Why the flying fuck does americans wear shoes indoors? its fucking disgusting
Why the flying fuck does americans wear shoes indoors? its fucking disgusting
Trump supporters*
Not all Americans
Because floors are dirty as fuck
If it’s tile then ok. If carpet then it’s heresy
freedom bitch
yes because you wear shoes indoors you dumbass
There is not a lot of shit in my streets where I live.
sometimes I'll have my shoes on in bed.
I always wondered this myself. Growing up on a farm, my parents would have beat my ass if I DARED to wear shoes or boots in the house. I was shocked to learn that this is not the norm in most households.
NO, not wearing shoes is disgusting
fucking disgusting
your parents raised you right
unlike norway, their streets are clean
I'm self conscious of my small feet don't bring this up
We don't. Why do Norwegian men not fight back when their women are raped by Muhammad.
That's funny coming from a Norwegian. You know what's even more disgusting than wearing shoes in the house? Pic related, you homosexual softie boys.
we have less muslims and black people than you
stay fucked
i have been to america many times
its a criminal/black/spic hellhole
It's the same logic with guns
I'm doing that right now. Laying in bed with shoes on while my phone is charging.
Farm kid hear too. Pig farm no less and we didn't even wear dirty close inside. Had to strip off in the garage and go direct to shower.
depends on households. some allow it, some don't. the ones that do are usually much dirtier, obviously.
Having non-family members bare feet or worse their disgusting bacteria ridden socks on my floor is absolutely unacceptable. Unfortunately since I often have strangers in my home for various reasons, I can't expect them to just float around the house so shoes seems a polite compromise.
It doesn’t matter because we only ever walk on pavement and tile
No fucking clue it's literally the most retarded thing ever. It's mostly a southern/rural thing but most people don't do it.
Lol oh yeah you have been America. NYC, LA, Chicago. That's not America.
heard about indoor shoes?
It's because americans are filthy fucking animals, news at 7. They do the weirdest fucking shit and think it's the norm, that is the sheltered existence of a burger
Bare feet/socks are a thousand times more disgusting. You clean everything before and after guests.
I grew up in rural America too, I didn't know one family who wore their shoes inside, you always took them off in the mudroom or at the door. I moved to a city and everyone wears their shoes inside. It's gross. Maybe just country folk do it?
Wesring socks is bad? Like here i'm barefoot pretty much year round, but that seems a strange thing to go after.
i have been to:
Orlando, Ft louderdale, miami, NY, DC, Baltimore, Chicago and Puerto rico all cities except Ft louderdale was a criminal hellhole
Because they are Söy
We lefty’s for it more because people would be appalled by my nasty holed stuff discolored socks. Yeah byeden
>I don't walk in puddles, the ground is clean where I walk
Disgusting habbits for a digusting breed
Uh, no. Only barbarians wear their shoes indoors.
Those look pretty comfy tbqh senpai
I will not trake my shoes off in your dirty ass domain, also, you will never be a woman.
Yeah how many miles do your nukes go? Fucking savage.
Do you ever wonder how disgusting you are?
It's only nasty Yankee Doodle urban trash I even seen do it?
>what is washing your feet
>pavement cant be dirty
you wore those shoes to a public restroom and now you are dragging those same shoes over your carpet
its fucking gross
Shoes on if I know I'll have to leave the house for something later, shoes off when I'm not going fucking anywhere.
I dunno but British people do as well
>yeah fuck bacteria ridden socks (???)
>Let them run around your house with their filthy fucking shoes instead
Why can't Europeans stop thinking about us?
Because we also have vacuum’s and steam cleaners you fucking faggot.
How’s that vhs player and color tv treating you? Fuck.
> have been to (major metropolitan area) many times
its a criminal/black/spic hellhole
barbarian here. can confirm. once a month we pull the floor drains and hose her down. easy peasy.
Because taking your shoes off is a sign that you're comfortable, and if you're in someone else's home, they may or may not want you getting that idea. Complete stranger? Keep the shoes on, don't make yourself comfortable. Kids having a sleepover? Kick those shoes off, get comfy.
No we don't
Its truly barbaric
Most people don't trudge through shit every day.
We don’t. It’s a big country.
Yeah they are.
Fuck yurope
dude all of america is like that most probably
i litterally woke up in san juan 3am because it was fucking shooting outside my hotel
Im physically and mentally unable to do that.
I bet that baby is going to come out black too kek
>Why the flying fuck does americans wear shoes indoors? its fucking disgusting
It's very nasty.
I completely acknowledge that I'm disgusting. I sleep with a Vietnamese potbelly pig and two dogs. My bed is already filthy.
Appalachia here. Half the time we don't wear shoes outside either. Its 50/50 on whether a household gives a fuck about shoes in the house.
agree. I walk bare feet when Im home. daily reminder if you wear shoes indoors you're a fucking jew faggot and must be gassed asap.
It's quite simple, Americans are lazy as fuck and their homes are absolutely filthy with carpets that they vacuum maybe once a week that are full of years of shit and dirt and food and dust and all manner of mites.
Wall to wall carpet is another product of lazy entitled American women that can't be bothered to clean their fucking house. My floors are WHITE TILE. My wife cleans them MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY. No shoes in the house mother fuckers
You people really get off on race mixing dont you?
Based gookpigfucker
Hahaha wait so you are telling me burgers wear shoes inside?
Only Israelis and mutts do this
You, my friend, have never been to America.
they still use wall to wall carpets? is it the 80s still ? lmao
you shouldn't talk about your mail order gf like that
Mostly because I don't respect the people whose homes I walk through.
They're filthy.
My home or my friends homes though, yeah I take my shoes off at the door.
>Hahaha wait so you are telling me burgers wear shoes inside?
Only low class low rent ones. I personally don't, unless I'm doing something that requires me to wear them.