Trump will call the Insurrection Act in SIX WEEKS.
This is what Trump, America and the Republic requires of you: - Practice your 2A rights - Go out and make friends - Do some exercise - Read some interesting books - Contact your local GOP and RINOs and tell them to support trump
We've fought hard in the digital world but now it comes to the physical!
***Attention newfag redditors*** ****************dig**************** >Go to current dig threads >current dig threads: >Roll to figure out what you look at >Go to current info dump >Look for spicy details >Don't be a nigger and make a new thread >If there is only 1 info dump we only need 1 thread >Post spicy details in dig thread >POST A FUCKING LINK FAGGOT >Dig into spicy details via Google, Bing, Social Media everything >Post additional spicy in thread >POST A FUCKING LINK FAGGOT >If you have special autism use it >Data analysis, System Analysis, Social Engineering... everyone has a special talent >When exhausted go back to step one