What’s cause of European arrogance in 21st century?

What’s up with Eurocuckeans on this board and acting smug? I honestly I don’t get it. When an American acts smug to me it’s because his country has given a lot to the world in the 21st century and continues to deliver, when a Chinese talks shit to me, it’s understandable because Chinese are America’s rival and also a world power alongside America. When a Pakistani talks tough to me it’s understandable because modern Pakistanis are indeed a race of warriors hellbent to promote Islam.

But Europeans? At some point you wuz Kingz n sheit but now? You’re nothing but American vassals. You people get mogged by 84 IQ Natufian immigrants from the Middle East and 90 IQ Berberids from North Africa. How can you even possibly act smug to me? We lynched and fought tooth to nail with Turkic Central Asiatic bulls invading our homeland and you can’t resist a bunch of rats from the Middle East?

In schools here, we don’t even teach European history. The only history outside of India we read related are US history, Iranian history and Chinese history. Every time I see a European flag I have to hover over it to see what country is speaking. And most of the time I have to Google about it to see where it even exists.

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why do poos bait so much?

Europeans used to be proud about conquering the world. Now there arrogance comes from been "progressive" there new religion.

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Because we as a group are objectively superior to Indians in every way that matters.

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>What’s up with Eurocuckeans on this board and acting smug

>When an American acts smug to me it’s because his country has given a lot to the world in the 21st century

America is a European country you retarded shitskin

>what is the enlightenment?
>what is the renaissance?
>what is colonialism?

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>America is a European country
we wuz amerrican and shieeett

how much lower can europeans go? we wuzzing as americans is a first for me

Do you guys really smell like curry?

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See this is what I mean, I can't even banter against you because I don't even know what your countries are supposed to be. I really do not care.
Imagine being the low T version of America. At least Americans have guns, cool blackfolx, Latinx rappers, CEO Indians. All you have is Punjabi truck drivers, Hongcouver chinks buying your land and some Natives committing crimes.

American is a made up identity, the country was built by people of European descent, thus it is a European country, do things like this really need to be explained?