>Decide I want to eat something >I open my phone to see where I can order from >As I give away all my personal information for free I found a place where I can order pizza >I decide on a pizza with pine-apple and ham and a fizzy drink while at it >Neoliberal policies have given me 300 options of cola cola-knock offs from all across the world with all the information I could possibly wish for so that I as a consumer can make an informed decision >The word "corn syrup" is slapped on with a big fat warning sign next to the drinks to warn me about the dangers of sugar >End up picking the cheapest option imported from a city called 清昌唐人街 >It's evening somewhere in our globalised world so I decide to pour up some whiskey as I wait >Food arrives >As I culturally appropriate the fuck out of Italian, Scottish and South-American cuisine in the name of free trade, I decide to do something radical >I'm going to blend this 18 year old whiskey with the cheapest possible drink because I bought it and I feel like it >Everyone appreciating whiskey hates me for it >Five kids in China died for it >Easily one of the best fizzy drinks I've had >Thank you Biden >Thank you neoliberalism
/low energy/ reporting in Mail-ins are the only reason I voted, if I had to get off my ass and drive to the polling station I wouldn’t have done it. Zero effort for maximum salt is a good trade
Lmao you pathetic commies never fail to make me laugh with your "/pbg/" threads
Face it, most racists will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad trancels ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it leftists
Evan Russell
>Trump has no path to victory now. He always has at least one path, but I don't think he'll take it.
Brayden Garcia
mail in voting must be banned
Nolan Barnes
Noooooo!!!! You can't just vote out the heckin' Trumperino!!!
Camden Stewart
Trumpfy just had a press conference at 4PM US Eastern in the White House rose garden. It was supposed to be a BIGLY, high-energy announcement about Operation Warp Sneed and ensuring his base that the do-nothing Democrats have lose the election. Instead, he looked dejected, defeated and tired, rambling about how Pfizer didn't make the vaccine without his help and that New York won't get a vaccine cause Cuomo hurt his feelings, and tacitly admitting that there will be a NEW administration.
I really don't get this? Like that resembles Biden in no way. Most of the 'CHAD' Trump drawings at least have features that you can easily tell it's him. I guess cause he looks unique, while uncle Joe just looks like a normal old dude
Also >Steps to making Zig Forums seethe 1. Say >trans rights! >trans rights are human rights!
> > I will not go - this administration will not be going to a lockdown. Hopefully the - the uh - whatever happens in the future, who knows which administration it will be, I guess time will tell... And this pic
reminder that green Biden comics are really cringe and forced and they don't even look like him
Joshua Martin
SCOTUS will give swing states to Trump, Hunter will OD and we will all dab on Biden not only losing his bid at presidency, but also his bloodline ending (except all the goblin children Hunter made with those nasty ass hookers).
The entire point is SETTING and feels Look at classic KyoAni like K-On, that even their new (slightly worse) works like Dragon Maid emulate in feel and tell me it's not amazing youtu.be/kpTvbYVoRQ4
Time to stop typing, kike. This ends in a civil war and your President Biden is not going to happen. You don't get to demographically replace us, in our home, with people who hate us, depend on their votes and when their votes outmatch ours expect us to go "silently into the night" because PEOPLE WHO HATE US VOTE AGAINST US.
We will just SHOOT YOU. It's called Civil War 2 and not only is this government being HUNTED TO EXTINCTION, but these minority demographics will be purged from our country. They will be firebombed in their roach-nest cities with them still inside, burned to a cinder as we reclaim our land, along with their liberal cuck traitor whites.
Genocide is the answer. Genocide is coming. I hope you're fucking happy with what you've set into motion you limp-dicked PRICK.
Ethan Allen
>president elect >openly chinese agent/asset >but nooo muhh fugging trump n' russia n bin n tha hood ???? Permanent prodigious butt fucking of the left!
how you absolute retards can get behind someone who is already installing lobbyists and neo-cons into his cabinet is beyond me. we supported trump, and the /ptg/ because it was a breath of fresh air as he fought against the entire establishment and won. it gave us hope that we could do the same. you are all bootlicking degenerates that will reap what you sow once you get some wisdom - if you even make it past 30.
Alexander Morales
We still have a chance with the Georgia runoffs. Democrats are putting all their energy into that election, though I'm sure Republicans are as well. Laughler is probably a goner, but the Jew still has a battle ahead of him to take on Perdue. If the Dems can get both seats, that puts us at 50/50 in the Senate with Kamemela as the tiebreaker.
Cooper Jackson
Looks fine on my pc
Austin Gutierrez
all i hear is how many cocks u wanna gargle and its up to seventeen rite now