The absolute State of the left
Joe biden says hes going to war, half the comments are, your not president, the other half are progessive shills all cheering and posting god and faith emojis. LOL THEY REALLY ARE NPCS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>Picture related

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Other urls found in this thread:


Translation: I'm going to send the zogbots back to the sandbox and there's nothing you can do about it

Which middle east country shall will fuck up first?

the useful idiots dont realize the tranny he's putting in charge of the military will make the draft for females
get ready to sippy your tea on the front lines sweetie!

I for one look forward to welcoming our new Iranian refugees.

Based Biden will make KURDISTAN happen.

Not tea. All MRE'S starting in 2021 will contain onions

chink communist pedophiles: confirmed and witnessed
you barely pass as a man.

Depends on which enemy they manufacture.

It's not Iran, because Israel doesn't want Iran to attack them. This is why Israel was kvetching over Salami and not wanting to be dragged into an Iran war. Iran is too powerful now and they likely got nuclear warheads from Ukraine.

I guess there'll be a sudden resurgence of the defeated ISIS under a new banner in all of the usual countries.

>pedophiles: confirmed and witnessed
Projecting this hard.

>wow an actual presidential tweet!
>this is how a president acts!
America is for the dogs

ISIS was already defeated by Trump. Last terror attack was over a thousand days ago.

If they suddenly come out again from nowhere in several months if Biden somehow wins, then you can chalk it up to them remaking it again, to destabilize Iraq, Syria, and Libya.

Israel wants nothing to do with Iran anymore.

>says he wants to protect americans

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> the communist pedophile lashes out in pain
stop molesting children, vlad.

Bullshit he will. Obama's presidency saw Russia bringing Crimea and Syria under its sphere of influence with no consequences, North Korean advancements in ICBM technology with no consequences, Iran flagrantly disobeying the terms of the nuclear deal with no consequences, and China expanding their claim on territorial oceans with, you guessed it, no fucking consequences.

All these zogbot fucks can do is redeploy in the same theaters in the middle east we've been diving in and out of for 40 years at this point. When there's a serious challenge to western military dominance in the next 5-10 years, it's not going to come from a bunch of goat fucking inbred retards blowing themselves up in Afghanistan

Gotta get that pipeline in Syria secured.


This is preconditioning for ISIS suddenly coming back so they can go back into the desert. It's all they do.

Holy fuck pic gave me a genuine loud kek there lad

LOL yeah fucking right, man.
Kamala Harris is the Merkel of the USA, just watch.
There will be terror and mass destruction thanks to these ignorant cunts and their fake morals.

>already laying the groundwork for invading Syria

He means right wing white terrorism

>the best example they have is years ago in another country
So Trump solved Islamic terrorism?

Probably stop peace talks with Taliban.
They're more active in Africa at the moment, 50+ were beheaded in Mali.
Who knows how many other stories are under the radar when they're not classified as terrorism.

Oh zooooooomieeeeessssss~~~~~
Time to go to iraaaaaaannnnn~ :)

This insult doesn’t work because men don’t care what women and freaks think.

i think the only thing preventing a war in syria was trump, i'd expect that by summer

Biden said day one he'll get the US back into the Iranian nuclear deal. Israel won't like that.

Did you think the Deep State was merely going to allow this to continue?

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Why do i keep seeing "age of consent" threads on this shitty board?

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I think it`s funny a senile thinking he is president and people supporting him.

Exactly. The Dems always precondition what they're going to do so people have it subconsciously going around their heads so when it happens they'll accept it because they already did.

It's Tavistock techniques.

You are pedophiles.

We will probably go into Syria to secure the Qatar pipeline.
After that maybe Iran if they're feeling jumpy.

No, Israel likes it because Iran already has nukes. The deal is a bribe, like how countries bribed the Taliban to not attack them. Israel and Iran are now NK and SK and there's never going to be a hot war.

Israel wants its closest neighbors destabilized.

They bots to make him look more popular.
Everyone hates him.
Lefty dickheads are now realising what they've done.

We need to bring back the draft our daughters meme.

>t.white sexpat in Thailand

They won't recreate ISIS because it's too obvious. It will come back under a new name.

Now this is tiresome.

USA are actually just going to sit back and let a warmongering child sniffing pedo take office.

Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. He's going for the triple play.

>deport muslims
>arrest communists
>tough on crime laws that aren't afraid to be considered racist
is joe biden proposing the above?


nice another warmonger. libs are retarded. praising, peace, tolerance and diversity and in the next moment they sacrifice their soldiers for the fucking middle east

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he's talking about white supremacy. just fyi

If we're the racist ones, why are the democrats always trying to kill muslims?

I'm unironically cheering for Iran to become the dominant force in the Middle East. Go, Team Shia.

He's coming after you racist nazis, you can count on it. Better fix your skin color fast.

He’s posing to come after the right and “militias” you faggot, hope you already on a group of family men

Can't wait to see trendies in Syria getting BTFO.

>going to war
against who? because you can be sure is not Arabia Saudi

But the nice people on Zig Forums told me I shouldn’t go die for Jews!!

>skin color
That's a weird way to spell "bayonets", tranny.

>Which middle east country shall will fuck up first?

Attached: israel nukemap.png (1192x816, 401.39K)

I can hear McCain jerking off from hell.

lol, he already said he's rescinding the ban from muslim countries. "terrorist attack" incoming, gotta protect america some more. jesus we're fucked.

who cares, fuck this shithole country

France, then the U.K., last Germany

It won't be the Middle East. He's going into Africa:
Burkina Faso
Libya (round 3)

> inb4 frontlines need to be 40% POC or female

These fucktard woke fags habe set us all back to the start again yay for stupid fucks

Yeah, you're definitely getting a false flag attack within the first 6 months of a Biden presidency. He will need it to prop up a dead economy and rally people around a lifeless, dull, illegitimate president.

Back to the Middle East fuckers. These retards had no idea what they just voted for. Anti establishment my ass fuck leftists.

STFU Uyghur loving crypto jew.

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America, war on terrorism will be on white supremacist nazis. God bless our BBC units may they come back safely along with our chinese UN boys. We wont stop until we retake the reichstag in west virginia.

Absolute retard this is already setting the ground for military intervention in syria because MUH EVIL TERRORISTS. MUH EVIL ASSAD GASSING HIS PEOPLE AGAIN WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING

Let the chaos come

That's why I think Trump may be the Anti-Christ, I think America may have ironically elected the Anti-Christ.

I'm my opinion it should be 100%



Good America deserves to burn in hell. You're all coming with me when I'm drafted