A reminder that state legislatures have the Constitutionally-granted unilateral authority to pick electors for the state, irrespective of any directive that they voted a certain way in the past.
So we're all aware that Trump has lost the election, but is only contesting the results because it's not in his nature to back down without first putting up a fight, and he's doing so as a way to hype up his base for the 2024 run, right? I mean we're all smart enough in here to realize this, no one itt actually thinks Trump will be re-inaugurated on Jan 20.
Noah Sanders
Remember when sniffing little girls was surely going to sink Biden? Remember when endless gaffes were surely going to sink Biden? Remember when Obamagate was surely going to sink Biden? Remember when running a campaign from his basement was surely going to sink Biden? Remember when Hunter's laptop was surely going to sink Biden? >you are here Remember when voter fraud was surely going to sink Biden?
>tfw Biden is now the unsinkable one
Xavier Hernandez
Joseph.... you better put those ballots down, boy.
Dominion C&C servers were in Germany and capable of flipping votes in the election. Yes, this is super duper mega ultra illegal and probably casus belli. They were run by a company called Scytl according to a German language source, a translation of which has been signal boosted by Sidney Powell. The claim is that the US Army fucking raided them and took the servers.
That's a Democratic law professor commenting on the lower court rulings, which are being appealed. The second comment was about how pointless Kerry's lawsuits were over a few votes, but Trump's lawsuits are covering hundreds of thousands. Again, know what the fuck you are talking about before commenting on it..
Nathaniel King
checked and awoo'd! still hatting. please be patient captcha being fucked no webm or gif yet
Evola is a good place to start although he kinda pussied out when talking about Mussolini.
Andrew Phillips
Gohmert is a well-meaning retard who literally just got pee-dossiered.
Justin Young
you are such a dumb fucking american idiot . i am a han chinese living in america . it is so bad here every day i am treated with racism by corrupt american government . you are so stupid . CCP own all of american infrastructure and wind power farms all build by CCP . you are so fucking stupid . your whole country chinese by 2050 . coronavirus it was made in america fuck you
Juan Flores
>implying the feds would need to physically show up at a data center to get evidence Boomers are retarded
Jose Rivera
Trump called his BFF today and looks like Trump plans on waiting to concede until the votes are certified
bathe in the blood of spic tyrants. harassment is harassment. and payback is bloody
Xavier Mitchell
Why do attractive women in their teens get fat and ugly in their 20’s?
Juan Fisher
>Drumpf re-posted instead of composing a new tweet! Gah! What a dummiehead!
Levi Jackson
Stop being retards, Trump likely has no idea that congressman retard spouted off that bullshit at all.
Brandon Gutierrez
Did he flip Pennsylvania yet? How can it be confirmed? Which state is next?
Christian Scott
Why isn't Twitter considered a publisher?
Ian Hughes
>they're still tripling down on ( ! ) It's great, they don't realize that the more they do this, the more obvious the propagandizing becomes and the more legitimate they make Trump's stand look in the eyes of the people.
You can't get any more clear than "the media doesn't decide who the President of the United States is", by insisting on calling their media buddies "Official sources" they do nothing but provoke the wrath of the citizenry.
Yes indeed. The left can't afford to admit this, though. Germany raid is bigger than I thought. He really was going full Willy Wonka with that China Virus speech. "If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant."
I truly do not understand. If they are so sure that Trump lost, then won’t this just show that Trump is a “loser”?
Grayson Lewis
if trump was so great, why is the """system""" so rigged against him? all he had to do was not be shit and he probably would have won
Jason Clark
By invalidating the entire process as fraudulent. You don't need to argue specific ballots are fraudulent when you can toss the entire thing based on constitutional and civil right violations. A similar lawsuit to pic related was filed in GA earlier today.
>Did he flip Pennsylvania yet? All of Biden's net gains since 8pm on election night come from fraudulent ballots so yes. >Which state is next? NC already got called for Trump. This is a parallel thing, not serial. GA, MI, WI, AZ, and NV are all in progress.
> The claim is that the US Army fucking raided them and took the servers. That part is unsubstantiated. It traces back to a German boomer's bullshitting session.
Carson Reyes
Do you really think if you do this you won't split the Republic? When Democrats realise that even when they win, they can't win, there will be secession or civil war.
Is he actually a "tough guy" irl or does he just think he's the characters he plays? There ever been a "Ron Perlman beat the shit out of someone" story?
Jaxon Myers
>Raid on the Dominion servers in Germany
Err, guys, wasn't Caesar returning from Gaul when he crossed the Rubicon?
Retweeting his Hannity Tweet. I'm bored. Please do more than tweet. Also, at what point does the judge just dismiss lawsuits out of hand because they're frivolous?