Thank You Mike DeWine!

DeWine appreciation thread! Get in here OHIO! Let's thank our wonderful governor. Not at all what I expected when he was elected but I'm very happy with the outcome and you should be too. He has saved thousands of lives (if not more), and been a model since the onset of the pandemic. *Masks Required*

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Lets pour through the list
>not a cheeto
>not a chud
>not a fascist
>not a racist
>not a pansy
>doesnt have tiny hands
>doesnt eat kfc and mcdonalds exclusively
>isnt homophobic
Is there anything this man cant do? Hes already well above cheeto hitler(the commander in chud) from just these points alone

Guernsey county here, went to Tim Hortons to get coffee this morning, no one wearing a mask, went to Walmart afterwards to get groceries, half the customers don't have on masks, went to BP after that to fill up on gas, the cashier wasn't wearing a mask. IDK why I moved from New York to Ohio, this nigger problem here is ridiculous. Who would have thought poos and spooks would be in Amish Ohio.

He even had the audacity to call out half of those groups Wednesday night. We are truly blessed with his leadership.

Forgot a few
>doesnt have a GED like all his stupid farmer supporters
>actually went to university and is thus intelligent and capable of leading
>allows educated and studied folk to advise him
Do you blumpfies like science? I thought the fuck not, now sit back and sit sown, for a real learned man is taking the reigns

>look at me i said the n word haha i so funny
Didnt know they had farms in new york, bigot. Archetypical trump voter right here

It is unfortunate. Here in Columbus the orders are followed for the most part.
Also cool it with that shit you probably had a bad experience, move to a real city rather than a trump meth county and you'll feel different

>here in columbus
Aka the only real part of the state. Honorable mentions to cleveland and cincinnati, theyre not quite diverse enough for my tastes though. Get a few more gays in cleveland and some more pocs in cinci and were good to go. Rest of the stupid corn farmer parts of the state can fuck off tho. Racists burning coal and tires in their backyard like the ozone layer is invincible. NEWSFLASH BLUMPFIES: your stupid rural actions have consequences

Why are you shilling for this kike puppet, OP?

shit user. was going to move to amish country here next month but if theres niggers down there fuck that.

Fuck you nigger. Cleveland is the only part that matters you no body of water having faggots.

Columbus is the worst part of the state. It’s full of Somalian niggers, faggots, sportsball fanatics, and OSU libs. Need to get out of this dump ASAP when I graduate from OSU and never look back.

This guy looks like a massive faggot

>Trump is homophobic
>Trump is xenophobic
You shills are dumb. Enjoy being poor forever and having no privacy

DeWine has proven to be an amazing leader, especially during trying times. And has aided the precedent that not all Republicans have to support the president when they feel it is not in the nation's best interest

Amish country is great. You are too far south. Holmes and tuscarawas are beautiful counties. You picked trump meth trash land.

>nigger user here

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I think he’s a faggot and I’m not voting for him again. He wants more gun control, he can fuck off with the bullshit the background checks and ban on private sales

Clear samefag but DeWine is a crypto democrat.

That water isn't so great user but Clevelands culture and history is

How are you in college and a rural idiot?

>blah blah blah i deny reality
The absolute state of blumpfies lmao. Imagine thinking that the cheeto man isnt a racist

Wow a trump voter is a homophobe color me shocked. Actually color me white then maybe you stupid racists would listen to these facts and knowledge im spitting

Maybe you should get out more. Clearly so many years as a little white incel has hardened your personality into a stone and people dont like you. A little diversity and partying will do your mayo ass some good

He's saving lives. And isn't an idiot hick. Hard for some ohioans to follow.

>the rural racist cant handle seeing some brown people once in a while
Maybe have sex sweaty, instead of crying about people that are different than you

Every time I saw him speak he looked squirrly as fuck.

>went to Tim Hortons

Attached: d2b[1].png (824x928, 18.17K)

This guy is a faggot and a shill, so is

But... he is tho very clearly in his policy and support

I appreciate that they are stacking bodies in refrigerated trailers in Chillicothe, but these are not covid deaths, mind you, but opioid overdoses. This man is letting that state fucking rot.

fuck ohio. fuck all of you.

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>typical trump voter
I think I see his GED on the wall