Is authoritarian/totalitarian governance necessary to ensure peace and prosperity in a racially diverse society?
Is all of this shit happening for a good reason?
More diversity requires more police presence
Mussolini made two big mistakes that led to him being hung upside down with his balls in his mouth. He signed the Pact of Steel and allied with Germany with a outdated military and he invaded Greece. He should've stayed neutral like Spain and maybe he would've ruled to old age like based Francisco Franco.
How can any one person or group be ensured that that authoritarianism/increased police presence will be directed to prioritize its interests?
How can anyone be ensured that a state like this is engaged in correct and informed decision-making?
Thank you Bill Gates
It’s helpful in a racially homogenous society, but not strictly necessary. It’s absolutely required in diverse multicultural hellholes.
I just got done ranting to myself in my living room about how I would never consent to Covid vaccination precisely because this motherfucker who has nothing to do with science or medicine won't shut the fuck up about it.
Does this look like an evil person to you?
This is just a screen from the music video for Take On Me.
No it's my art piece
YES. Also, pic related was a fag. Franco won against communists and stayed in power for 40 years, economic and demographic boom included
Still making SEETHE lefties nowadays
How long did it take you to complete?
A day or twooooooooooooo?
Yep he built a load of hospitals
Fuck off and take with you muhhh political science lol.
A true leader is such because it encompasses the nation's spirit not because he uses good decision-making processes in public policy that satisfy muhhhh comfort
Sad that a fascist authoritarian leader's only measure of success is how long he was able to stave off the creep of liberalism and degeneracy.
Ce la vie.
How do you define the "spirit" of a nation whose populace is little more than bickering, balkanized ethnic tribes?
About an hour
We would've continued with the regime if the CIA wouldnt've ally with our enemies so that he could make Spain kneel to your globohomo world. Your fault, burger. Kill yourself
Not focusing on petty discrepancies, now fuck off amerimutt
Freedom is great but leftists have essentially used it to be unamerican pieces of shit so yeah I’m ready for the dictatorship
I was going to colour it fully but I dunno I kind of like it as it is
That would take hours and hours and hours to do layers
Freedom =/= democracy you ignorant piece of shit
Multiracial societies are doomed
I'm definitely not going to fuck off.
You've cornered yourself into a question you can't answer with platitudes.
Re-read and try again.
This, democracy means rich people run the country
In a truly democratic society, the rich would be vastly politically outnumbered by plebs.