Commies are going to lose. Again.
SCOTUS here we come
Biden won you obsessive troglodyte
Not at all.
Fraud ballots, voting machine vote switching, no observers allowed to do their jobs.
He won in a landslide, that's why they stopped counting mysteriously in the middle of the night.
Leafs are retarded on so many levels.
We have all the evidence we need to prove that this is true. the question is if we can spur state legislatures and the supreme court to make changes NOW and send the proper electors to the electoral college. A lot is riding on the Supreme Court decision. If it does not go through and flip PA, then everything is probably lost. If it does, then it just takes 2 out of the swing states to assure themselves in order to make history. Georgia and Michigan look like their legislatures are willing to fight. AZ and NV are actually hearing the argument in court and might change it through judicial action.
Strange times ahead either way anons.
Not one person on the left is worried about the Supreme Court, myself included.
>He won in a landslide
This is how I know you're completely delusional. Even if Trump would've won, it would not be a landslide. He's massively unpopular.
Who gives a shit? Fuck the supreme court has to say.
get a non-retarded source
>Biden won you obsessive troglodyte
maybe in your tranny discord. in the real world he's the most popular president since reagan.
>Alito is just teasing them
You’ll never be a woman.
gets the rope
This. Even people that I know who voted for Biden admit Trump is more likeable and charismatic.
kys and rid us of your ilk
>He's massively unpopular.
If you’ve formed that opinion and aren’t simply shilling, you’ve been manipulated. The US is split, to be sure. But if you think that he’s “massively unpopular” the. you need to understand that you have literally been manipulated.
I’m not taking a side on whether or not he’s going to win a court challenge or whether he’s a buffoon or a hero. Objectively, he is not “massively unpopular,” with the electorate.
>maybe in your tranny discord. in the real world he's the most popular president since reagan
>reading all that shit
Who cares. Trump lost
can some burger here give me a qrd on where we stand in regards to the powell/giuliani/ellis cases? Seriously... american politics have become so esoteric it's hard to even keep track of it anymore.
>tax the rich
KEK. Do these faggots have no shame? So, she's going to donate all here salary, or vote no for a salary increase, I presume? If you account for all the perks she gets paid for on top of her salary by taxpayers, she's considered rich - by her definition. Did she tell her supporters that "taxing the rich" will cut into their trust fund money daddy that they hate so much, gives them?
Yes, even the gays like him. Everyone likes him. He's the king meme supreme but you dilate and seethe because he isn't on the tranny team.
Woaaazaaahh!!! Trump is definitely gonna win now!!!!! Let's goooooo!!!!!
do not cease praying, Bros.
>t. Norwaychang
Post timestamp hand, tictac dick chinsect subhuman WuMao shill.
There's a shitload of CCP shills using Euro flags, and US too.
UKChang: , , , , ,
GermanChang: , , , ,
SwedeChang: , , , , ,
FrenchChang: , , , , ,
FascistChang: ,
NaziChang: , ,
AmeriChang: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
FinnChang: , , , ,
BrazilChang: , ,
SerbChang: ,
CroatiaChang: ,
ItalyChang: ,
BelgiumChang: , , , , , , , , ,
RomaniaChang: ,
BulgariaChang: , , , , , , ,
NorwayChang: , ,
HungaryChang: ,
JapanChang: , , ,
AustrianChang: ,
NetherlandsChang: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , PortugueseChang: , , , , , , ,
>tyler durden
they got arizona and michigan to audit the dominion machines
imagine going through all the effort to make this post kek
Uh, Bidenbros...
Not that strange. There is plenty of precedent for all of this. The propaganda will act like it is some new political magic but the rules are as old as the nation.
He's not a tranny. Just part of the Zig Forums WuMao shill team Xi Pingping tasked with defending his puppet PedoJoe. All you have to do is ask them to post a timestamp hand pic to prove it, and they deflect or run.
What effort? You low IQ chinsects stick out like a tranny in a women's bathroom; it's not hard to pick you out. Post that yellow hand, Zhang.
Gonna go full doomer for a second. What if they moved up the deadline so they could spike the case in time for Safe Harbor? I wish I was full-MAGA or a shill so that I could feel confident in where this is all going. I have no fucking idea what's going to happen.
Do you even understand the meaning of that word? And to think that people like you vote.
No problem, I'll try my best:
>Rudy and Trump's official team are pursuing dry constitutional arguments based on court ruling precedent. So equal protection clause violations and that kind of thing. Very boring, relies on one group being treated differently from another to be provable, which arguably some votes were indeed given more weight. This is the same basic argument on which Bush v. Gore was won. Simultaneously, they're displaying evidence of one off instances of fraud in key counting centers. They've produced video evidence of the latter and said claims are gaining credibility.
That is the boring, but more likely to succeed, strategy.
>Meanwhile, a secondary team of lawyers, Powell included, are working probono on systemic fraud allegations. This includes dominion claims. This is a technically separate case from the claims that individuals committed fraud as solo bad actors, and these cases are not technically being ordered by Trump or his campaign in any official capacity.
These are extraordinary claims. The evidence of these claims is largely statistical and testimony based, but rumours and claims of physical evidence are gaining steam.
>Getting this triggered over opinions you don't agree with
What a snowflake
Commies were always going to lose. They never stood a chance.
Imagine going through the effort and then a Jannie seeing and actually getting rid of the shills, which seems to have happened.
Based shill ending Janny.
Fucking gaylords
I have a feeling that trumptards are going to lose, again.
>now scotus will have to write an opinion about how dumb this is instead of mooting it due to safe harbor
Shid fard
But do you have an actual argument or have you overdosed on estrogen?
>Getting this triggered over opinions you don't agree with
Is getting triggered about a post that he doesn't agree with.