Death to communism.
Death to communism
Communism is based.
Liberals get the bullet.
you're really mad about trump losing huh? it's ok
Both do.
But post the webm
Enjoy your helicopter ride tranny
Communism isn't real.
Nobody has ever implemented it, nobody has ever explained how they could implement it, Lenin, Mao, Trotsky, Stalin, XI, all they ever did was make excuses as to why they can't implement Communism yet.
It's a pipe dream.
Marx and Engels were decent analysts, but they provided no actual solutions that could be applied to real world logistics in reaal time.
Nobody has.
And nobody will.
You retards who endlessly bleat about communism, if you actually took the time to learn what you're talking about instead of just feeling a feel and leaving it at that, you could always silence the commies with one simple word: How
They'll never answer because they can't, it's a fucking pipe dream.
There will never be a nation with no government or currency whose means of production are owned by the workers.
Nobody can explain how such a thing could exist, and nobody ever will.
By all means, prove me wrong, I'm not actually opposed to communism any more then I'm opposed to riding a Unicorn.
Where on this planet is there any substantial amount of communism? Other than western universities. Nowhere, that's where.
This! One of the best execution vids out there. From a hasty trial in a classroom to instant death penalty on the adjacent balcony. The build-up is great.
Simple yet fun. Adding this to my expansive anti-communism folder.
Cheers, Jakub.
jews in USA be like
Drop a few images from your folder, would ya?
I am always perplexed that commies manage to make clinched fists look weak
(((COOMunism))) always has joomers behind it, people addicted to typical gay jewish pleasures (scamming people, attention whoring, micromanaging others, throwing temper tantrums, ...).
Well other than a lot of clueless tweets and devastation of communist statues.
And this is just funny because he looks like Oddjob.
But he didn't
From CNN Cold War. Whoever watched it knows the scene.
how does a bullet in the head feel
I have this prepared for when Gorbachev dies and I read all the bullshit on twitter about how he was a champion of democracy or something.
it all went to shit afterwards
corrupt politicians saw the chance to take the country and they did
now we can't get rid of them because the roots are set too deep
fuck off
Dangerously based
We all know that. All of us. We all had very similar processes with similar results. That's why when I say that Poland achieved independence on June 4th, 1989 I'm well aware of numerous asterisks I'm just reffering to independence from the USSR and the Eastern Block.