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Normie Cons are Joining Parler
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Let's make it White Parler
The only thing as bad as a normie conservative is a normie liberal. I don't have plebbit so no need for parler either
>You need to register your information for future assignment of personalized bug diet, pod suiting your body size, and chip and serial number
>containment echo chamber for people banned from twatter
In the fucking bin
>have to provide your legal identity to join
No thanks schlomo
We are already there.
i dont believe this
>Need to log in to view posts
Fuck off, what a shitty idea.
parler's ceo is a jew
there's no point in leaving one fucked website for another future fucked website
Yeah no not joining that honeypot thank you very much
use a throwaway email and google voice number
Do they give a banhammer for a American culture copypasta?
No you don't.
Now I know this is a glowop.
It'll be bought out or shut down before the midterms.
Cap this
The refusal to engage and communicate outside of the Zig Forums echo chamber is why the Jew keeps marching forward, always winning. Preaching to the choir here is just masturbation.
We need to start a huge campaign to migrate kids onto Parler. You know MSM will start warning parents and kids which will make kids curious and download it.
Parler is owned by Soros, literally.
and most of all
I've heard they require a phone number for sign up. Is that true?
If it's not true, then I would consider signing up.
But I see a lot of people here shilling against it. So to those people, let me ask you, if a conservative wants to get on a big social media site, which site do you recommend and why?
What is a Honey Pot for $500, Alex?
Yeah sign up for a far right free speech social network
No, we lose because we complain about our enemies instead of killing them.
No it isn't you stupid fucking faggot.
I know they already blocked voxday's blog. fuck gatekeepers.
>Yeah sign up for a far right free speech social network
What is your justification for calling it "far right"?
As soon as it gets big kikes will censor everything like on facebook
>I've heard they require a phone number for sign up. Is that true?
There are multiple sites offering burner phone numbers for verification.
All your Zig Forums posts are already on record. If we don’t win then you are going to be in a pod anyway.
>use a throwaway email and google voice number
You trust Google?
If you're not going to post anything illegal or engage with people posting illegal content I don't see why you'd be concerned with it being a honeypot. You could just as easily say Zig Forums is a honeypot. Don't be an idiot and you'll be fine.
It started being advertised with threads here first, expect chinks
Stay away
Sounds like a masterful plan, after you.
I was under the impression that Parler was even worse than this place, with all the edgy kids posting nazi shit constantly. Is that not the case?
>The refusal to engage and communicate outside of the Zig Forums echo chamber is why the Jew keeps marching forward, always winning.
Well if they just ban us on other social media, what do you suggest then?
>Parler is owned by Soros
Please give us a source for this accusation. It is very important for us to know if this is true. The absence of you providing a source means it probably is not true.
Just use Gab you morons. No personal info needed.
its a honeypot for lawsuits
were you paying attention to pol for the last 6 months at all?
jew owned
What's this?
made by a jew btw
Retard bait.
>What's this?
I somehow get the feeling that this is a bogus claim. But many people, especially on Zig Forums, will accept it at face value as truth.
i would make the move but there's no japanese hentai artists there yet, basically half the reason any sane person should use twitter
>Just give up already faggot, accelerate
Rake yourself
Try not to ruin it you cunts. It's a great boomer containment site.
All new social media sites start out like this, an "alternative" to a previous site that became too pozzed. Parler will eventually become pozzed just like Twitter (assuming it even lasts long enough to pick up steam.) No site can last forever.
Be more subtle. Making people realize how ridiculous it is that you can't say nigger without everyone freaking out - even though every black comedian or "musician" says it more often than they say "the" - is a good goal, but you don't need to open with that. A lot of normies are dealing with literal decades of conditioning, and a constant propaganda barrage from media, you aren't going to get through that in a day.
Go on twitter, and for each trending tag, look at new comments, and respond with pic related, or similar. No slurs, nothing like that, just "people of color", acting the way they act. Go to reddit, and play the reasonable devil's advocate when they mention the idea that police are "hunting" black people. If you just want to join these platforms and shout "nigger," you aren't going to get anywhere.
Look at the left - everyone sensible knows that the end goal is add a P to LGBTQ, but they didn't open with that. They spent years and years pushing smaller, relatively innocuous ideas, building towards it. And because they did this relatively unopposed, while people here shouted nigger and got banned, they now control the flow of information, and therefore control the culture, and we have industrial scale nigger importation and trans kids as a result.
True. But that's because trannies are better at gatekeeping. You see this a lot in the corporate world, where you let one blue hair into HR, and they get a friend hired, and that one gets a friend hired, and before you know it HR is blue hairs top to bottom, and now they start restricting who is and isn't hired.
Gate keep or be gate kept.