they're all definitely hitting the same beats Trump teams working on both paper ballot fraud and electronic fraud this is going to take a while to resolve because of the complexity of the crime but when it's all over, most of America will understand what took place the media will try to sell a "Trump stole the election" narrative but most Americans won't buy it
i don't think the country is going to come back from this for a long time
Justin Collins
It doesn't matter if the Scytl story is real or not. We just learned these people don't even tell Trump what they are doing or finding, and if they are doing something - they fucking lie about.
the government is too weak what you have right now is a bunch of investors and their media companies tipping the scales in every way possible believe it or not, they even have people who support them
>Alex goes full fash calling for RWDS >YouTube removes the video >Right wing retards cry about communism and muh free speech
why is it that almost every time right wing retard complain about tech censorship and that free speech is in danger, it's actually just nazis being deplatformed?
Our government will be replaced by something new. But the people aren't going to change, except to get whiter. The true America still exists and it was never about who's running the government.
David Russell
>We just learned these people don't even tell Trump what they are doing or finding, and if they are doing something - they fucking lie about. user, that's par for the course for government. was the strzok and mueller shit not evident enough?
This can't go on past January 20th so says the constitution, unless the speaker of the house is appointed in the meantime
Asher Garcia
Too bad it was just a bait. He did nothing. He conceded nothing. The administrative week has ended and he will get 2 days to rest and meditate his next move. And remember, this isn't about elections anymore.
as Pence said.
-- This week events have been strong like a fucking hardcore drug, so we are tired and there are moments when looks like Bidenkikes have won and the world as we know is doomed. Too much information, kikes menacing us in the shitmedia, traitors conceding and pushing the rest to concede....
We need be strong mentally and physically. We need to be wise. We need to be patient and give time to events to happen.Would be good just cut all the memeing and start to take on vicious kike propaganda wisely. I, personally never have thought today Ubikike getting fucked by their own Country policies. But it happened. Pence is still on "football" game. Still there are big events to happen. Just be patient, carefull, and support wisely uncle Don.
Save your energy and take some rest. Trust no one and be safe.
>this is going to take a while to resolve because of the complexity of the crime The problem is they don't have unlimited time. It needs to be pushed into the courts next week, or never.
>but when it's all over, most of America will understand what took place No, they won't. The country will be divided still, but at least Biden and the globohomo will be kept at bay.
Ryder Ross
I actually never been to Chick Fil A What's good there?
So let’s assume Trump does lose and leaves office. What will his legacy be? I feel like a lot of schools are gonna push the idea that Trump is one of the worst presidents, and being a one-termer certainly wont help, since people automatically assume that with bad.
How will Trump be remembered and what will his legacy be?
Deplatforming is such a dumb idea and leftists just don’t get it. The prefer the short time protection of fee fees. The thing is if you deplatform racists and whatever, they don’t just suddenly stop and think that their views must be bad. They double down. They’ll find similar minded outcasts. This is literally how you get extremists. Instead they should remain on the platform where they can be challenged. But instead we have a pussy generation that legitimately feel threatened by a written word
William Wood
Josiah Rodriguez
Media brainwash.
Owen Ortiz
Someone a couple threads ago asked me how can Biden be the Antichrist when he's not universally loved. Remember, Judaic prophecy works by how the future is perceived, not how it actually is. Take, for instance, the Holocaust, and the prophecy of the Jews returning to Israel 6 million less. There were certainly not 6 million jews who died, yet they were allowed to return to Israel, because the perception in the future was that 6 million died in the Holocaust.
Biden doesn't have to be universally loved to be the Antichrist. He just has to have enough of a stranglehold on the world perception to appear to be universally loved, which, at this point, the media is capable of doing for him.
Michael Turner
That's pretty cucked but rn I don't really care, I'm hungry for good chicken and the KFC in town sucks
William Gutierrez
Are you ESL or are you just seething too hard to form a logical sentence?
the irony is that Hitler was supported by the same elites that want Trump out
Jaxon Wood
it was country changing, they just suppressed and in some cases threw out the vote, and made up votes to cover for it. even now nobody i know is celebrating over a biden win. nobody really believes it.
Nolan Foster
You will never be a real German.
Easton Turner
>It needs to be pushed into the courts next week, or never. so come back next Friday and tell us it's over we'll ignore you and keep waiting for Trump's inauguration, which is going to happen no matter what you think about this
Because the servers were going to Frankfurt. You think they're going to arrest Krauts for stealing our election?
Blake Gray
Casting doubt and debunking are not the same. If the Edison data just subtracts vote counts all the time then there should be an equal amount of corrections unfavorable to Biden.
Thomas Hill
>they aren't even aware of intrusions that makes it so much worse lmao
LOOK A USELESS BOOMER MAD BECAUSE TRUMP CANT RELEASE INFORMATION. WEAKNESS. DEFLASSIFY THE DOCUMENTS MUH STORM MUH SUNLIGHT. fucking pathetic. cunts like haspel I swear to God. burn this republic down to the ground. every single building and statue must burn. fuck the Supreme Court, fuck the bicameral congress, and fuck the executive. dude fuck the state govs too. str8 tyranny right there. watch them turn every single corrupt institution on trump supporters now. like we didn't know it was coming. atleast I won't see communists winning. they usually kill the anti communists first. :) thank God. fuck communism and fuck america. anybody who wants to live in a gulag deserves it
Kayden Cook
Benjamin Rivera
Realistically when will we get to
Jordan Edwards
he can, it depends on how willing the courts are to stand up to the media
>You think they're going to arrest Krauts for stealing our election? Merkel will get COUP'd for sure
Christopher Harris
>Democrats win >Kill all of the Republicans >Kill all of the Communists (They betrayed Antifa) >Kill all of the trannies >Add two more states >Go to Mars before China
Lou Dobbs has been fighting against these faggots harder than anyone else at Fox.
Jackson Rivera
so much for your 8 years, faggots
Jonathan Garcia
Shutup shill
Cameron Nguyen
Please provide evidence that isnt some conspiracy theory
Sebastian Campbell
I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store in DC yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Sad!” but he kept cutting me off and going “Sad! Sad!? Sad!” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen SCOOPS in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the SCOOPS and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any election infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each scoop and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by tweeting really loudly
That's great Trump. So, when are you actually going to do something about it then?
Anthony Cook
You can be your own country and do what the fuck you want, keep the constitution or leave it faggot
Get the fuck out
In fact, get the fuck out, keep the constitution and decide to parrallel your own laws to federal laws passed by the US congress
And ask the US to give you your budget defecit in aid just like a state would, the Democrats will give it to you next time they want a "no rapists who have used a gun to rape should have guns" bill
By lying. Pure and simple. "The mainstream media is the Tard of War's greatest ally, projecting the annals of this treatise to a large audience. As long as the people trust it, the media can dismiss a great mountain of evidence without so much as a grain of proof. "It is the shill's duty to constantly bombard the enemy with articles from the media, especially when countered with facts that prove these articles wrong. "When so countered, the shill must remind the enemy that the media does not need to prove itself, and that it is a reliable source by reputation." -Shill Tzu, The Tard of War
Trump knows that you are stupid so he has no problem lying to you
But I have friends that are so dumb they'll believe anything without even googling it first, and snopes was one of the best in the business at giving it to you straight since like 2000, so I recommend that to them
Assuming Trump was like my friends, a good guy, just dumb, I'd recommend he fact check stuff before passing it on
But again, we all know Trump is lying to you because he thinks you are stupid
4 years of constant losing. 4 years of weakness. 4 years of declassify russia gate. lmao. fucking pathetic right wing boomers. lmfao loser boomers think Republicans will win after legalization and open borders lmfao. I want the suburbs to be completely destroyed along with the middle class. I'm going to demand open borders and government shutdowns to destroy this economy. they deserve to suffer. and suffer they will. I won't help a single militia. fuck em. weak boomers
>Biden the Antichrist I mean this IS the biggest and most blatant deception ever seen in politics. And we’re already seeing people regret their choice as they finally realize what their seething hate made them vote for.
>These people are all traitors. ... and nothing will happen.
Xavier Perez
lmao he can't even fire a cia director he appointed that literally participated in a coup against him. lmfao. thats sad
Gabriel Jones
>$500 BILLION FOR NIGGERS >600 THOUSAND NEW H1B VISAS FOR 2020 >NO WALL >RED FLAG GUN CONFISCATION LAWS >ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION AT HIGHEST LEVELS SINCE BUSH >INTERNET CENSORSHIP GOING INTO OVERDRIVE >GEN Z IS ONLY 49% WHITE >Failed to Ban Tiktok >Couldn't end DACA >Didn't repeal and replace Obamacare >Appointed zionist jew banker Wilbur Ross as Secretary of Commerce >Signs "Hispanic Prosperity" executive order giving spics more free shit and special priviledges at the expense of whites. >Cucked to BLM >Epstein Suicided >Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act >Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship >Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture >Trump couldn't pass the travel ban >Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes >Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs >Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election >FBI declares white nationalists as dangerous as ISIS. >Anti BDS laws >Gave israel 38 billion >Increased the National debt by $2trillion >Gave the 1% a tax cut >Farmers bill >Omnibus bill >Amnesty bill >Crime 'reform' bill >No unclassified FISA >No Awan indictment >No voter fraud investigation >No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation >55k sealed indictments went nowhere >Hired a bunch of neocons >Continued middle eastern wars >Global LGBT crusade
>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem. >'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land. >fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel >the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'
The cheating and fruad is blatant. But nobody seems to be doing shit all about it. These pa lawsuits were shit, ga recount is a fucking joje, az thumbing their noses at everyone. That's whats so maddening.
John Barnes
If it's not a statement, it can't be used against him in the court cases thru some sort of cryptic Jewry?
Jacob Myers
>Finland Thought you already did
Logan Howard
Nope. China already controls the US.
Jonathan Evans
Nah, about half are still here.
Ethan Ortiz
Adrian Gutierrez
>$500 BILLION FOR NIGGERS >600 THOUSAND NEW H1B VISAS FOR 2020 >NO WALL >RED FLAG GUN CONFISCATION LAWS >ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION AT HIGHEST LEVELS SINCE BUSH >INTERNET CENSORSHIP GOING INTO OVERDRIVE >GEN Z IS ONLY 49% WHITE >Failed to Ban Tiktok >Couldn't end DACA >Didn't repeal and replace Obamacare >Appointed zionist jew banker Wilbur Ross as Secretary of Commerce >Signs "Hispanic Prosperity" executive order giving spics more free shit and special priviledges at the expense of whites. >Cucked to BLM >Epstein Suicided >Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act >Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship >Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture >Trump couldn't pass the travel ban >Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes >Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs >Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election >FBI declares white nationalists as dangerous as ISIS. >Anti BDS laws >Gave israel 38 billion >Increased the National debt by $2trillion >Gave the 1% a tax cut >Farmers bill >Omnibus bill >Amnesty bill >Crime 'reform' bill >No unclassified FISA >No Awan indictment >No voter fraud investigation >No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation >55k sealed indictments went nowhere >Hired a bunch of neocons >Continued middle eastern wars >Global LGBT crusade
>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem. >'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land. >fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel >the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'
>Biden doesn't have to be universally loved to be the Antichrist. Literally every world leader for the last 20 years has been called the anti-Christ. I’m the most anti-Christian person on the earth so I must be the anti-Christ.
>we'll ignore you and keep waiting for Trump's inauguration, which is going to happen no matter what you think about this That's what I want to happen. Inaction in the courts won't bring it about though. The PA case is good, everything else is lacking.
Zero statistical evidence is being used to demonstrate fraud in any of the Trump filings thus far.
Sebastian Bennett
There's more evidence of Yeshua bin Yosef than most religious figures, due to the Romans writing down fucking everything. Still not sure how that Rabbi's teachings managed to become the primary religion of Rome within 250 years, though.
he got rid of bannon unfortunately who probably would have pushed for something like that trump was a bit naive, he's not ruthless enough in truth, i think trump wants to be liked
Chase Cooper
>Lou Dobbs Xenophobe boomer
Gavin Carter
Holy fuck. O L Y
These people.
Ethan Howard
This guy writes pedo fanfics
Brandon Hill
I am taking a nap. Good night! That is all.
Christopher Reyes
Too many spics. It's over.
Sebastian Morgan
You've been saying that since 2015
Jack Anderson
>Why does it seem like they are slowrolling the Dominion issue so it can get more traction and spread? user, it's a lot to take in. the imblication is that elections have been jewed for decades. i imagine trump is giving them outs to avoid that, but they're all in. i know it; you know it; but boomers aren't ready for that. >in my entire life I've never seen a weaker president. biden's not president
Hudson Wood
It is the fucking alamo
Austin Adams
the participants in Alamo didn't concede and went down in history as manly American heros!
Steven king will not be rememebered as anything but trash in 50 years.
Noah Wood
>credible media give me an example
Josiah Jones
>Hillary Clinton Dead
Did you see the body?
Will they just replace her with a body double and continue on as usual?
Cameron Collins
This one feels a bit more evil desu. Look at what they’re already trying to do with just the illusion of power. All lies, and hubris, and trying only to throw the country (possibly the world by extension) into a twisted Hell where they can have Dominion over everyone. Not to mention how such a big aspect is who can Discern the right choice even through seemingly everyone telling them it’s wrong. This shit is getting quite biblical.
>This shit is getting quite biblical. it's good vs evil and millions of Americans (with guns) think so too they seem more worried about Trump than about his voters they should worry about both
Xavier Perry
Well, I've given all the energy I can It wasn't much, but I stuck around longer than I thought I would
I hope we make it to Season 2 but at this point... only "time will tell"