And Biden will take all of the credit.
Imagine, everything opening again. No more masks. Literal constant partying. Companies hiring like crazy.
They're going to make him an FDR.
And Biden will take all of the credit.
Imagine, everything opening again. No more masks. Literal constant partying. Companies hiring like crazy.
They're going to make him an FDR.
Just like Trump took credit for Obama's economy. :)
True. Trump will be the slain dragon.
>hay guys nobama cut taxes
the state of libturds
>he thinks masks are ever going away without mark of the beast-like restrictions to businesses and services
Honestly, if this is true, I don't give a shit who takes the credit. But my good shill friend, this is not true. You will live in your pod. You will eat the bugs. You will take the vaccine. And you will never be a woman.
>Surprisingly effective
Why wouldn't it happen?
>Imagine, everything opening again. No more masks. Literal constant partying. Companies hiring like crazy.
and all you have to do is take vaccine that will make you sterile faggot
bidens advisor wants 18 month lockdown lmao good luck
In order to assure people not on the take wouldn’t be involved the vaccine development was for a class of viruses that we have never (and may never) have an effective vaccine for. “4 times a year forever, also you get flu symptoms” is not a vaccine, it’s worse than not having one.
Why? Because the people involved in the vaccine mania don’t want healthy citizens, they want slaves.
source? hard mode no twitter schizos
You retard
They're going to lock us down until the economy is irreparable and restrict travel, etc. Soft first. Then wherever they want to take it. And we'll never break free again. This is the end of human freedom
Trump will win. Biden will die soon due to stress and being ancient.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. RETARD ALERT
>4 times a year
lmao no
"You will never be a woman" screams the boy who will never be a man, never be a father, never be a husband
>inB4 permanent lockdown and martial law
Bill Gates wants to depopulate the world because were gonna suck the Earth dry
This won't happen. The US is designed to categorically deny all actual happenings. Trump proved this.
>make him an FDR
lol you're incredibly fucking stupid and I bet you're 19 years old
That would at least be something cool. It will never happen though.
Father? Husband? You think that's what makes a man? Jesus Christ was not a father, he was not a husband. Neither was Paul, or Augustine, or Aquinas. In the biological sense, it's my Y chromosomes which make me a man. In the spiritual sense, it's faithfully executing my duties that makes me a man. I do fail sometimes to be the man God created me to be, it's true. I may even be in a state of failure now, I'm not sure. But we can both, you and I, turn back from our wicked ways and start faithfully executing our duties as men, and as children of God.
>being this naïve
The masses made too much wealth under Trump. The govt will now make sure the masses will be drained of all savings and wealth and go back on massive credit debt.
They will drain the wealth from all the small businesses that survived the mass reset and make sure all the money stays in the corporations
Because we're going in to lockdown, and once it looks like covid 19 is finally going away, covid 21 will hit. They are not going to let things go back to normal. You need to understand this. It's not just us who are going to be harmed, you and all your leftist friends are also going to be harmed.
Yes and the people love what the media tell them so much they will eat it up.
Biden will just state everything has been fixed without question so people stop talking about it. People will it eat it up and think it truly is done. Once election happens they go back to doom and gloom. Any real problem will always be blamed on Trump including new ones.
>Fake news
Oh I wish this was true, user. I really want it to be true. I love Trump, he's a great guy, but I won't be torn up about this if Biden is just going to be another Obama. But that's not what's going to happen. Obama didn't have covid. Biden does. Listen to what the left is saying. We are NEVER going back to normal. You will eat the bugs.
Trump tax plan will increase taxes in 2021 and every 2 years after that through 2027. The corporate tax is reduced of course and the wealthy in the US. People making less than 75-100k will get the tax hike.
God, let's hope it's true. It isn't true, but let's hope it is. I tell you what, user, if it is true, if Biden really is just gonna be another Obama, I will definitely not be too concerned about these things, I just wont vote again.
Just like how Trump took credit for the Obama/Biden economy they built up because of a massive republican failure known as the 2008 recession?
Dodd-Frank is objectively good legislation.
What's wrong with that? Economy was recovering during Obama's late term and Trump took all the credits himself too. The only difference I can see here is that Biden will probably boast much less than Trump did.
Biden is a pussy bitch so every country will walk over him. Trump is a fucker who needs to shut the fuck up from time to time to stop pissing off his allies. They both failed speak softly and carry a big stick. Still Harris will be probably in charge soon since I can't see Biden living long.
>imagine everything open again
Lmao you fucking retards dont understand, normies WANT the lockdowns, and the elite want them too, to take away those sweet swert blumph bux and bleed you dry.
The bubble will continue where it left off a year ago.
Biden wants to make home loans easier for poor people to get which is what led to the last housing bubble.
This thing is ready to go belly up again since everybody blamed this year's downturn on corona and failed to acknowledge it was ready to pop anyways.
Remember the inverted yield curve warning signs?
Remember the overnight repos?
Mortgage industry is far too regulated now to start rolling out sub-prime products. Between FIRREA, Dodd-Frank, Truth in Lending, and what have you.