pool was shilling newsguard (Bill Gates Approved News Sources) all night. What a worthless soulless sodomite faggot.

Can't be letting the people realize the subversive elites are fleshy, mortal humans like all of us...

Lots. I think it was all the referencing a persons initials whose name you can't say, the "Ukraine whistle blower" who ever the fuck that is. He was being AHHHH bit belligerent. AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Thats's what it is, I have the documents, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The problem with America is that nobody ever will act on it, and Tim Pool knows that full well.

wow way to throw jones under the bus

What did alex even do?

He clearly has special protections from Youtube. They’re on board with the grift.

If he doesnt re-upload it with that piece taken out, then he is a cuck who is just mad alex took the spotlight

He's so terrified of being banned kek

why does anyone watch this guy? he adds NOTHING of value

Tim Tool is too afraid of his masters it seems

He's lying, alex didn't say shit. He just deleted it because he looked like a retarded faggot.

He said tranny not even kidding

Eric Ciaramella, a certified faggot.

he insinuated it strongly but the words never left his lips in that order on the stream
the issues started after mentioning the ukraine whistleblower and he later insulted some people
>everyone right from the radical left is a grifter

I only share him with liberal friends to help pull them to center

I only watched last night while Alex was on. Tim is mad because Alex alpha-maled him and hijacked his own show.

This is why Alex doesn't wanna talk to any of you stupid fucks on Youtube. He's been doing this since the days of public access TV. Don't fucking diss a legend.

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He's rebranding back to the left, has been for a week now, since he rageposted how he never supported Trump in the first place
Stop giving attention and God beware money to grifters

what did he say to earn the wrath of zuck?

If he doesnt reupload with that one piece taken out, he is hiding behind YT to delete it for him

he enables the deluded centrist view that left and right aren't mutually exclusive

nothing to be honest, watch it yourself
none of the faggots here will be able to show what they got banned for even if they say it's firing squads for gates
sure they talked about things like that and gates
the only reason it got banned is as always, freedom of speech in peril over nothing and technicalities taken to their most extreme

Fuck youtube

Said he'd like to see Bill Gates in front of a firing squad.

AJ tore his ass apart and then planted a big ol cleavland steamer on his chest

No, Alex DID say something about Bill Gates.

tim pool is a faggot

Top Kek

Its hilarious, he tells people to take risks and speak out but actively censors himself.

Show me the guideline he violated. He didn't incite or make a call to action.

Alex also went into this mode

right wing people saying left wing people deserve x is a super secret dogwhistle that calls for the action

Why do you guys watch that Jew?

I use to like his videos and shit but hes just a total faggot. Honestly all he does is read news articles. It's not even a good news source.
It's literally just one dudes opinions on a few topics a day. All of them negative.


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He needs a beanie with a cuckmask built into it.

they were also talking about eric ciamarella without mentioning his name, but you're not allowed to even think of him

I don't think anyone but Tim has it in them to be such a jealous f****t. He is definitely relieved that now he won't owe Alex for giving him his most views on a video

Bluepilled moron

it's crazy how tim pool gets all these people out of the woodwork in comparison to virtually any other thread on here
nothing more dangerous to the left than someone who is left having marginally different opinions
like the first pinned post on leftypol on bunkerchan while bunkerchan has this asinine history of division and personal tragedy
I hate cunts like these for destroying the left while being a useful idiot to money
checked and also the moment their stream started stopping not soon after

good, I can't wait until you Zig Forumsniggers are completely censored off the internet

Just say faggot, faggot

Nigga i downloaded that shit

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and you think you won't be, you dumbass nigger?

Fuck man. I'd rather have my elections stolen from me than that!

Also FUCK JANNIES for not letting my entire country start threads. Fucking range banned all slavshit IPs

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This is such a waste of time and energy. Please stop watching e-celebs.

I watched that podcast. I don't know why Alex Jones even gets banned, he's just a retard. He was screaming about interdimensional aliens and shit, Beanie was visibly annoyed.

Alex flew all that way to do the interview. The guy takes knocks. Fuck Tim.

Why does Joe rogan and alex jones not get delted but tim pool and and alex jones gets deleted

I'll welcome anything as long as you faggots can't post anymore.

Thanks for the link user.

Weird. I am listening now on my phone, but it is gone from all my other devices? Even my history. Yet it is still playing on my phone?

Tim Pool is turning out to be one of the most spineless POS I seen. Jesus.

Ok incel

mute the part where he said that and reupload, ez

Never heard and didn't heard yesterday. Never trust a basedboy.

You guys are retards. Just post the BitChute link. That shit aint ever getting deleted there.

riding the fence so hard he practically sawed himself in half

Dude has no backbone whatsoever. Just stick to reporting the news and quit that podcast, nobody wants to hear your milktoast and redundant takes.

Yeah fuck you Tim you boring fuck

Tim Pool is a humorless drip. How do incels listen to this autistic faggot? I listened last night for Jones, and Pool was unbearably boring.

neeed dat video tho mane