Zig Forums TCG thread!

We could really use a politically/meme based card game for this board, if we all worked together, we can make it happen, I believe in us!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: card_temp_test_judge.png (704x1004, 1M)

I'm thinking we should add
>red gem = 1
>blue gem = 5
>yellow gem = 10
>green gem = 50
>purple gem 100
>Gold card base = Rare
>Silver card base = Special
>Copper card base = Regular

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uhm, how is this Zig Forums? add something about flags at least?

>shameless ripoff of You-Gay-Ho
nah. for the second time, wake me when we're making a Magic clone instead.
MtG > You-Gay-Ho

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Would you be interestented HeartStone clone like game?


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Could just steal the MTG format and release a new set every year, with new specific abilities for that year in question. A set of 250 cards would be decent. I know how to make fake MTG cards, and Im an artist and (was) an avid magic player so I could probably do it all myself within a month if I worked on it everyday (which I can since I lost my job and havent found one yet). But if there's no monetary value in it for me I don't really see the point of such an undertaking.

I never played YGH game. It is just card template. No rules decided yet.

What elements from that game would you borrow for Zig Forums game?

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I never played MTG. But would people be interestend in paper version that much? I think real meat is in PC game with cards. And MTG looks rather complicated.

>And MTG looks rather complicated.
it is but that's but brings out the richness in gameplay. it's pretty easy to understand initially and all of the details are usually not relevant

make it happen

Attached: ciacard.jpg (419x610, 310.5K)

If you're envisioning that this is a fully playable game, you're right that MtG is way too complicated. There's a reason it's taken them 20 years to achieve a proper digital implementation.

But also, as a software engineer, making a real game can be a ton of work and is unlikely to ever gain traction here. Even on /g/ people are too lazy to make anything real.

Wtf this bitch ain't got have nipples

I can have HeartStone like game with Zig Forums meme cards playable in few days. Question is if there is interest in it.

There would be tremendous interest in that, yes.
/tg/, /g/, and Zig Forums would also be interested in a Zig Forums card game.


Check it. No graphics yet. But you can try it.

Forgot screenshot.

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Attached: sc_07.jpg (995x735, 288.6K)


looks like Holly Earl in the face but her tits are miniscule

Looking very good, user.
If you're making a pure HS clone, the big question is who are the characters and what are there hero powers. Could be very fun to play as Pepe, for example.

If you're looking to shake up the HS formula, the big questions are how to handle asynchronous interaction (HS only has Secrets) and whether or not to have hero powers.

Attached: blue-eyes-white-dragon.png (400x580, 573.45K)

Kek. Nice.

These are valid questions. This thread is test for me if there would be interest in it.

I can imagine some Hero Characters like Trump for example. About balancing cards and stuff. I don't know. I am mostly graphic guy. But i have user who is Heart Stone player so he should be better at designing these card powers and skills. Of course it all will be more simple than HeartStone. I am not Blizzard.

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Just the simplicity of it I guess

sweet pepe

I dont know but if trump is a hero he could have something called red wave or the wall. Adds defence or attack points for which ever power. Ive only played yugioh so youll have to excuse my lack of knowledge

There are some buff cards etc in HeartStone.
I don't know much about it either. Fortunatelly have Heart Stone player on team so he should know what to do.


cant believe we are yet to have a decent Zig Forums tcg