A few days ago an user posted a thread talking about what’s truely going with the United States election.
Basically the what he said was the United Nations deemed Trump unfit to rule the most powerful nation on the earth when aliens arrive. The United Nations had a secret meeting where select countries were in the meeting.They’re rigging the election for Biden so that’s when the time comes Biden is also not fit but will bend to China. The reason why Trump is so serious about this is because he believes Biden is unfit.The thread went into saying how dominion voting software was being used to rig the election with the votes being stored on SCYTL servers in Frankfurt Germany.
There was also another post an hour and a half before this stating that SCYTL servers had been secured by the US military in Germany.
The fact that two sources within close times disclosed the SCYTL servers seems too strange. The we are now officially covering both dominion and SCYTL fraud.
Trump created the space force in 2019 which seems weird and everyone harassed.
I wish I had the full thread capped. Calling out any anons who can help connect some dots. Even if it sounds crazy let’s dig around and see what there is.
>Ayys contacting us >Somehow an alzheimer patient and the least popular democrat candidate is a better choice Yeah, seems legit. Back to /x/
Xavier Bennett
Lots of truthful numbers here
Alexander Bennett
This shit is definitely a LARP, says he doesnt wanna get fired and then posts the exact date and year he was hired. FUCK OFF FAGGOT
Carson Hernandez
Sounds dumb, it would be a continuous signal.
Carson Thomas
You’re a fucking idiot if you don’t take the time to read everything before posting.
Henry Morgan
It was a LARP dummy. Communal peace? As if anything that remotely looks like that exists in south america, Africa, the middle east, south and southeast asia. Hes just trying to make you like China. Secondly, lefties are retarded and started attacking him for the space force. Spacecom has long been around in the US military. He just wanted to give it it's own separate branch. It's mostly logistics and intel because countries bully each other up there. >oops my satellite crashed into yours, sorry uwu Just enough plausible deniability to not directly engage. Fuckin assholes.
Mason Torres
alien psyops ramping up, too? such desperation, all the cards are being played. sloppy.
Adam Long
Stop falling for these larps already. The only reality is that the Jews want more power and they'll take it by any means necessary. The time is ripe to destroy the old ways and bring about a NWO. That's been the goal since the start. And they will succeed. Who's gonna stop them? Your neighbor? That guy down the street? Some random angry mob that will only raid and burn down local small businesses? Nobody gives a fuck. Everyone's utterly demoralized and just wants to live their life in relative peace, no matter if their privacy or freedoms are at stake. You don't have to believe me if you're skeptical. You'll see when they start pushing for mass vaccinations and tracking and worse things yet to come.
Jeremiah Scott
That is the gayest larp, at least the CIA nigger seems to be right half of the time, but believing its the ayy lmaos its too much
William Robinson
google "project blue beam" that alien shit is a hoax. or an intentional disinfo like alex jones where he says some 100% accurate stuff then muddies the water with crazy shit so no one notice what he actually said.
Matthew Carter
>China or the US >Not Russia >Putin is literally the most powerful man on Earth
Demoralisation_Delegitimisation_Dismissal-Obfuscation_Ops _________ Will all Fail.
Despair; Marxist Filth - A Decade of Exposing and Expelling you All; From positions of Authority/Dominion/Inluence/Power
Has Commenced
>What has trump done for white america? Eased up regulations, causing a construction boom the US hasn't seen in decades.
>Decreased Illegal Immigration overall by getting Mexico involved at the southern border. >Lowest unemployment ever recorded >White people's savings and Retirement acct.s drastically increasing Those are a few...But I know you aren't going to read them. >Actively supports ICE to remove deepstate human trafficking/drug trafficking monetary assets at the border >Coordinates Effective planned takedowns of Confirmed Mohammedan Terrorist assets >0 [ZERO] American casualties from post-Souleimani liquidation from Iran >Secured --BILLIONS-- in FDI [Foreign Direct Investment] from transnational corporations into America >Has ---DECIMATED--- Political Correctness / False Narratives / Actively reversing the Ideological foundations of the Frankfurt School's legacy of Critical Theory / Post Modernism / Deconstruction of White, Western, American values peddled against him
This doesn't make any sense. The Chinese will just make soup out of the aliens.
Dylan Bell
You better protect those ayyy lmaos before we rape them and chinks eat them
Jace Cooper
maybe this is "what is coming"? Also, it's probably just chinese fucking with retards. Imagine just giving your country to the chinese cuz "aliens". lmao
Charles Martin
Here we go again!!!
(insert laugh track)
Camden Anderson
I fucking read it and my point stands. Get the fuck back to /x/ with your shitty larp. Captain Alzheimer and his Poo handler can't even control the nigs and gommies in your streets. There's no fucking Ayy's coming. You've been fucking had by the same powers that invested a fucking lot of money in 2016 who finally demanded a return on their investment.
Angel Perez
These evil demonic motherfuckers are supposed to bring peace to us? The same ones that fuck kids and kill people who speak out about it? The same ones that start never ending wars for the Israelis? The same ones that defended and encouraged the looting and rioting that BLM did?
Please, they probably just wanna fucking burn this place to the fucking ground before the Aliens get here and rightfully fry their asses for committing horrible and terrible crimes against humanity.
China? JESUS CHRIST. Those bastards? They're even fucking worse. They treat their own people like fucking shit, they want them to represent Earth? Not Japan? Not Sweden? Not Iceland? Fucking Brazil would be better.
Yeah, this is bullshit. If it's not, then it's the funniest non-joke I've ever seen in my entire life. Clown world would be complete if this were to be true, which it's not, but still, HAH.
Servers were reportedly secured in Frankfurt where Amazon's eu-central region is hosted. Scytl and Smartmatic are both global aws partners. Very interesting link......
in alex jones case it is pathological and not intentional in the last two public events he had, you can see sometimes how hard he tries and how harsh he fails
Kevin Thompson
>Fuggin shid... xD Fuggin shid indeed... Praise Kek, let the chaos commence.