Liberals are literally controlling this shit.
Why does nobody talk about this
Nolan Sanders
Dylan Clark
>Silicon Valley is a thing
You're a genius OP
Angel Davis
Yeah, never heard of silicone valley?
Caleb Morales
your flag tells us all we need to know
Aiden Taylor
blast it with piss
Cameron Martin
Yeah man what the FUCK why arent the biggest tech companies in the world located in the backwood stix of some food growy flyover state!!!
William Perez
Holy fuck! You might be on to something, user. Let’s find out where Apple, Google, and other Silicon Valley companies are located. This might actually be a real happening for once
Adrian Ward
Jonathan Diaz
Everyone knows that the bay area of california is the center of the technology world.
Noah Davis
>we must put an end to big tech and bomb Silicon Valley into the Stone Age
>wait Silicon Valley refers to a real place?