Based riddler memes?

Based riddler memes?
I'll start.

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Brainlet here, explain meme OP

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You are fucking OBSESSED with trans folk

This is my favorite, these all make great succinct arguments against liberal poison.

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you will never pass

Attached: Riddler06.jpg (514x719, 233.28K)

Gas chambers, you must be new; welcome.

Gas chamber doors were made of wood, I believe.


i love this, keep em coming

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> +1 Karma

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The Riddler might be an antisemite.

How is addicted to attention,
but to anybody who wants to be left alone, they cause tension?

Riddle me this and riddle me well
Who blows themselves up yet their numbers always swell?

I dont get it

>tfw you start comparing time studies on oven capacities

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keked and saved, thank you fren.

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What are some good riddler comic books? He is kinda my favorite but I havent read a single good thing with him. Zero year, hush and war of the riddles were shit.

There's a people
Who hate you expose their lies,
With many criminals they have ties,
Everywhere they go, it's bad news.
They are called...

Holocaust user always just assume it’s the holocaust.

play Arkham City