The one term loser that barely delivered on any of his promises and is partially responsible for the deaths of over 250...

The one term loser that barely delivered on any of his promises and is partially responsible for the deaths of over 250,000 Americans.

And currently busying himself trying to steal this election that even pretend to care about the coronavirus surge across the USA that’s killing almost 3,000 a day.

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this post isn't going to age well

a nigger who's a faggot and a chad

OP is a faggot

More like the guy who triggered the guys who hired that donkey Obama so much they moved the agenda up and released their end of days virus too soon and it failed to kill anyone.

Thanks Donald.

So much mad.
The 7th bankruptcy is going to be the last one.

cope faggot

True, because the Demoshits and MSM telling people that Trump was fearmongering and racist for calling the Coronavirus a threat are MOSTLY to blame (if we don't count China).

Fellow bidenbro, I say we just accept the game is up at this point and leave with some dignity and go back to discord with some integrity left. But ydy.

I'd rather be a one-term white man than a two-term nigger.

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Chinese shill posting is through the roof today. Are you first or second shift?

sage this dogshit. what's going on here?

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>Lefties when you show them that the second wave started during their riot for a meth head

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>hahaha you only won the American presidency once
What kind of insult is this? Lmao
Pretty sure nobody who ever posted that picture even came close.

Trump lost the election twice BY A LOT.

The electoral college is bullshit and will be laughed at decades from now. Trump lost the popular vote BY A LOT both times.

Imagine unironically supporting Trump. Diaper Don can't even control when he shits his pants, so what makes you think he can control the Executive Branch? The American People know this, and that's why he's being kicked out of the White House according to their wishes.

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Hellboy was right about Trump

Attached: 2431F6EA-D514-4978-A668-A586DF2751FD.jpg (1125x1175, 508.69K)

I think you are mistaking him for Sleepy Joe... You know, because that old fuck is a dementia riddled pedo who probably shits himself at least four times a day.

imagine still shilling the memeflu

2,860,000 Americans died in 2018. Trump's fault to I guess.

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Ron Perlman's a kike. Also a hypocrite. Professes love for niggers but secretly betrays then abandons his longtime nigger bitch for some grade-A white shiksa pussy.

Attached: mfw i am a kike.png (434x312, 281.44K)

Most of the "popular votes" came out of commiefornia, let's have an audit, shall we?

You will never be a real woman

Please stick to the facts, dear

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whoa whoa whoa... perlman was married to that old boon?????

Honestly can't be mad at a guy who killed this many Americans, pretty based of you ask me

Lmao Lil Donnie.
I’m going to be using that a lot. That’s hilarious.


New fag detected Go back where you came from

Sounds like bull shit to me user.

for some time
>Ron Perlman files for divorce after 38 years of marriage ...
Nov 06, 2019 · Ron Perlman's marriage is coming to an end after 38 years. The "Hellboy" actor filed for divorce on Tuesday from his wife, Opal Stone Perlman, which comes five months after he was photographed...