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Never trust a shill or the media. Remember it is their job to lie.
but the trannies on here told me the lawsuits were dropped??
maybe they were speaking in ebonics and they meant introducing new lawsuits - you know, like how you drop an album
>wildly reported
I like this typo
I hope you anons realize by now that nothing the media pushes out now can be trusted.
They are blatantly lying, like how the USPS whistleblower recanted his statement.
These people are criminal enemy combatants now. Engage in the most hostile of manners.
Oh fug I spent all that time coping for nothing...
>le twitter screencap XD
Always be aware of the media spin. When they accuse you of something, never forget, its a hint, a hint that they themselves are already doing it. Beware of the spin.
fucking media has been going into overdrive. That's how you know they fucked up.
aren't they still sticking with that fake story about the whistleblower from Pennsylvania saying he lied, when he came out himself and said he didn't?
kek, you got me
bidenbros...we got too cocky.
>fucking media has been going into overdrive. That's how you know they fucked up.
What have you learned Tim?
"oh shit, fuck...."
This is what I found on newsmax while looking by myself.
We wuz droppin lawsoots n’ shit
Who's this?
Very good point.
Makes sense that those who change and assume the role and priveleges of another sex would culturally appropriate black slang.
trannies denying reality WTF ive been living a lie
I don't understand why they are trying to deceive and demoralize Zig Forums of all places. It's not like there is any power here.
Unless.... no ha it can't be. Meme magic is just a joke.
i mean you can literally just watch his appearance on newsmax for yourself you stupid faggot
legitimately funny and underrated post
You will never be a women
I've noticed the disinfo is getting more and more brazen. They're just outright making easily disprovable shit up at this point and figure no one will question it.
They're getting desparate, but they might actually win if they keep going nuclear.
i dont have to read that to see "partial" in the filename
dropping or amending a claim isnt dropping the suit ching chong
You're alright by me you danish frog
Just accept that Biden won. It'll be easier if you just face this loss and prepare for 2024.
Life goes on. Turn off your PC. Put your phone back in your pocket and spend time with your loved ones.
Are you talking about MAGAtards? Because if so I agree, we have the actual motion of mootness as a scanned document
They didn't drop it it got thrown out, LOL.
>on Newsmax
Do you know what a motion of mootness is? The stopped seeking relief to delay certification of the presidential election.
You guys are all retarded. Facts are still real.
If you're too stupid to read a document, the plaintiffs (lawyers for Trump) submitted a notice of partial mootness as to the presidential electors (they gave up saying Trump won the state). They're going to continue arguing for two state legislator positions to be recounted.
There is nothing about the lawsuit not being dropped on newsmax.
Here is a research with the keywords Trump and Lawsuit.
Just accept that Biden won. You will learn to love the gulag after a while.
No, we told you the Trump campaign is broke and funneling donations for """lawsuits""" into paying itself off. Keep up nigga
Prove it, the claim was very specific in saying it got dropped
fucking kek
I hate how media pushes people to talk like niggers now with the whole "ya feelin' me dawg" and "yo 'sup" bullshit
>believing lugenpresse
Did you believe that Pence was taking vacation too? lmao of course they lie, that's their job.
>Official source
>Wildly reported
One day soon the lying press will have their lying mouths shut. It will be long over due justice that will feel so fucking good. Tell me Journo scum, what's the penalty for treason?
well of course they did. they are of their father the devil.
>holy shit the media who always lies and has never told the truth lied i can't believe it
how new
Say it Zig Forums! Say their name. Lyingmedia!
>media spread disinfo propaganda shill to demoralize the right
fucking retards
How, sincerely, do you deal with the journalist question? We need to know what the hell is going on in thw world, but...god DAMMIT! ALL NEWS IS FAKE NEWS!!
We are here
They are REALLY pushing it.
lmao booba on suicide watch
Arizona? Republican country? Maga cons are too much they eat their own. Initiations requires crapping on the constitution
>Official Source JC
How is it underrated? There's like 8 replies, 5 at the time you replied. I'm surprised you didn't check his digits on top of it.
Fuck, this place man
Looks like Biden's back on the menu boys!
Can any of you post a source confirming that tweet?
>notice of partial mootness
Cringe. That's not even close to dropping a lawsuit.
I don't know, disinfo is coming from both sides. Somebody said that Trump supporters are being fed disinfo to make them look bad, I've seen Trump supporters definitely just pulling stuff out of their ass, and I've seen the media lying about shit too. The truth is becoming pretty obscured.
“Slowly I came to hate them...”
Kek, true
It’s a lie
Yeah no shit the MSM has been lying 24/7 for 5+ fucking years!
Just like the USPS whistleblower recanted
so where's the newsmax clip?
Nigga this new litigation is finna be FYAH
Fake news.
>they gave up saying Trump won the state). They're going to continue arguing for two state legislator positions to be recounted.
you are fucking RETARDED, PLEASE kys
They stopped trying to delay certification of the presidential election, they are still trying to get a recount with the senate run off races but it has no relevance to trump flipping Georgia.
if you believe anything on twitter you are in fact retarded
hmm. Why does the Media keep saying people are recanting or pulling out of lawsuits when its not actually ha..ppen... ing...
IT'S HAPPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oneoneone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!eleven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arizona *
when the mainstream media lies like that, doesn't anyone hold them accountable? Like we're supposed to listen to those fucks now when they say shit like wear masks and take the vaccine?
The thing is even when they report the truth we won't trust them because of their many lies
Not like "0fficialNewsTh0T" can fucking spell or have a functional vocabulary
>imagine believing a lie like a shill
lol give us some credit OP.
Shills give us their news of the day. In one ear out the other. Observe it, their weakness is the truth - they hate truth
Zig Forums is just one of the sites among others that is being targeted. Hell, we've got paid shills in Finnish forums doing anti-Trump propaganda and they use exactly same image bank images as they do here.
It's all about narrative now. Media, shills, big tech all are trying to enforce the idea that Biden has won and that Trump has to concede. In order to achieve this, they're trying to demoralise Trump's base, which could weaken Trump's stance and open them new capabilities to steal the election.
If Trump and republicans want to win then all they have to do is not to concede, fight back the shills day in day out and see this thing through. Remember that if it was hopeless, their propaganda would be pointless.
Happy culture war! Hope you enjoy it.
Here's the trump campaign itself dropping the lawsuit. Newsmax is literally fake news.
>"Since the close of yesterday's hearing, the tabulation of votes statewide has rendered unnecessary a judicial ruling as to the presidential electors," wrote Kory Langhofer, a lawyer for the Trump campaign.
Good. More opportunities to see Trump get beat down.
Got any proof? Any solid evidence?