/tcg/ Tucker Carlson General

>Full episodes uploaded here
>Based Tucker Moments

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fuck tucker
fuck drumpf
fuck Zig Forums

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I'm ready for my comfy TUCK time. Got my beers and pineapple express ganja. Its gonna be sooo cozy

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Where is everyone?

tucker has cucked 5 or so times in the past few months, he is no longer useful to us as a Zig Forums amplifier

Fuck kikes

Fuck you nigger

It’s Friday and the show doesn’t stay for another 20 minutes.



Give Matt Walsh Show a chance he's based as fuck. If Tucker doesn't leave Fox News soon he's finished about as cucked as the rest of them.

Good evening gentlemen. Im gay now


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fuck you, watch the last month of tucker, you will see that in almost every episode he has a nigger on or has a segment defending niggers

How so?

he cucks out 5 nights a week

>he doesn't know that tucker is running for POTUS in 2024

apparently telling us to focus on the China corruption, and that Hunter Biden's dick pics don't win anyone over is cucking

Good evening my nigga.

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no, its the daily nigger segments, not covering the fraud except muh dead voters, and firing his writer and chastising him on air
we dont need a nigger lover as president

Hi frens. Fuck niggers and kikes

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Greg Kelly on Newsmax is the new Tucker now that Tuck is cucked.

you are such a dumb fucking american idiot . i am a han chinese living in america . it is so bad here every day i am treated with racism by corrupt american government . you are so stupid . CCP own all of american infrastructure and wind power farms all build by CCP . you are so fucking stupid . your whole country chinese by 2050 . coronavirus it was made in america fuck you.

Hello niggers.

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Missed the show yesterday. First time in months. Went shooting instead. Did I miss anything good?


Hi my niggas

And he keeps emphasizing that all the problems have absolutely NOTHING to do with race. "This is a class struggle". I still think he's good for us, but it would be nice if he didn't repeat the we are all equal lie 5 times per night.

You fucking people are pathetic. If you dont like tucker get the fuck out of here. God damn... if I could, would decapitate you and skullfuck your bloodied mouth nigger. Fuck off

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LARP harder, faggot.

Good evening frens. Will Tucker have based Sidney Powell on?

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good evening brothers

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This. Tuck is being passive aggressive on the race war on whites by emphasizing it's a war on the middle class which is a war on whites

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STOP WITH THE GOREFAGGOTRY. Also who the fuck is that? You killed her, or sandniggertry?

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good to see Martha's show is cucked beyond belief.

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>P R E S I D E N T E L E C T

CCP doesnt own shit. Even Israel owns China. Israel owns the belt and road. Xi sucks Bibi cock after Henry Kissingers


Fuck off chink

Hello frens

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>retard boomer gen

LOL cringe


We won guys! We really won!!!

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Haha youre gay now

Getting comfy Mein fren

Go back faggot or end up like her

Fuck AOC. If you can't take criticism for your comments, then get the fuck out of public office.

not clicking that shit but 9/10 it's beaner gangs.

Hey buddy!

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You will never be a woman.


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Tucket looks like a dyke

game time lets gooooo

Lose some fucking weight you fat whore

fellow fa/g/ reporting in

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>America is still the best place there is
>We’re going to ignore everything going on
Ok I think he’s lost me.

>Broken English
Pic related

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Tuck shows comfy outdoor fishing spots

reminder: youtube.com/watch?v=u_ZZsKFtiNs

Hello shills! You will never stop /tcg/, but you can always successfully kill yourself!

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so biden is about to be investigated for his financial ties to China and Russia right?

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Holy shit almost missed the start, luckily that military thread archived just in time.


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Whats up with the shirt/tie combo? He must have went fishing.

Welp, he cucked tonight for damn sure.

I guess you can cuck the Tuck.


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No lol

20 minute break. I hope he talks about dominion after.

>Tucker Carlson
>Friday cope edition
America is over. Democracy is over. The European race is over.

It's almost exactly what my grandfather would wear. And he was an old-school Connecticut type.

>The stuttering starts as soon as Tuck comes on
As always

Tucker talk about Dominion or I'm done.



this is the biggest cringe episode I’ve ever seen kek

Fuck off kike

Reply AMERICA BEST or you mother will die in her sleep

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What is the COPE shit


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Disgusting. Take care of yourself and stop posting imagines of your chest on the internet

Is this gonna lead to like, China trying to fuck up our forests or Alaska or something?

Patriotic episode tonight, boys. Eurofags get fucked.

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thank you for the whitepill, tucker

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This must be an early pilot filmed in the 90s. Yikes, read the room Tucker.

imagine the stench and the sag

What's Tuck (Cucked) talking about instead of the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud?

>Takes a shot at the metric system

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Absolutely blessed show. Kill yourselves bunkercucks.


Better music? Is Tuck smoking crack?

>We don't eat dogs
Holy based

Based and whitepilled anti chink episode

America best

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>we don’t eat dogs
Tucker going hard after chinks.

Literally nothing.

Coke back in 20 minutes you kike.

WTF is Tucker doing? He really did cuck out. Who gives a shit about what he's talking about? There's election fraud going on and he's talking about Christmas? Fuck him. Watching Stitchfield on Newsmax from now on.

My mom's already dead, but AMERICA BEST



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He's a Grateful Dead fan. I think he's a little... I don't trust his opinion on music lol

>it's why we fought off the Metric System


Alright the metric system is superior sorry Tucker

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This is a whole lotta cope

>we don’t eat dogs
Chinks btfo


>Lets all come together and not do anything radical speech.

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>proud of not using metric system
ok y'all are retards

Tucker is comfy time.
But it's too late, I'm always sleepy...

>Mark Steyn, why are you still here? just to suffer?

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>he's a deadhead
No fucking way lmao

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What is this gay shit? Cover the fucking news, did they get to Tucker?

Based smaller government guy.

Checkmate third worlder I use both fluently.


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Two types of people in this world. People who use the metric system, and people who have been to the moon krautbro

Yup, go check it out. I saw some old article where he bragged about going to FIFTY Dead concerts.

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Not used in aviation or kitchens or... find out.

First for comfy in my NH town

Didn't Mark Styen admit to blowing Boris Johnson a few nights ago on Tucker?

This Mark Steyn brit fag lives in the Giga liberal north east. What a shocker lol.

I hate all these media commentators speaking for muah working class people when they never lived it.

>mark steyn dabbing on trannies.

What the fuck is tucker opening with.


2 types of measurement systems:
Those that put men on the moon and those that use the metric system.

I disagree with that speech to the point that I could probably name one European country thay has "x" better than americans. But I guess his point is you guys have it all. GOOD BLESS MERICA. And fight for your freedoms niggers.

based leaf


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Fuck of beaner. This is a country of spics and niggers. Kikes will flood every country on the earth with spics, niggers, and sand niggers. The US will coerce the EU, and the EU will work with the US, with Israel, with China, and with the third world to take everything you have. Europeans will be extinct by the end of the century.

It is but America is full of low IQ niggers so standard is better here

The shills in this thread prove that tranny commies hate the American whitepill

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Absolutely based and musicpilled
Imagine doing mushrooms with Tuck

He's probably a Phish fan, too.

America best

He has to fill an hour. Suspense has to build. Boring shit up front.
Imagine that, they hate the country so...

This is fucking terrible and I've been a stout Tuck defender. America won't be the best if the elite initiate complete control Tucker waht the fuck.

Its funny how far behind you internet streamers are on the show, like a whole minute

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Except NASA uses metric lol

why are these fags trying to convince me I'm lucky to be here even if our election was rigged and we are about to become communist?
Fuck this foxpaganda

This. This is the worst fucking episode.

Is he quitting? Did they tell him to shut up? HOW IS HE TALKING ABOUT FUCKING CHRISTMAS?



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Would everything.
Good taste.


Tucker is based... Racism as an identity is fucked... It is one thing to say nigger or recognise nigger crime rate but that sort of hatred is stupid...

Agreed. That’s basically all media commentators, besides maybe ironically Hannity lol

Why not watch Real America with Dan Ball on OANN at this time? Much better, IMO.

So do US science based agencies (USFWS and USGS from my experience)

Shut up kraut.

based boisterous british man

More Eurofaggots

Nasa uses the metric system.

Alright tuck I’ll take my soma and shut the fuck up and be thankful the government hasn’t microchipped me yet.

What happened to you man.

>TFW your gf has a (((cock)))

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This episode sucks so far, lads.
The message isn’t wrong it’s just really badly written.

AMERICA BEST you fucking cunt.