What Are They Preparing Us For?

More credible people have come out with information about UFOs/aliens in the past 5 years than the previous 5 decades. The idea of extraterrestrials is being normalized for a reason. Somewhere in all of the testimony and conspiracy theories there are kernels of truth. What does Zig Forums think it is?


Attached: ufo_1.jpg (688x678, 48.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They already walk among us.

Attached: 1607102561090.jpg (680x1024, 122.03K)

The extra terrestrials kidnapped your daddy and then they kidnapped you amd they took this photo of you jizzing in his face with your tiny chode.

Attached: unnamed6~5.jpg (677x887, 131.19K)


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It's an attempt to immunize ourselves against outside context problems.
When the industrial revolution came, there were mass suicides among those who couldn't cope with the drastic change. Terror at the world mutating into something utterly unrecognizable.
Imagine what will happen when we've harnessed the graviton. Imagine what will happen when we figure out that our fusion reactors entangle hydrogen as an accidental byproduct, and the effect can be used to talk to others who have entangled hydrogen a trillion light years away.
I didn't say "trillion" by accident or drunken exaggeration, although I am fuckin' hammered. Observable doesn't mean actual, and 16.7 is an ugly number. There's way more. Waaaaaaaay more.

Forum-slide thread.

>When the industrial revolution came, there were mass suicides among those who couldn't cope with the drastic change. Terror at the world mutating into something utterly unrecognizable.

This actually happened?

Who the fuck cares aliens are probably gay Eskimos or something

probably not but ppl died a lot in the factories and to disease

Oh yeah. Study end-times cults throughout history, and notice the periods where their popularity spikes.