What do you honestly think about him?
Jordan B. Peterson
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seems like a poor sod destroyed for no fault of his own
know plenty of far left intellectuals who like and even befriended him
doubt that would be possible if he was literally satan clown hitler
both weinsteins are an example
too smart for us normies
He's fine. I don't judge him because of what happened to him, either. He never asked to be famous. He didn't set out to become a "self-help guru". He's just a guy who didn't want to be forced to say things that weren't true by the government, and then the world came down on him for it.
When you understand that then his personal problems seem reasonable and understandable.
One of the only smart right wingers today.
Leftist shill who was targeted by his own people because he refused to call trannies "she".
Great guy! Too good for this world!
Helps a lot of people who are in very rough shape. Good guy.
Boring therapist man who says normal things in a high pitched voice. Hilarious that Anglo right wingers worship him
He fell for jewish tricks and got hooked on Benzos cause the literature said they are ((safe))
i miss the days when he was locked up and not shilling on Zig Forums
he's based
his lectures about religion were genuinely interesting
I am also now washing my penis
I'll listen to some of his stuff on symbolism and psychology. Otherwise I dont need him to tell me how to live my life
he's just a guy who is kind of right wing but the right wing hates him more than the left because reasons.
I purchased his book to help in the overall anti-SJW effort. His advice isn't bad but when it comes to race realism and especially the JQ he is intellectually dishonest.
At the beginning I was lost online and thought he was a good shepherd. Later I thought he was a grifter. Stopped watching his shit.
>What do you honestly think about him?
I think he's a cool cat that stands up for what he believes in. He's pretty based when it comes to pronouns and feminism. He also sounds like kermit the frog.
The stuff he says seems fairly obvious, but some people probably need to hear it. Don’t understand why the left hates him so much. He doesn’t even come off as political. Just light self help bullshit minus the Tony Robbins type cultiness.
He observes well, but concludes poorly to avoid the obvious places where his noticing leads him.
tells people to clean their room even though their parents have been begging for years
and a drug addict unwilling to admit he has a problem.
I don't know why either side made him out to be a big deal. He was just hawking reheated boilerplate Reaganism.
thats the first step
Among the best public speakers of the day. I hope he returns stronger and enlightened.
just watch it
>a drug addict unwilling to admit he has a problem
soooo a drug addict then. it just proves he's human like most of us. He may have admitted it to family. Maybe we get the full story later. He does have an empire to maintain so I allow him some privacy for now.
>harps on and on about "communists" and "facists" and how he wants to stop people from becoming either around 2011
>the world has become one or the other
road to hell is paved with good intentions
-jordan beterson
in retrospect i have mixed feelings about being the first person to upload his lectures from googlevideo to YOUTUBE back in 2010 and getting over 600k views on them. i really think his rise just made the left/right divide even worse.
He’s a tremendous person. He articulates the message of “try to maximize how much good you can do” and lefties hate him for it. His argument against lying is the best I’ve ever heard on the topic and it translates well to our current state.
his heart is in the right place but decades of waddling through neo marxist echo chambers have left a (((mark))) on him
his intentions seem good though and there's a certain portion of the population that can really improve their lives by taking his advice
He talks a lot but doesn't say shit. He doesn't seem to be aware that a story can be custom tailored to tell any message you want, therefore it's not a fantastic skill to be able to cherry pick ones you agree with. He's also a kike and slut enabler. 0/10
You misunderstand. He's kind of sort of ok with calling people whatever gender they ask to be called, unless he subjectively believes it is an attempt to manipulate rather than acknowledge human dignity.
What he opposes is the ability of the government to police the language through laws.
I'm a fan.
Literally who
Philosophically I guess he was technically correct? But in a way that's so obvious. So this guy says it's wrong to live for pleasure and contentment? I'm on the left, I don't really agree with that. Do you have any reasoning behind that stance which isn't just a variation on the generic right-wing Christianity we've been hearing for 150 years? No? Then I guess I don't really give a shit about what you have to say.
it was confirmed he was at some point a Soros asset (he worked on speaks)
so yeah, basically a kike
Pretty good guy.
Triggers everybody because he's not extreme enough for the righties and not infinitely tolerant like the lefties.
pulled me out of my depression and helped me get my shit together and now im getting married. glad hes okay
Doesn’t want to validate trannies so he’s based
Anyone who makes their living as a sociopolitical commentator should be shot.
What do I think?
I think Zig Forums needs to get off this dudes dick. There isn't another person alive that gets his dick sucked harder by Zig Forums than this dude.
"OMG JBP is sick in the hospital. What do now Zig Forums?"
"Hey Zig Forums fuck Jordan Peterson huh Zig Forums!"
Decent, but talks out of his ass too much and hides nonsense behind big words hoping that people don't understand those big words
Ah yes good old murderin ted
I honestly think he's a faggot
He's a cabbage now but did a good job of giving me the shoes I needed to start waling into the spikey world of NatSoc by doing lectures on the Bolsheviks
With all due respect you sound like a retard no offense
He's a cryptojew and a trojan horse to destroy the identitarian right
his wife is a kike goblin, his daughter is a whore, and he's addicted to psychiatric drugs.
He's just a common sense spokesperson, but he can hold his ground on the fly in live "debates" and because of post modernism cucked media he's one of the few voices of reason you can find online/on tv. Has never claimed to be anything he isn't so I respect him a lot
What I do know is he absolutely owns leftie cunts in any argument, on any level.
Based as fuck.
he's a good dude and dispenses entry-level redpills for normies. however, you must move beyond what he teaches asap. many more redpills await.
a leaf and should be treated as such
he is a paid shill
Free Mason who fantasises about banging his own grandmother.
>pic related, from "Maps of Meaning"
I forget he exists until I see this same recurring thread about him on Zig Forums again.
Maple nigger
He acts pissed because of the far-left pronoun faggotry but his end game is to actually pay less taxes, hence his support for the conservative right. Same for that bald faggot (forgot the name) and Lauren Southern.
i don't
I never understood why people share their batshit dreams, doesn't do you any good and makes you look like a deranged psycho half the time
>he helps white losers get critical thinking skills and turn their lives around
>he pushes people to the right
>he's redpilled on the race/IQ question and gender as biological fact
>he's protecting what little free speech I have
>he's introduced the idea that people need shared ideals to live together in harmony to a wider audience
>he doesn't believe in white identity
Well spoken smoothbrain who's only feat is getting gullible retards to buy into his psychological pseudo babble.
>it just proves he's human like most of us.
it's amazing the mental gymnastics required to extend that level of empathy to him but not other people you dislike for arbitrary reasons
The savior of our generation, and our best canadian
He's a good father
>drug addict opportunist who cashed in on the "REE SJWS" bandwagon and got enough of a retarded following to cash in on their stupidity
>still couldn't not be a hypocrite and medically fucked himself by being an addict
The alt-right classic. Be outraged, get following of beta males, cash out, have life spiral into degeneracy.
>Zig Forums is one person
He worked at UN for Soros' protege and helped develop/modify a paper on a massive, global scale equality of outcome and socialism plan
This isn't even a conspiracy - it's a fact and you can look it up. That says all there is when it comes to his motivations and intentions.
Good guy. Straight shooter. Tries to do the right thing. Fast reader. Decent recall. In absolute academic terms: a plodder. He's reinterpreted Jung, Piaget and Lacan with a little bit of modern statistical analysis. At his core he's a pretty soft hearted person and the strain of the scrutiny, schedule and wife's illness pushed him to make a poorly informed decision with benzos. Got hooked. It ruined him for a year. He got covid. Further sickened him.
Overall, I like Jordie. He's a nice fella who is trying to get people to respect themselves and be respectful.
being right wing literally destroyed his brain
humans are not meant to be this rigid and confrontational for long periods of time
hopefully he can heal now and just live and enjoy life
Smartest psychologist on earth. Watch his 1997 harvard playlist, hes been based for decades
You will never be a woman.